HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - 03-31-09 - Regular MeetingMINUTES OF THE
MARCH 31, 2009
The City Council of the City of Downey held an Adjourned Regular Meeting at 6:31 p.m.,
March 31, 2009, in the Council Chamber of the Downey City Hall, 11111 Brookshire Avenue,
Downey, California, Mayor Mario A. Guerra presiding.
PRESENT:Council Members:
Mario A. Guerra
Anne M. Bayer
Luis H. Marquez
Roger C. Brossmer
David R. Gafin
Mayor Pro Tem
ALSO PRESENT:Gerald M. Caton, City Manager
Edward W. Lee, City Attorney
Lee Powell, Assistant City Manager
Kathleen L. Midstokke, City Clerk
Desi Alvarez, Deputy City Manager/Special Projects
Scott K. Pomrehn, Assistant Deputy City Manager
Susan Domen, Deputy City Clerk
Other Staff
City Manager Caton explained that the last departmental presentation would be given and
then the Council will rank their goals.
Council Member Brossmer announced he would not be attending the April 14th regular City
Council meeting and congratulated Mayor Pro Tem Bayer on receiving the Soroptimist Woman of
Distinction award.
Deputy City Manager/Special Projects Alvarez explained that the main priorities for his
department are: water policy issues, community enrichment, inter-agency coordination/advocacy,
and the utility yard consolidation. He explained that the Clean Water Act and the Safe Drinking
Water Act were designed to address cleaning up urban runoff. Downey has joined with other cities
to study the regulations and develop ways to conform with the Acts. He explained that Downey has
instituted programs such as installation of retention basins on City projects and is pursuing
legislation to achieve reform at the regulatory level.
He continued by explaining that Los Angeles County has introduced AB139 that would
amend the Flood Control District Act and implement a parcel tax that would generate approximately
$200 million. The cities are requesting that 90% of these funds are returned to them to implement
programs to address water issues they are responsible for. He noted that Downey has the lowest
water rates in Los Angeles County. The City owns water rights and is responsible for augmenting
their own water replenishment of the basin. One idea is to build a treatment facility plant for
reclaimed water and legislation was introduced in Washington last week to generate the funding. He
explained that every year the City pumps more water than rights they own and has to make up the
difference through the leasing market.
City Council Adjourned Minutes 03/31/09 -1-
In regards to community enrichment, Deputy Alvarez noted that the Farmer’s Market’s
attendance was down during the winter months but is climbing back up again and that Porto's
Bakery will be setting up a booth soon. He explained that the Green Task Force is moving forward.
As to inter-agency coordination and advocacy, he mentioned that Downey is well represented
among groups through memberships, Council support, State and Federal representatives and
lobbyists at both State and Federal levels. He noted they are currently targeting the catch basin
retrofit grant and an energy grant that wouldallow for the replacement of the heating/air conditioning
system at the Civic Theatre.
He concluded by explaining that the Utility Yard Consolidation project will create a
centralized yard as well as allow for additional open space at Independence and Apollo parks. The
City is in the property acquisition phase and expects the project to be completed in 2-3 years.
Council Member Brossmer questioned how much the catch basin retrofits cost and how
many had been replaced. He was told that they are approximately $2,500 and none have been
replaced as the grant is just being pursued at this time.
Mayor Guerra questioned whether the Council should formally support any legislation before
it is pursued.
City Manager Caton noted that Council has always empowered staff and that Downey has
taken on many difficult subjects and succeeded because of this.
Assistant Deputy City Manager Pomrehn noted that Council Members had received ranking
sheets and were asked to rank the 49 items from the prior meetings. He distributed a compilation of
those rankings.
After Council deliberation on how to reduce the list, it was decided to look at items
individually and see if they could be combined or should be removed. City Manager Caton
suggested that the Council focus on the major goals notwithstanding whether they have a
subcommittee or are already in progress. This would provide staff with the direction on which items
are of a higher priority to the Council. The list was reduced to 28 items prior to the recess.
The meeting recessed at 8:25 p.m. and reconvened at 8:41 p.m. will all Council Members
For the sake of consistency, Non Agenda Public Comment was taken at this time, but is
listed below. Council discussion of this item resumed at 8:47 p.m.
After further discussion , the Council eliminated 11 items from the list and 17 goals remained,
a copy of which are attached and incorporated into these minutes. A consensus of the Council
directed staff to review the items and bring back further information on implementation.
Harold Tseklenis, resident of Downey, suggested that the 17 items be reviewed consideringthe General Plan.
Ricardo Rodriguez, business owner, requested Council to review the commercial window
signage requirements on a future agenda.
City Council Adjourned Minutes 03/31/09 -2-
Harold Tseklenis, resident of Downey, noted that it is encouraging to see the Council and
staff having planning sessions and suggested the City take action to attract industries and high
paying jobs to the area.
The meeting adjourned at 9:24 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., April 14, 2009.
City Council Adjourned Minutes 03/31/09
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Final Council Goat List Ranking WarkstlagS March 31, 2009
Goal Category
Expand / Improve public information through website enhancements, including utility bill
management, pushed e-mail alerts and notices, and interactive on-line directory of events
and civic groups. Update our City's web cites so more business/citizen functions can be Pub Info - 2
completed online. Expand public information to be real-time, interactive, and correct. WiFI
for City Hall. City Facilities and throughOLl city,
,1@ Finish the public works yard consolidation and park expansion Admin - 10
Inventory, evaluate, and prioritize park facilities, usage, and seulrity concerns. More field
3.W space at Apollo Park and Independence Park. Plus new irrigation and turf renovation and Parks - 3
much, much better lights. Establish a dog park, perferably at Independence Park
q.1M Open Columbia Memorial Spa?F.9.enter and begh push for sponsorships, expanded-' programs, and expansion posgbilities Admin - 1
Establish a interdepartmental Grant Team to identify and apply for grants Admin - 4
Code enforcement find a better way to deal with our continual sites that have been that
way for a year or more to give the neighborhouls some relief form the eye sore they have
had to put up with for over a year. inventory and evaluate commercial centers and
corridors to determine what steps may be necessary to reduce blight. Establish clear
policy and procedures to expedite completion of lapsed building permits and promote
program to residential related industries (realtors, lenders, and developers)
148 Building - 1
IX§!:yF_sji_g_at_E, e_e _T_TIe I1,iIY_ T:l2_c_?I.t:!TE!!TEFI,Ty_J::hnologies including cameras to Pub Safety - 4increase crime prevention in heavily impacted public areas, ' '-~' *'-''~“1
g.m identify and promote green programs in city operations and new construction
implementation of AB 32 (California Global Warming Solutions he\ of 2006)
Prepare for Environ _ 2
g. Review, evaluate, and make recommendations regarding the city’s water system including
IM ==:tr:lni=gs:e:::Fi c?::ttT'al:dcFs7:Ff:L::aeTT/:q:J7£::=r:uccohmapji:::Et; HE::::::ede Pub Works - 4
emergencies covered .
/O. Establish a city “Branding” plan to unify Downey. Bring better high end retail to Downey,
1#6 and do a better job in the marketing of Downey thru updated information on our web pagePub Info - 1
and in booklets
1 lq
Identify and mitigate worst traffic congestion in the city through various rreasures
including signal syrchronization and reduction in on-street parking.
Pub Works - 6
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Final Council Goal List Ranking Worksheet March 31, 2009
Rank ' Goal Category
Promote economic development through review and consideration of zoning opportuniti%,
business retention programs, increased staff awareness of overall vision, and review and
streamlining of processes where appropriate. Expand business development and retentionEcon Dev - 9
programs along Firestone Boulevard. Operate in a businesslike manner. Develop and train
highly qualified City workforce committed to excellent customer service.
Review and revamp road maintenance schedule, our roads are ddterioratirB at a faster Pub Works _ 2
pace than maintenance.
,d Approve a Dowltown Specific Plan taking into consideration the community’s expressed
';; desire for such things as quality entertaInment, adequate parking., increase.d vane ly.of
-- eating establishments, Wi-FI, and security cameras. Create additional parking at civic
center, possibly a parking structure
Econ Dev - 1
dg Totally restructure the Dowley Theater both usage and rrnrketing Admin - 12
J& .
#Begin sumession planning for predicted retirements to ensure smooth transition arM
reduce loss of institutional knoWedge.{ Admin - 6
17.Nb Under ground utilities'and beautify Florence Avenue and Telegraph Avenue.pub Works - 3
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