HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 21-8034 - Adopting the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for Lakewood Blvd and Imperial Hwy•I N Is] k, I k, LOMA 115:111C1,
WHEREAS, the City of Downey (City) intends to improve the Lakewood Boulevard at
Imperial Highway intersection by reconstructing said intersection along with approach and
departure lanes as a concrete intersection as well as enhancing the capacity of the intersection
by constructing addonal turn lanes; and
WHEREAS, a Notice of Intent to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration, attached here
in as Exhibit "A", was prepared for this project on July 13, 2021 in accordance with Section
21092 of the Public Resources Code and sent to the Governor's Office of Planning and
Research, State Clearinghouse and other applicable organizations. The notice included a
description of the project, the dates of the Mitigated Negative Declaration public comment
period, the location where the Mitigated Negative Declaration could be reviewed and a
statement that the project would not result in any signcant environmental impacts with
gation; and
WHEREAS, the Mitigated Negative Declaration, along with the Initial Study and
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, attached here in as Exhibit "B", was subsequently
prepared for this project in accordance with Sections 15070-15075 of the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and
WHEREAS, the 30-day review period for the Mitigated Negative Declaration was
initiated on July 19, 2021. Copies of the draft document were available for review by the public
at City Hall and the document was also posted on the City's website on July 28, 2021; and
WHEREAS, no comments were received on the Mitigated Negative Declaration during
the public comment period.
SECTIO1% 1. The City Council has carefully reviewed and considered the Mitigated
Negative Declaration for the Lakewood Boulevard at Imperial Highway Intersection
Improvement Project. Based on its own independent judgment that the facts stated in the Initial
Study are true, the City Council hereby adopts the Mitigated Negative Declaration of
Environmental Impacts and associated Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for said
project, dated August 2021, in compliance with CEQA guidelines.
SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution which shall
be effective upon its adoption.
APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 14 th day of S ptem be
CLAObiA m. ETA, Mayor
City Clerk
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was adopted by the City Council of
the City of Downey at a Regular meeting held on the 14 th of September, 2021 by the following
vote to wit:
AYES: Council Members, Alvarez, Ashton, Trujillo, Pacheco, Mayor Frometa
NOES: Council Member: None.
ABSENT: Council Members'. None.
ABSTAIN- Council Member: None.
v:P-161 Re I I LeiPOWA ETMU,
City of Downey
Capital Improvement Project No. 19-08
Project Location: Regionally, the project site is located in the southeastern portion of the City, within the County of Los
Angeles. Locally, the project site is the intersection of Lakewood Boulevard at Imperial Highway.
Lead Agency: City of Downey, 11111 Brookshire Avenue, Downey, California 90241
Project Description: The proposed project involves roadway widening to provide additional left turn lanes in the eastbound and
westbound directions on Imperial Highway and the relocation of the existing exclusive right -turn lane on
Imperial Highway in the eastbound direction, pavement reconstruction, traffic signal modification and utility
relocations to the existing Lakewood Boulevard at Imperial Highway intersection within the City of Downey.
The project area includes the Lakewood Boulevard at Imperial Highway intersection and approximately 110
feet to 420 feet of all four roadway approaches. Partial right-of-way acquisition will be required on the south
side of Imperial Highway in order to provide the necessary street width for the additional turn lanes.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the City Council, pursuant to law, will conduct mpublic hearing at its regular City Council meeting
on a future date to be determined at 6:30 p.m., in the City Council Chambers, 11111 Brookshire Avenue, Downey, California, to
consider the Mitigated Negative Declaration. To uuo8nn the date and time of the meeting, please check the City's wmbude:
http:Vwwm.duwneyca.org.The MND is based on the finding that, by implementing the identified mitigation measures, the project's
potential significant adverse impacts will be reduced to o |muo than significant level. The namnony to support such m finding are
documented by an Initial Study prepared by the City. Copies of the Initial Study, the proposed MND.and supporting materials are
umei|ob|e for public review atthe following locations:
• Downey City Hall, Department of Public Works, I I 111 Brookshire Avenue, Downey, California 90241
• City ofDowney weboiteet
Public Review Period: Begins — July 19, 2021 Ends — August 18,2021
Any person wishing to comment on the proposed project may do so in writing and must be received by the City no later than 5:00
�m.pnthe closing date of the public review period as cited above; or, may appear and be heard at the time and place noted
above for the public hearing. All comments will be submitted to the City CoundK, and the City Council will consider such written
comments, in addition to any oral testimony, before making a decision on the proposed project.
If this project is challenged incourt, the issues may belimited to those raised at the public hearing, described in this notice, min
written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, orprior to, the public hearing. Beadvised that ooaresult ufpublic hearings
and comment, the City Council may amend, in whole or in part, the proposed project, Accordingly, the designations, development
standards, design or improvements, or any properties or lands within the boundaries of the proposed project may be changed in a
way other than opecifioa||yproposed.
The City of Downey sent a Notice of Project Application to numerous Native American tribes notifying each of the opportunity to
consult with the City on the proposed project. The City did not receive a request toconsult onthis project within the 3Udays specified
oopart ufCalifornia Public Resources Code § 21880.31.
� Hazardous Waste Sites: The project site is not identified onany ofthe lists enumerated under Government Code Section 659625.
Lakewoodlvr /
Imperial Highway Intersection
Improvement rjc
Initial Study/
Mitigated Negative clri
Lakewood Highway Intersection improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
1 CEQAAPPENDIX G: ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM ..................................................... ......... ............ I
2 ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED ....................................................... -~.................... 12
3 EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL |ROPACTS... --........................ ...... ..... ..... ............... ................... 13
3.2 Agriculture and Forestry Resources ....... ...... __..... =........ ....... .... _......... ____ ......... =14
3.3 Air Quality ........ ............... ...... -...... ............ ... ._............. ... ................... ........... ...... ...................... ..... 26
3.4 Biological Resources ......... ..................... .... ........................ ,... _...... .... ___ ........... ^'-'~^'~~-'-'-''19
3.5 Cultural Resources .................... 26
3.0 Energy .................................................................................................................................... ....................... 27
17 Geology and Soils ................ ............. .............................................................................. ,_.~,_,~,~... 28
3.8 Greenhouse Gas Emissions ................................... ....................................................................... ~^............ 30
3.9 Hazards and Hazardous Materials........................................................ ....-............... ........ ............ .-.3l
3.10 HydrologyandVVa1erQua|bV......................................... .......................... ................................................... 33
3.11 Land Use and Planning ................. 36
3.12 Mineral Resources ......... ............................................................................................................................... 37
3.13 Noise ............................. ............................................ ............................................. .................................. ~37
3.14 Population and Housing 42
3.15... .............. _.... _....... __"_....... _............. "--°--=—"~~—~--~43
3.17 Transportation ............................................................................................................................................... 45
3.18 Tribal Cultural Resources ................... ........... ................... ...................... -...... —......................... -........ 46
3.19 Utilities and Service Systems ................................. ....... .......................... .............. ... .... ........... .'.-47
3.20 Wildfire ... .......................................................... .......................... ........... ................................ ........ ........ 48
3.21 Mandatory Findings mf Significance .... ............................ 49
4 REFERENCES .................................................... ........ -................................................................................ 5Q
Exhibit1-Regional Location Map --................... .................................... ................................ .................... ......... /
Exhibit 2-Proposed Intersection Improvements -Temporary Construction Easement and Permanent Right -of Way
Acquisition...... ___ ................................................. ............................................... ,~................................. 8
Exhibit 3a-Proposed Intersection Improvements - Details .... ~~
Exhibit 3b-Proposed Intersection |nmprmvements-Details---_ __~_^_°_~___.=.~-°__-._2O
Lakewood Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
Table 7:Localized Significance Thresholds and Proposed Project Emissions (xounds/day......................................... 19
Table 2:Summary of|Pa[Search Results - Species ..................................................................................................... 21
Table 3: Breeding Seasons for Migratory Birds with Potential to Occur in Project 22
Table 4:Summary of[NDDBSearch Results - Species .... ........ r............ ... .,__........ __...... ........ ^_,^_......... _"23
Table S:Construction Equipment Noise Levels Paramount Boulevard/imperial Highway Intersection Improvement
Project........................................... ................................................................................................................ 4O
Table 6Human Response toTransient Vlbration_~__,=_,___._______-_,__~___________, _41
Appendix A: City ofDowney Air Quality and GMGImpact Analyses, Intersection ofImperial Highway and
Paramount Boulevard Improvement Project, City of Downey, California - Hodge & Associates,
January Z4'2DZU
Appendix 8: Information for Planning and Consultation (IPaC) System Search Results - U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, October g,3O20
Appen6ixC: California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) Search Results - California Department of Fish and
Game, October 9,JOZO
AppendixD: Phase I Cultural Resources Technical Report for the Lakewood Boulevard and Imperial Highway
Intersection Improvement Project, City of Downey, Los Angeles County, California - AZTEC
Engineering Group, |nc,October l3'2D2O
Append|xE: GeoSearch Radius Report -Lakewood Boulevard/Imperial Highway Intersection Improvement
Project, April 12,IO21
AppendixF: Noise Impact Analysis, Intersection of Imperial Highway and Paramount Boulevard Improvement
Project, City of Downey, California - Hodge & Associates, January 24, 2020
AppendixG: Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Summary
Lakewood Boulevard/ Imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
Improvement Project:
City of Downey
Ed Norris, P.E., T.E.
Department of Public Works
Phone:(562) 904-7110
. .
Downey, CA 90242
plI!,3!1� �
19:711 1 1 , I I I 1 -1 11OF i 111�
Properties adjacent to the proposed Project Work Area (Exhibit 2, Proposed Intersection Improvements -
Summary) along northbound and southbound Lakewood Boulevard have the following land use
designations (City of Downey, 2012b):
• LDR (Low Density Residential)
• MDR (Medium Density Residential)
• GC (General Commercial)
Properties adjacent to the proposed Project Work Area (Exhibit 2, Proposed Intersection Improvements -
Summary) along eastbound and westbound Imperial Highway have the following land use designations (City
of Downey, 2012b):
• MDR (Medium Density Residential)
• GC (General Commercial)
Properties adjacent to the proposed Project Work Area (Exhibit 2, Proposed Intersection Improvements -
Summary) along northbound and southbound Lakewood Boulevard are zoned (City of Downey, 2012a):
0 R'1Residential (Single Family)
.w R-3 Residential (Multiple Family)
� R'3-0 Residential (Multiple Family —Ownemhip)
� ['ZCommercial (Genem|)
Properties adjacent tothe proposed Project Work Area (Exhibit2, Proposed Intersection Improvements '
Summary) along eastbound and westbound Imperial Highway are zoned (City of Downey, 2012a):
0 ['2Commercial (Genera|)
8. Description mfthe Proposed Project:
The Lakewood Boulevard at Imperial Highway intersection (Exhibit 1, Regional Location Map) currently
accommodates anaverage daily traffic (ADT)volume ofapproximately 79,5QOvehicles per day (/PD)with
existing levels of service (LOS) of "D" during both AM and PM peak hours. The traffic volume at the
intersection is expected to increase by 3.6 percent to approximately 82,400 VPD by the year 2035. As such,
itisexpected thattheLOSdurin0AK8andPK8peakhoursmmu|dbethremuinat"D°vwithorwbhoutthe
proposed improvements tuthe intersection (|ter|s2O2I).
The purpose of the proposed Project is to improve traffic circulation and mobility within the 1-605 corridor
byminimizing congestion along the Lakewood Boulevard and Imperial Highway corridors. The proposed
Project would improve traffic flow through and operation of the Lakewood Boulevard and Imperial Highway
intersection during peak hours through the year 2035, via a series of improvements to the intersection. The
proposed Project would not include construction of additional through travel lanes on Lakewood Boulevard
orImperial Highway.
The proposed Project includes the following improvements (Exhibit 2, Proposed Intersection Improvements
Summary and Exhibit 3a, b, and c, Proposed Intersection Improvements — Details):
� Demolition, and removal, and reconstruction — existing intersection, crosswalks, and roadway
One existing intersection, four existing crosswalks, and roadway surfaces on two existing roadway
segments would be demolished and removed. The intersection and roadway segments would be
replaced/repaved with PCC. New decorative crosswalks also would be installed. The construction area
for the improvements would occur the following distances from center of the intersection:
o Lakewood Boulevard (south ofintersection)
°^ SouthboundLane— approximately 19Sfeet (5Qmeters)
° Northbound Lane— approximately 45Ufeet (l37meters)
o Lakewood Boulevard (north ufintersection)
• SouthboundLane— approximately 34Ofeet (1U4meters)
•. Northbound Lane— approximately l5Ufeet (46meters)
� Demolition, removal, reconstruction, and protect in place — existing medians, trees, and tree wells
Portion of two existing medians, and existing trees and tree wells, would be demolished and removed.
Portions of existing medians closest to the intersection would be protected in place as shown on Exhibit
9o,Proposed Intersection Improvements —Details.
The medians would be reconstructed in a revised geometry with Portland cement concrete (PCC) and
vegetation would be placed within the remaining medians in accordance with landscape plans.
Lakewood Boulevard /ImparialHighway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
o Imperial Highway (west of intersection) — demolition of existing median along eastbound
Imperial Highway and reconstruction of median to accommodate additional left -turn lane for
traffic turning onto northbound Lakewood Boulevard; and
o Imperial Highway (east of intersection) — demolition of existing median along westbound
Imperial Highway and reconstruction of median to accommodate additional left -turn lane for
traffic turning onto somthbmmndLakewood Bou|evard-
o Lakewood Boulevard (north of intersection) - demolition of existing median along southbound
Lakewood Boulevard and reconstruction mfmedian toaccommodate additional left -turn lane
for traffic turning onto eastbound Imperial Highway.
� Construction -new left -turn lanes
Two new left -turn lanes would beadded toImperial Highway and paved with PCCmafollows:
o Imperial Highway (west ufintersection) — addition ofone left -turn lane for travel from eastbound
Imperial Highway tonorthbound Lakewood Boulevard
o Imperial Highway (east of intersection) — addition of one left -turn lane for travel from westbound
Imperial Highway tosou1hboundLakewood Boulevard.
wDemolition, removal, and neconstruction-right-turn lanes
One existing right -turn lane on the south side of Imperial Highway would be demolished and removed.
The one relocated right -turn lane would be relocated slightly south of its existing positions. The new
right -turn lane would be constructed with PCC.
• Imperial Highway (west of intersection) —demolition and removal of existing right -turn lane (from
eastbound Imperial Highway to southbound Lakewood Boulevard), including associated pork chop
island on Imperial Highway. The relocated right -turn lane, including new pork chop island on
Imperial Highway, would be reconstructed for travel from eastbound Imperial Highway to
southbound Lakewood Boulevard.
• Lakewood Boulevard (south of intersection) -demolition and removal of existing through/right-turn
lane (Lakewood Boulevard and Imperial Highway). The through/right-turn lane would be
reconstructed for travel from northbound Lakewood Boulevard to eastbound Imperial Highway.
• Lakewood Boulevard (north of intersection) - demolition and removal of existing through/right-turn
lane (Lakewood Boulevard and Imperial Highway). The through/right-turn lane would be
reconstructed for travel from southbound Lakewood Boulevard to westbound Imperial Highway.
Demolition, removal, and reconstruction —gutters, storm drains/catch basins, curbs, driveways,
sidewalks, and ramps
• Imperial Highway (west and east of intersection) - existing gutters, storm drains/catch basins, and
curbs on the south side of Imperial Highway within the widened area would be realigned further
south along eastbound Imperial Highway. Existing gutters, storm drains/catch basins, and curbs on
the east and west side of Glenshire Road, south of imperial Highway, would be realigned to match
the improvements on Imperial Highway. The new gutters, storm drains, and curbs would be
constructed with PCC.
• Imperial Highway (west and east of intersection) - existing driveways and sidewalks within the
widened area would be constructed to include ramps and realigned further south on Imperial
Highway. Existing sidewalk on the east and west side of Glenshire Road, south of Imperial Highway,
would be aligned with the improvements on Imperial Highway. The new driveways, sidewalks, and
Lakewood Boulevard/Imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
ramps would be replaced with PCZSeven driveways along Imperial Highway would be replaced by
seven driveways as shown in Exhibits 3a, b and c, Proposed Intersection Improvements — Detail.
o Lakewood Boulevard (south of intersection) - existing gutters, storm drains/catch basins, curbs,
driveways, and sidewalks within the widened area would be realigned to match with the
improvements onImperial Highway. The new gutters, storm drains/catch basins, curbs, driveways,
and sidewalks would be constructed with PCC.
0 [onstmction—namroadwayourface
Three portions of new roadway would 6econstructed along the south side ofImperial Highway where
gutter, curb, and sidewalk would be demolished as part of the roadway widening along the south side
ofImperial Highway toaccommodate construction o{the two new left turn lanes west and east ofthe
intersection. The three portions of new roadway would be constructed with PCC.
o Imperial Highway (west ofintersection)
0 EastboundLane—approximately—approxmately 510feet (155meters)
o Imperial Highway (east mfintersection)
• Eastbound, from the Lakewood Boulevard intersection to the eastern proposed Project limit —
approximately 460 feet (140 meters)
• Glenshire Road, south of Imperial Highway — southbound Glenshire Road — approximately 35
feet (lImeters)
• Glenshire Road, south of Imperial Highway — northbound Glenshire Road — approximately 50
feet (15 meters)
0 Relocation and adjustment (asnequired)-exisdngintenectioncompnnents
o Traffic signals
o Fivehydrant(s)
o Utilities
o Manhole(s)
o Sign(s)
o Valve(s)
u PuUbox(es)
o Streetlight(o)
0 Protection inPlace ' existing intersection components
o Portions mfmedians u Pedestrian crossing lights
o K8nnunnentsi0nage o Gas pumps
o Building exteriors o Power pole, including supporting guy wire
= Installation ' incidental striping, signage, and pavement markings
Final striping, signage, and pavement markings would be installed prior to completion of construction.
° Installation ' temporary construction s4gnage
Temporary constuctionsignage would be placed north, south, east, and west of the proposed Project
Work Area, as well as within the proposed Project Work Area prior to and during construction.
Temporary construction signage would be removed once construction is complete.
To accommodate the proposed Project, new right-of-way (ROW) would be acquired at the following
locations aoshown onExhibit 3'Proposed Intersection |mpnovements—Temporary[onstnuctionEasement
and Permanent Right -of Way Acquisition and Exhibits 3a, b, and c, Proposed Intersection Improvements —
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
o Eastbound Direction — acquisition of additional ROW for approximately 365 feet (111 meters) is
required to accommodate the proposed Project on the south side of Imperial Highway (including
minor ROW take on Glenshire Road —see below). The additional ROW tapers between the
intersection and the eastern proposed Project limit. The ROW take includes sidewalks and
Glensh ire Road (south of Imperial Highway, east of intersection)
• Southbound Direction —acquisition of additional ROW for approximately 25 feet (8 meters)
required to accommodate the proposed Project.
• Northbound Direction -acquisition of additional ROW for approximately 30 feet (9 meters)
required to accommodate the proposed Project. I
6 . .
o Northbound Direction -acquisition of approximately 35 feet (11 meters) to accommodate the
reconstructed curb return.
2�= �
The proposed Project is located in the southwestern portion of the City of Downey, north of Interstate 105
(1-105), east of Interstate 710 (1-710), and west of Interstate 605 (1-605) (Exhibit 1, Regional Location Map).
The proposed Project site encompasses the intersection of Lakewood Boulevard and Imperial Highway
(Exhibit 2, Proposed Intersection Improvements —Summary).
The west side of the proposed Project area includes commercial uses and parking lots that front Imperial
Highway. The east side of the proposed Project area includes commercial buildings (including a hotel and
apartments) and parking lots that face Imperial Highway. Commercial facilities, including a mobile home
located adjacent to the proposed Project site south of the intersection along Lakewood Boulevard.
111her public agencies wnose approval is FN!��._.
agreement) may include, but are not limited to:
UMTOM All III f Ill I I IF 101111*111
I T nave (;allTornia A can
area requested consultation pursuant to Public Resources Code §21080.3.17 If so, has
consultation begun?
Contact letter providingthe opportunityto request consultation undell was distributed by email on
City letterhead (letter dated 9/15/2020) to Tribal representatives for the following six tribes/nations:
• Gabrieleno Band of Mission Indians - Kitzh Nation
• Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians
• Gabrieleno/Tongva San Gabriel Band of Mission India
• Gabrielino/Tongva Nation
• Gabrielino Tongva Indians of California Tribal Council
• Gabrielino-Tongva Tribe I
Lakewood Boulevard/imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
wa= M
Provided as Appendix G.
AngelexComnN Wor*S(2017)
Map Diwkdnwv Dis owap iy ipgem&dArXwmrd jifing puqwsey only
mmmml�! �
Lakewood Boulevard/imperial Highway Intersection Improvement ProjecN
Final Initial StDeclaration r
Proposed r i, r r r r, Temporary r r+1 ;+• r":.Way Ara r
Lakewood Boulevard/imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
ExWb11 3a - Proposed Intimsection Improwements - Debils
Lakewood Boulevard/Imperial Highway Intersection ImprovernentProject
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
Exhibit 3b - Proposed Intersection Improvements - Details
Lakewood Boulevard/Imperial Highway intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negadve Declaration
Exhibit 3c — Piroposed Intaffsection Improvements — Details
"exp--=- 2
Lakewood Boulevard/imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
The environmental factors checked below would potentially be affected by the proposed Project. involving at
least one impact that is a "Potentially Significant Impact"
or "Less Than Significant With Mitigation
Incorporated," as indicated by the checklists on the following pages.
Mineral Resources
Agriculture and Forestry Resources
X Noise
X Air Quality
Population and Housing
x Biological Resources
Public Services
X Cultural Resources
X Geology and Soils
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Tribal Cultural Resources
X Hazards and Hazardous Materials
Utilities and Service Systems
Hydrology and Water Quality
Land Use and Planning
X Mandatory Findings of Significance
DETERMINATION: (To be completed by the Lead Agency)
On the basis of this initial evaluation:
I find that the proposed Project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment,
and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared.
I find that although the proposed Project could have a significant effect on the
environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because revisions in the x
Project have been made by or agreed to by the Project proponent. A MITIGATED
NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be pjre aced...
I find that the proposed Project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and
I find that the proposed Project MAY have a "potentially significant impact" or "potentially
significant unless mitigated" impact on the environment, but at least one effect 1) has been
adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and 2)
has been addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis as described on
attached sheets. An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required, but it must analyze only
the effects that remain to be addressed.
I find that although the proposed Project could have a significant effect on the environment,
because all potentially significant effects (a) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR
or NEGATIVE DECLARATION pursuant to applicable standards, and (b) have been avoided or
mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR or NEGATIVE DECLARATION, including revisions or
mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed Project, nothing further is
Submitted by: City of Downey
Signature Date
Lakewood Boulevard/Imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
1) A brief explanation is required for all answers except "No Impact" answers that are adequately supporteie
by the information sources a lead agency cites in the parentheses following each question. A "No Impact"
answer is adequately supported if the referenced information sources show that the impact simply does
not apply to projects like the one involved (e.g., the project falls outside a fault rupture zone). A "No
Impact" answer should be explained where it is based on project -specific factors as well as general
standards (e.g., the project will not expose sensitive receptors to pollutants, based on a project -specific
screening analysis).
2) All answers must take account of the whole action involved, including off -site as well as on -site,
cumulative as well as project -level, indirect as well as direct, and construction as well as operational
3) Once the lead agency has determined that a particular physical impact may occur, then the checklist
answers must indicate whether the impact is potentially significant, less than significant with mitigation,
or less than significant. "Potentially Significant Impact" is appropriate if there is substantial evidence that
an effect may be signcant. If there are one or more "Potentially Signcant Impact" entries when the
determination is made, an EIR is required.
4) "Negative Declaration: Less Than Signcant With Mitigation Incorporated" applies where the
incorporation of mitigation measures has reduced an effect from "Potentially Significant impact" to a
"Less Than Significant Impact." The lead agency must describe the mitigation measures, and briefly
explain how they reduce the effect to a less than significant level (mitigation measures from "Earlier
Analyses," as described in (5) below, may be cross-referenced).
5) Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR, or other CEQA process, an
effect has been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or negative declaration. Section 15063(c)(3)(D). In
this case, a brief discussion should identify the following:
c) Earlier Analysis Used. Identify and state where they are available forreview.
b) impacts Adequately Addressed. Identify which effects from the above checklist were within the
scope of and adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards,
and state whether such effects were addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier
c) Mitigation Measures. For effects that are "Less than Significant with Mitigation Measures
incorporated," describe the mitigation measures which were incorporated or refined from the
earlier document and the extent to which they address site -specific conditions for theproject.
6) Lead agencies are encouraged to incorporate into the checklist references to information sources for
potential impacts (e.g., general plans, zoning ordinances). Reference to a previously prepared or outside
document should, where appropriate, include a reference to the page or pages where the statement is
7) Supporting Information Sources: A source list should be attached, and other sources used or individuals
contacted should be cited in the discussion.
8) This is only a suggested form, and lead agencies are free to use different formats; however, lead agencies
should normally address the questions from this checklist that are relevant to a project's environmental
effects in whatever format is selected.
a) the significance criteria or threshold, if any, used to evaluate each question; and
bl the mifization measure identified, if anv, to reduce the impact to less than significance.
Lakewood Boulevard/Imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
3.1 Aesthetics
The Aesthetics section of this environmental document evaluates the impact the proposed Project would have
on aesthetic resources.
Less Than
Potentially Significant Less Than No
Significant with Significant Impact
Impact Mitigation Impact
Issue Incorporated
I. AESTHETICS. Except as provided in Public Resources Code
Section 21099, would the project:
a) Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? ❑ El ❑
b) Substantially damage scenic resources, including, but not
limited to, trees, rock outcroppings, and historic buildings 0 ❑ ❑
within a state scenic highway?
c) In non -urbanized areas, substantially degrade the existing
visual character or quality of public views of the site and its
surroundings? Public views are those that are experienced
from publicly accessible vantage point). If the project is in ❑ ❑ ❑
an urbanized area, would the project conflict with the
applicable zoning or other regulations governing scenic
d) Create a new source of substantial light or glare which 1
would adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area?
Impacts Analysis
a) No Impact. No scenic vistas are identified in the City of Downey General Plan within the proposed Project
vicinity. Therefore, the proposed Project would result in no impact on a scenic vista under this criterion.
b) No Impact. The proposed Project is not located a within a state scenic highway. Additionally, 1-605, 1-710,
and 1-105 are not designated state scenic highways. Therefore, the proposed Project would result in no
impact to scenic resources, including, but not limited to, trees, rock outcroppings, and historic buildings
within a state scenic highway under this criterion.
c) No Impact. The proposed Project is located within an urbanized area. The proposed Project is
construction of improvements to an existing intersection. The proposed Project includes minimal right-of-
way acquisition; however, the improvements would not result in take of existing or construction of new
structures and would not alter the existing visual quality of the surrounding area. Additionally, the
proposed Project would meet applicable City zoning codes and other regulations governing scenic quality
(e.g., glare). Therefore, the proposed Project would be consistent with applicable zoning and other
regulations and would result in no impact to scenic quality under this criterion.
d) No Impact. The proposed Project includes relocation of four existing streetlights —three along the south
side of eastbound Imperial approaching the intersection and one along eastbound Imperial in front of
Mobil station (9002 Imperial Boulevard). No new source of substantial light or glare or upgrade of
existing ROW lighting is part of the proposed Project; therefore, no impact to daytime or nighttime views
in the area would occur under this criterion.
3.2 Agriculture and Forestry Resources
The Agriculture and Forestry Resources section of this environmental document evaluates the impact the
proposed Project would have on agriculture and forest resources.
Lakewood Boulevard/imperial Highway intersection improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
Less Than
Potentially Significant Less Than No
Significant with Significant Impact
Impact Mitigation Impact
whether impacts to agricultural resources are significant
environmental effects, lead agencies may refer to the California
Agricultural Land Evaluation and Site Assessment Model (1997)
prepared by the California Dept. of Conservation as an optional model
to use in assessing impacts on agriculture and farmland. In
determining whether impacts to forest resources, including timberland,
are significant environmental effects, lead agencies may refer to
information compiled by the California Department of Forestry and
Fire Protection regarding the state's inventory of forest land, including
the Forest and Range Assessment Project and the Forest Legacy
Assessment project; and forest carbon measurement methodology
provided in Forest Protocols adopted by the California Air Resources
Board. Would the project:
a) Convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of
Statewide Importance (Farmland), as shown on the maps
prepared pursuant to the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring
0 0
Program of the California Resources Agency, to non-
agricultural use?
b) Conflict with existing zoning for agricultural use, or a Williamson
0 0
Act contract?
c) Conflict with existing zoning for, or cause rezoning of,
forest land (as defined in Public Resources Code
§12220(g) ), timberland (as defined by Public Resources
Code §4526), or timberland zoned Timberland Production
(as defined by Government Code §51104(g))?
d) Result in the loss of forest land or conversion of forest land
to non -forest use?
e) Involve other changes in the existing environment which,
due to their location or nature, could result in conversion of
Farmland, to non-agricultural use or conversion of forest
land to non -forest use?
a) No Impact. An August 4, 2020, search of the California Important Farmland Finder maps, prepared
pursuant to the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program of the California Department of
Conservation, indicated that no Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Importance
(Farmland) is located within the City of Downey. Therefore, the proposed Project would not convert
Farmland to non-agricultural use and no impact would occur under this criterion.
't) No Impact. There are no lands zoned for agricultural use and, therefore, no Williamson Act contracts
within the proposed Project area. Therefore, the proposed Project would not conflict with existing zoning
for agricultural use, or a Williamson Act contract, and no impact would occur under this criterion.
c) No Impact. There are no lands zoned forest land, or timberland, or timberland zoned Timberland
Production resources within the City of Downey. Therefore, the proposed Project would not conflict with
existing zoning for, or cause rezoning of, forest land, timberland, or timberland zoned Timberland
Production and no impact would occur under this criterion.
Lakewood Boulevard/ Imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
d) NoImpact. There isnoforest land within the City mfDowney. Therefore, the proposed Project would
not involve loss offorest land erconversion ufforest land tonon-forest use and noimpact would occur
under this criterion.
e) No Impact. There bnnFarmland orforest land within the City ofDowney Therefore, there are noother
changes in the existing environment which, due to their location or nature, could result in conversion of
Farmland, to non-agricultural use or conversion of forest land to non -forest use by implementation of
the proposed Project and noimpact would occur under this criterion.
The information and analysis presented inthis air quality section for the proposed Project isbased onthe Air
Quality and GHG Impact Analysis prepared by Hodge & Associates (Appendix A) for the City of Downey
Paramount Boulevard/imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project (Paramount Boulevard/imperial
Highway Intersection Project) Mitigated Negative Declaration (April 3DZO).
The rationale for this approach is based on the similar nature/scale/location of construction activities and
operations of the existing adjacent Paramount Boulevard/imperial Highway Intersection Project and proposed
Project, which are located in close proximity to each other (within approximately I mile) within the South
Coast Air Basin (SCAB).
-- �- �
Less Than
Less Than
S —
�-'--- Impact
111. AIR QUALITY. Where available, the significance criteria
established by the applicable air quality management district or air
pollution control district may be relied upon to make the following
determinations. Would the project:
m) Conflict with orobstruct implementation ufthe applicable air
O @]
quality plan?
b) Result inocumulatively considerable net increase oYany
criteria pollutant for which the project region ionon-attainment O O
under anapplicable federal o,state ambient air quality
c) Typographic error in 3020 CEQA Guidelines, Appendix G - no
criterion included for "c^
d) Expose sensitive receptors hosubstantial pollutant [K z O O
e) Result in other emissions (such as those leading to odors) 0
adversely affecting osub�anuo|number ofpeople?
The adjacent Paramount Boulevard/Imperial Highway Intersection Project, which is located approximately I mile
to the west of the proposed Project, is greater in construction scale/magnitude and in related impacts than the
construction sca|e/ma8nhodeand related impacts associated with the proposed Project
For example, the adjacent Paramount Boulevard/imperial Highway Intersection Project would add dual left turn
pockets in the southbound direction along Paramount Boulevard and in the westbound direction along Imperial
Highway. All four legs of the intersection would be widened to provide sufficient road width for vehicular U-turn
movements. In contrast, the proposed Project would provide two additional lanes of enhanced left -turn
capabilities along Lakewood Boulevard with restriping. For the proposed Project, to accommodate the additional
left -turn lanes on eastbound and westbound Imperial Highway, a portion of the existing medians on Imperial
Lakewood Boulevard/ Imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
Highway would be removed and Imperial Highway would be slightly widened on the south side to further
accommodate the left turn lanes.
Impacts Analysis
a) No Impact. The proposed Project would not directly relate to the current (2016) South Coast Air Quality
Management District (SCAQMD) Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) in that there are no specific air quality
programs or regulations governing general road improvements ' The potential air quality impacts associated
with the proposed Project would be temporary in nature and limited to the general proposed Project vicinity.
Therefore, the proposed Project would not conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air
quality plan and no impact would occur under this criterion.
b) Less Than Significant Impact with Mitigation Incorporated. The intersection improvements are not
anticipated to substantially alter traffic flow and associated air pollution emissions. Based on the results
of the air quality analysis prepared by Hodge & Associates (Appendix A) for the adjacent, existing
Paramount Boulevard/imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project, any measurable air quality
impacts would result from Project construction activities only. The proposed Project, improvements to an
existing intersection that do not include additional capacity, would not result in a cumulatively
considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the SCAB is non -attainment. The potential air
quality impacts associated with construction of the proposed Project would be temporary in nature and
limited to the general proposed Project vicinity. Therefore, with the implementation of Mitigation
Measure AQ-1 (MM AQ-1) and MM AQ-2, the proposed Project -related dust and exhaust emissions
would be reduced, and the proposed Project would result in a less than significant impact with mitigation
incorporated impact under this criterion.
Air Quality Mitigation Measures
MM AQ-1 — Fugitive Dust Control. Implement the following mitigation measures during Project
construction for dust emissions control:
Apply soil stabilizers or moisten inactive areas.
Prepare a high wind dust control plan.
Address previously disturbed areas if subsequent construction is delayed.
Water exposed surfaces as needed to avoid visible dust leaving the construction site (typically 2 to 3
times per
Cover all stockpiles with tarps at the end of each day or as needed.
Provide water spray during loading and unloading of earthen materials.
Minimize in/out traffic from construction zone.
Cover all trucks hauling dirt, sand, or loose material and require all trucks to maintain at least 2 feet
(0.6 meters) of freeboard.
Sweep streets daily if visible soil material is carried out from the construction site.
MMI AQ-2 — Exhaust Emissions Control. Implement the following mitigation measures during Project
construction for exhaust emissions control:
• Utilize well -tuned off -road construction equipment.
• Establish a preference for contractors using Tier 3 or better heavy equipment.
• Enforce 5-minute idling limits for on -road trucks and off -road equipment.
c) No analySir ranmiirarl. No impact critprinn rnprifiprl in 2020 CEQA Guidelines, Appendix G.
Lakewood Boulevard/Imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
d) Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated. A review of the proposed Project construction
footprint was conducted on Google Earth to identify sensitive receptors located along the four approaches
to the intersection. A site visit was also conducted on July 27, 2020. The site visit included identification of
residential receptors along the four approaches tothe intersection.
As noted in the Paramount Boulevard/imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project IS/KANDAir
Quality and GHG Impact Analysis prepared by Hodge & Associates (Appendix A), SCAQMD Localized
Significance Thresholds (LSTs) were used to address receptor locations where it was possible that an
individual could remain for J4hours, such aauresidence, ahospital, nraconvalescent facility. The
proposed Project study area has the following receptor locations:
Residence Receptors. The nearest potential residential receptors are located |nSun Trailer Park(1253I
Lakewood Bou|exand).The Sun Trailer Parkparce|extendsfiomapproximate|y17Ofeet(5Inneteo)to
approximately 360 feet (110 meters) north from the center of the intersection along the eastern side of
northbound Lakewood Boulevard. This Sun Trailer Park parcel also extends from approximately
140 feet (43 meters) to approximately 365 feet (111 meters) east from the center of the intersection
along the northern side of westbound Imperial Highway (Appendix B, Site Visit Photo Nos. 23 and 33).
Sun Trailer Park has two entrance/exit driveways on both Imperial Highway and Lakewood Boulevard.
The perimeter block wall that surrounds Sun Trailer Parkis|ocatedatthebackofthe|mperia|Highway
and Lakewood Boulevard sidewalks. Along Imperial Highway, the closest corner of four residences are
located immediately adjacent to the block walk, approximately. 8 feet (2 meters) from roadway curb.
Along Lakewood Boulevard, the closest corners of two residences are located immediately adjacent to
block walk, approximately 7feet (% meters) from roadway curb.
The next nearest residential receptors are located in an unnamed apartment complex (12618
Lakewood Boulevard, located south of the Mobil Station). The unnamed apartment complex parcel
extends from approximately 220 feet (67 meters) to approximately 350 feet (107 meters) south from
the center of the intersection along the eastern side of northbound Lakewood Boulevard. Along
Lakewood Boulevard, the closest of the apartments units to the construction area is approximately
feet(Z meters) east mfthe existing roadway curb.
Additionally, R1 single family residences are located approximately 250 feet (76 meters) north of the
intersection along the west side of southbound Lakewood Boulevard. The closest residence to the
construction area is approximately 14 feet (4 meters) west of the existing roadway curb.
Healthcare Facilities. Nnhealthcare facilities are located within 1DOfeet (3Dmeters) ofthe construction
Convalescent Facilities. Noconvalescent homes are located within IUUfeet (3Umeters) ofthe
construction footprint.
As part of the Paramount Boulevard/imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project IS/IVIND
(2020), Hodge & Associates (2020) modeled (CalEEMod) potential oxides of nitrogen (NOx), carbon
monoxide (CO),and particulate matter (PK8-10 and PK8-Z.5)impacts for the Imperial Highway
Paramount Boulevard Intersection Improvement Project at various source -receptor distances, the most
conservative of which was 82 feet (25 meters). The results of this modeling (Table I — LST Thresholds
and proposed Project emissions (pounds/day)indicated that impacts atthis distance were |ass -than'
significantvviththe implementation of Mitigation Measure (PWK4)AQ-l.
Lakewood Boulevard/Imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
Source: Paramount Boulevard/ Imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project Initial Study/ Mitigated Negative ueciaration,
including Appendixes. April 2020, provided in Appendix A
As shown, CO and NOx emissions were reduced by factors of approximately 36 and 4, respectively,
with implementation of MM AQ-1, resulting in a No Impact determination. Some of the residential
receptors proximate to the proposed Project, however, are located closer than 82 feet (25 meters) to
the proposed Project Site, notably the trailer park and condominium/apartment units. These receptor
locations likely would not be impacted by proposed Project construction -related CO and NOx emissions
given the emission reductions due to mitigation.
These residential receptors, however, could be impacted by proposed Project -related particulate
emissions, especially during demo I ition/reconstruction of the westbound Imperial Highway median
east of the intersection and demolition/reconstruction of the acquired ROW east of the intersection on
eastbound Imperial Highway. Per the LST methodology guideline, projects with boundaries located
closer than 82 feet (25 meters) to the nearest receptor should use the LSTs for receptors located at 82
feet (25 meters). Therefore, as shown in Table 1— Localized Sign ifica n ceTh res holds and Proposed
Project Emissions (pounds/day, because particulate emissions within 82 feet (25 meters) are less than
the allowable on -site emissions, these impacts would be considered less than significant with
implementation of MM AQ-1 and MM AQ-2. Therefore, with the implementation of MM AQ-1 and MM
AQ-2, the proposed Project -related dust and exhaust emissions would be reduced resulting in a less
than significant impact with mitigation incorporated under this criterion.
e) Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated. The proposed Project would not create any
objectionable odors. MM AQ-1 complies with SCAQIVID Rule 402 (Nuisance). In addition, MM AQ-2
would reduce the impact of diesel exhaust from construction activities to a less than significant level.
Therefore, the proposed Project would not result in other emissions (such as those leading to odors)
adversely affecting a substantial number of people and the proposed Project would result in an impact
of less than significant with mitigation incorporated under this criterion.
anson. ==rm= ,
resources within the proposed Project area. The proposed Project site is primarily developed with existing
commercial and residential uses.
Lakewood Boulevard/imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
Less Than
` v
Less Than
Significant ''' | ~~xt
Impact '-
IV. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Would the project:
Have asubstantial adverse effect, either directly orthrough
habitat mod/ficaUono.onany species identified auacandidate,
sensitive, orspecial status species inlocal o,regional plans,
|0 0
policies, orregulations, orbythe California Department ofFish
and Game orU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service?
Have osubstantial adverse effect omany riparian habitat or
other sensitive natural community identified inlocal urregional
0 0
plans, policies, regulations urbythe California Department of
Fish and Game n,U8Fish and Wildlife Service?
Have asubstantial adverse effect onstate orfederally
protected wetlands (inn|uding but marsh, vernal ' ' '
Q |9
interruption, o,other means?
Interfere substantially with the movement o{any native
resident urmigmavo fish or�i|d|i8oapaoieuor��heo��b|iahe�
C] 0
native resident nrmigratory wildlife corridors, orimpede the
use pfnative wildlife nursery sites?
Conflict with any local policies orordinances protecting
biological resources, such esatree preservation policy or
O 0
� q
Conflict with the provisions ufanadopted Habitat
Conservation Plan, Natural or . .
0 0�harappmvad�ca|.eg�ne|.oro��heb�tcmnoemo§mn
Impacts Analysis
a) Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated. A search of the information for Planning and
Consultation (IPaQ Resources database (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 2020) was conducted for an
approximately 264-acre polygon that included the proposed Project area on October 07, 2OZD.The search
was generated to identifV a list of species and other resources such as critical habitat under the U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service's (USFWS) jurisdiction that are known or expected to be located on or near the
proposed Project area (Appendix B). The results of the IPaC search are summarized in Table 2, Summary of
|PaCSearrh Results Species.
A schedule of the typical breeding seasons for the migratory birds lists in Table 2 Summary of IPaC Search
Results - Species is provided in Table 3, Breeding Seasons for Migratory Birds with Potential to Occur in
Project Area.
A search of the California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) search was conducted of USGS South Gate
quadrangle, in which the proposed Project area is located, on October 7, 2020. The search to identify
species and other resources such as critical habitat under the California Department of Fish and Wildlife
([DFVV)]urisdiution that are known or expected to be located on or near the proposed Project area
(Appendix Q. The results of the search are summarized in Table 4, Summary of CNDDB Search Results.
No candidate, sensitive, or special status species are listed in the City of Downey General Plan Vision 2025
(City ufDowney, 2OOS).
is final critical
Threatened •species;
the proposed
critical habitat.
I . Hummingbird
/ (CO_.)
Rangewide ir,
California Thrasher
Toxcistorna redivivurri
FederaBreeds, Jul 31
•CC — Breeds May 20 to Jul 31
f i.
Lewis's Woodpecker
Ran ewide (CON)
des s hallFederalI
•, /• i
Short -billed Dowitcher
FederalBreeds elsewhere
Song Sparrowr.;r
r melodia
Federalf Feb 20 to Sep
Spotted Towhee
Pipilo moculatu�,_
Federal - BCC — Breeds Apr 15 to Jul 20
angewide i;
Trin// semipalmato
eral - BCC Breeds
' i,
r ♦ s • •
Lakewood Boulevard/Imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
Table 3: Breeding Seasons for Migratory it with Potential to Occur In Project Area
Allen's Hummingbird
F-eD 2
(February I —July 15)
Black oystercatcher
(April 15 — October 31)
iEaftrn inMrw�W
(January I.—AuIV 311_
.... ..... ... .... . . . . ...........
(Mav 20 —July 311
May 20
(March 20 — September 20)
Mar 20
Lewis's Woodpecker
(April 20 — September 301
Apr 20
NuRel's Woodpecker
(April 1—July 20)
�uf s �Hum; �Ingblrd
(Breed_ Elsewhere)
Short -billed Dowi e'r—
(Breed Elsewhere)
Song Sparrow
(February 20 — September 5)
Feb 20
(April 15 —July 20)
(Breed Elsewhere)
(Breed Elsewhere)
May Breed In Project Area —
Day 1-15 each month
May Broad In "act Arco —
Day 16 — 31 each month
Breeds Elsewhere
Source: USFWS lPaC Search, October 7, 2020
Lakewood Boulevard/imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
Table 4: Summary of r►;«Species
Lakewood Boulevardpiriperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
Z5erlEcan -7 Federal —
CID 11 F 11 W _5SC
Habitat: Alkali marsh, Alkali playa, Alpine dwarf scrub, Bog & fen, Brackish marsh,
badger None
Broadleaved upland forest, Chaparral, Chenopocl scrub, Cismontane woodland,
State —
Closed -cone coniferous forest, Coast bluff scrub, Coastal dunes, Coastal prairie,
Coastal scrub, Desert dunes, Desert wash, Freshwater marsh, Great Basin
grassland, Great Basin scrub, Interior dunes, lone formation, Joshua tree
woodland, Limestone, Lower montane coniferous forest Marsh & swamp,
Meadow & seep, Mojavean desert scrub, Montane dwarf scrub, North coast
coniferous forest, Oldgrowth, Pavement plain, Redwood Riparian forest, Riparian
scrub, Riparian woodland, Salt marsh, Sonoran desert scru Sonoran orn
woodland, Ultrarnafic, Upper montane coniferous forest, Upper Sonoran scrub,
Valley & foothill grassland.
No habitat is located with t e g pose Pro ect area.
I Orcuttla Federal —
Habitat: Vernal pool, Wetlands
Orcutt grass 1 colifornica Endangered
State -
No habitat is located with the proposed Project area.
I red IR
southern Centromadio Federal —
H rsh, Valley & foothill gras-land, Ve
tarplant parryi 55P. None
oustrolls; State —
B �B
No habitat is located with t e Pro
In pqsedPrq ct ar
Brand's star Phacella
_�B __.
Habitat: Coastal dunes, Coastal scrub
phacella stellaris
No habitat is located with the proposed Project area.
Lakewood Boulevard/Imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
The coastal California gnatcatcher (Federal status: Threatened), with a breeding season of February 15
through August 30 (USFWS, 1997), and thirteen migratory birds identified in the lPaC search have the
potential • nest in the proposed Project area between January 1 and October 31. Implementation •
MM BIO-1 would reduce the potential impact to less than significant. Additionally, no critical habitat for
the coastal California gnatcatcher is located within the proposed Project area and no habitat for the 11
species listed in the CNDDB search results occurs within the proposed Project area. Furthermore, no
candidate, sensitive, or special status species are listed in the City of Downey General Plan Vision 2025.
Therefore, the proposed Project would not have a substantial adverse effect, either directly or through
habitat modifications on anv species identified as
regional plans, policies, or regulations, or by the CDFW or the USFWS and the proposed Project impact
would be less than significant with mitigation incorporated under this criterion.
Biological Resources Mitigation Measure
11111i BIO -1: Tree removal activities will be scheduled outside of nesting bird (breeding) season for bird
species known to occur within the proposed Project area (November through December) (Table 3), if
possible. if tree removal activities occur between January and October, nesting bird surveys will be
conducted prior to tree removal activities, and no tree removal will occur if an active nest is present. Tree
removal can occur once the nest is confirmed to be no • active.
• No Impact. There is no riparian habitat, • any • sensitive natural community identified in •
regional, state, or federal plans within the proposed Project footprint or vicinity that would be affected by
the proposed Project. Therefore, the proposed Project would not have a substantial adverse effect on any
riparian habitat or other sensitive natural community identified in local or regional plans, policies,
regulations or by the CDFW or USFWS and no impact would occur under this criterion.
c) No Impact. The IPaC search included results from the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) and listed the
presence of freshwater emergent wetland (PEM1Cx) and freshwater pond (PUBHx) with the lPaC search area -
The closest waterbody is pond located • of the proposed Project area, approximately 1,200 feet
(366 meters) north-northeast of the eastern proposed Project limit. However, there are no state or federally
protected wetlands within the proposed Project footprint. Therefore, no substantial adverse effect on state
or federally protected wetlands (including, but not • to, marsh, vernal pool, •. etc.) through direct
removal, filling, hydrological interruption, or other means would occur and no impact would occur under this
d) No Impact. The proposed Project is the improvement of the intersection of Lakewood Boulevard and Imperial
Highway in the City of Downey. The area surrounding the intersection is developed with commercial and
residential uses. There are no migratory wildlife corridors, and the proposed Project would not interfere with
the movement • any native resident • • fish or wildlife species. Therefore, the proposed Project
would not interfere substantially with the movement • any native resident or • fish or wildlife
• • with established native resident or migratory • corridors • impede the use • native wildlife
nursery sites and no impact would occur under this criterion.
e) No Impact. The City's Maintenance Services Division is responsible for managing and maintaining the City's
trees and, there are certain ordinances pertaining to planting, damaging, and species selection; however,
there are no specific City policies or ordinances regarding tree preservation or biological resource areas.
Therefore, the proposed Project would • conflict with local policies or ordinances protecting biological
resources, such as a tree preservation policy or ordinance and no impact would occur under this criterion.
f) No Impact. The proposed Project area is not located within an adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural
Community Conservation Plan, or other approved local, regional, or state habitat conservation plan.
Therefore, the proposed Project would not conflict with the provisions of an adopted Habitat Conservation
Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan, or • approved local, regional, or state habitat
conservation plan and no impact would • under this critprinn-
Lakewood Boulevard/Imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
3\5 Cultural Resources
The Cultural Resources section analyzes impacts on archaeological and historical resources in the proposed
Project site. The proposed Project site has been previously graded tosupport the intersection and roadways
that currently exist. None of the structures located on the adjacent parcels are listed as historical structures
bythe City ofDowney.
Less Than
Potentially Significant Less Than No
Significant with Significant Impact
Impact Mitigation Impact
Issue Incorporated
V. CULTURAL RESOURCES. Would the project:
o) Cause asubstantial adverse change inthe significance ufa o O
historical resource sedefined inD150O4.5
x) Cause msubstantial adverse change inthe significance ufan O 00 O O
archaeological resource pursuant tn5i5UO4.5?
u) Disturb any human remains, including those interred
outside nfdedicated cemeteries?
Impacts Analysis
a) No Impact. AZTEC prepared a Phase I Cultural Resources Technical Report (Appendix D) for the proposed
Lakewood Bou|evard/|mperia|Highxosy Intersection Improvement Project. The assessment included a
cultural resources records search, archival research, and field survey of the proposed Project site. The
records search was requested from the South Central Coastal information Center at California State
University, Fullerton, and was conducted nfthe proposed Project site and a one -half -mile radius
surrounding it (hereafter review area). The purpose of the records search was to identify previously
recorded cultural resources and previously conducted cultural resources studies within the review area.
Results of the records search identified 13previomly recorded cultural resources and seven previously
conducted cultural resources studies within the review area, Of these, three built environment cultural
resources are adjacent to the proposed Project site: 19-186959, a trailer park located at 12532 Lakewood
Boulevard, l9'1869GD,amulti-family apartment building atI2618-12622Lakewood Boulevard, and 19-
1g69G1'acommercial development building at1JG]1—lJG39Lakewood Boulevard. Each mfthese
structures have been determined ineligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP;
Office of Historic Preservation N.d.) but have not been evaluated for the California Register of Historical
Resources ([RHR)mrlocal listing.
Work for the proposed Project would require ROW acquisition along the south side of imperial Highway,
including the southwest corner of Lakewood Boulevard and Imperial Highway; specially, of the sidewalk
and parking lot of 19-186961. However, this work would not impact the building itself. Additionally,
proposed work adjacent to19'106959and 1D'186Q6Owould 6erestricted totheexistingroadwmysand
sidewalks, and these building would not be impacted by the proposed Project.
A review of the Built Environment Resource Directory, CRHR, and NRHP databases was also performed to
determine if any other historical resources were present within or adjacent to the proposed Project site;
no additional historical resources were identified. Therefore, the proposed Project would not cause a
substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource and no impact would occur under
this criterion.
b) Less Than Significant Impact with Mitigation Incorporated. A field visit of the proposed Project site was
performed on June 27, 2020. The proposed Project site and the surrounding vicinity is completely
developed by the existing intersection, and no areas of native ground surface are present. Further, no
archaeological resources have been recorded within the proposed Project site or review area
Lakewood Boulevard/imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
(Appendix D). Proposed •• associated with the proposed Project would occur within the
extent of previous development, and ground disturbance below depths previously disturbed is r•
axt jr*atpayl OWAVI�Ad
proposed Project would result in a less than significant impact with mitigation incorporated under this
Cultural Resources Mitigation Measure
disturbance, work in the immediate area will be :rii•r until a qualified archaeologist, defined as one
wirt-n-reeb—d i rife sM imw'Starr4w� s+rA-rLirdz-jU,& 9114du vrrar�
Park Service 1983), is contacted to assess the find. If the archaeological resources are determined to be
Native American in origin, the City of Downey will begin consultation with Native American tribes who
have claimed cultural • traditional affinity to the proposed • area.
c) Less Than Signcant Impact with Mitigation Incorporated. The proposed Project site would •: occur
near • cemeteries • burial grounds. As the proposed Project • improvements to the existing
Lakewood Boulevard/imperial Highway Intersection and is contained within the limits of areas previously
i"• and developed, the proposed Project would • knowingly disturb any human remains, including
• interred outside of dedicated cemeteries. Although proposed Project -related ground disturbance is
not expected to exceed depths which have • disturbed by prior development, the discovery • human
remains is always a possibility and implementation of MM CUL-2 would reduce the potential impact to
less than significant. Therefore, the proposed Project would result in a less than significant impact with
mitigation incorporated under this criterion.
Cultural Resources Mitigation Measure
MM CUL — 2: If human remains are inadvertently discovered, the State of California Health and Safety
Code (Section 7050.5) states that the coroner will be notified immediately, and no further ground
disturbance will occur until the coroner has evaluated the remains. if the human remahm are determined
to be Native American in origin, the coroner will contact the Native American Heritage Commission to
determine and • a most likely descendant, who will continue with treatment • the remains.
3.6 Energy
The Energy • evaluates the potential impacts of proposed Project on energy consumption and plans for
renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Less Than
Potentially Significant Less Than No
Significant with Significant Impact
Impact Mitigation Impact
Issue Incorporated
VI. ENERGY, Would the project:
a) Result in potentially significant environmental impact due to
wasteful, inefficient, or unnecessary consumption of energy 13 0 0 N
resources, during project construction or operation?
b) Conflict with or obstruct a state or local plan for renewable 0
energy or energy efficiency?
Impacts Analysis
Lakewood Boulevard/ Imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final InitialStudy/Mitigated
through the intersection, energy consumption due to congestion and idling would be reduced. The
proposed Project would not result in potentially significant environmental impact due to wasteful,
inefficient, orunnecessary consumption ofenergy resources, during proposed Project construction or
operation. Therefore, the proposed Project would result in no impact under this criterion.
b) No impact. The proposed Project is improvement of an existing intersection and would not conflict with
or obstruct a state or local plan for renewable energy or energy efficiency. Therefore, the proposed
Project would result innoimpact under this criterion.
3'7 Geology and Soils '
The Geology and Soils section evaluates the potential impacts of Southern California's seismic events onthe
proposed Project. The analysis is based largely on the City's Vision 2025 General Plan and the Environmental
Impact Report supporting it that were completed in 2005 and regional mapping of fault lines and historical
earthquake information. The analysis includes the range of geotechnical events that could impact the
proposed Project site.
Less Than
Potentially Significant Less Than
Significant �h� Significant '~~
S ��---� Impact
Impact Mitigation Impact
Issues Incorporated
m1. GEOLOGY AND SOILS. Would the project:
Directly orindirectly cause potential substantial
effects, including the risk ofloss, injury, ordeath
i) Rupture nfeknown earthquake fault, aodelineated onthe
most recent A|guiat-Phn|pEarthquake Fault Zoning Map
issued bxthe State Geologist for the area v,based un
other substantial evidence ofaknown fault? Refer hm
Division ofMines and Geology Special Publication 4o.
/i) Strong seismic ground shaking?
O to
iii> Seismic -related ground failure, including liquefaction?
iv) Landslides
o 0�
Result insubstantial soil erosion orthe loss uftopsoil?
O �*
Belocated onageologic unit nrsoil that isunstable, or
that would become unstable anaresult ufthe project,
and potentially result inon- oroff-site landslide, lateral
spreading, subsidence, liquefaction o,collapse?
Belocated onexpansive soil, eudefined inTable 18'1'B
ofthe Uniform Building Code (19R4).creating substantial
O 0
direct o,indirect risks oolife orproperty?
Have soils incapable ofadequately supporting the use of
septic tanks o,alternative waste water disposal systems
O &0
where sewers are not available for the disposal ofwaste
Directly orindirectly destroy nunique paleontological
resource orsite orunique geologic feature
Impacts Analysis
The City of Downey, as well as all of Southern California, is impacted
by earthquake faults that exist across
the region. The most oigni0cantisthe San Andreas Fault islocated approximately 40miles tothe
northeast of the City. The San Andreas Fault has a very high potential for large-scale movement in the
Lakewood Boulevard/Imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
near future. There are additional faults that have the •• Ito impact the City of Downey. The
the City, respectively. These two faults have the greatest potential to affect the City of Downey. There are
• other faults, including the Whittier Fault located approximately is miles east • the proposed
Project area, that could generate seismic activity that could impact theCity.
• lrnpl. • I• is not located—w—ifffin —anVYfRicial Earthquake Fault Zones (EFZ) 115155
quadrangle on the Index of Official EFZ Affecting Los Angeles County as of March 1, 2000
(California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, 2000). No rupture of a
known earthquake fault as delineated on the most recent Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning
substantial adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury, or death involving and no impact
would result under this criterion.
ii) No Impact. Potential for strong seismic ground shaking from known earthquake faults in the
southern California region may occur in the proposed Project area. The improved intersection
would be susceptible to ground shaking; however, the proposed Project would not directly or
indirectly cause potential adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury, or death involving strong
seismic ground shaking and no •.; would • under this •
iii) Less Than Significant Impact. The proposed Project area is idented as a liquefaction • in the
Liquefaction Zones map of the General Plan EIR (City of Downey, General Plan EIR, July 28, 2004,
Figure 5.2-2). While the soils in the proposed Project area contain sandy silt and silty clay, the
proposed Project does not include the construction of structures. Additionally, compliance with
General Plan Goals and Policies, as well as with existing building codes and regulations, would
ensure that potential impacts from liquefaction would be less than significant. Therefore, seismic -
related ground failure, including liquefaction potential, related to the proposed Project is
considered less than significant under this criterion.
iv) No Impact. The proposed Project footprint is paved and essentially flat and carries no potential for
landslides triggered by seismic activity. Therefore, the proposed Project would result in no impact
•` this criterion.
b) No Impact. The proposed Project footprint is paved and basically level, and measures wou Id be implemented to prevent soil erosion during construction. Therefore, the proposed Project would not resu
in substantial soil erosion or the loss • topsoil and would result in no • under this criterion.
c) No Impact. The proposed Project vicinity is considered to be at risk for liquefaction, but not for landslide
activity. The proposed Project footprint is paved and basically level. Therefore, the proposed Project is
located on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable, or that would become unstable as a result of the
proposed Project, and potentially result in on- or off -site landslide, lateral spreading, subsidence,
liquefaction or collapse. Therefore, the proposed Project would result in no impact under this criterion.
No impact. The proposed Project is not located on expansive soil, as defined in Table 18-1-B of the
Uniform Building Code (1994), creating substantial direct or indirect risks to life or property impacts
related to expansivesoils. Therefore, the proposed Project would result in no impact under this
L) No Impact. The proposed Project that would not use or construct septic tanks in th e proposed Project
area. Sewer systems connected to the City sewer system already exist in the proposed Project area and
serve adjacent commercial and residential buildings. The proposed Project would not overlay soils
incapable of adequately supporting the use of septic tanks or alternative wastewater disposal systems
where sewers are not available for the disposal of wastewater. Therefore, the proposed Project would
result in • impact under this criterion.
Lakewood Boulevard/Imperial Highway Intersection ompro,em*n Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
f) Less Than Significant Impact with Mitigation Incorporated. The proposed Project involves
improvements to the intersection of Imperial Highway and Lakewood Boulevard in the City of Downey in
Los Angeles County, California. The proposed Project would have no direct or indirectadverse effects on
unique paleontological resources or sites, or to unique geological features. The proposed Project area is
composed of Pleistocene to Holocene -aged marine and nonmarine sedimentary deposits. The area is
with marine deposits occurring closer to the coast. Research has shown that the Pleistocene units have
the potential to yield paleontological resources in areas where the sediments have not been disturbed.
The deposits in the vicinity of the proposed Project area have been disturbed through previous
construction activities. A review of the paleontological literature has shown no records of unique
invertebrate or vertebrate paleontological resources in the proposed Project area, and there is low
potential to encounter fossils during construction. However, the unanticipated discovery of
paleontological resources during proposed Prmiect're|ated0round disturbance isalways a possibility.
Should paleontological resources be identified, geology and soils MM GEO-3. would be implemented, and
the proposed Project would result in less than significant impacts with mitigation incorporated under
this criterion.
Geology and Soils Mitigation Measure
h0M GEO'1: |nthe event unanticipated paleontological resources are found, aqua|i0ed professional
paleontologist who meets the qualifications presented in the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology's
Standard Procedures for the Assessment and Mitigation of Adverse Impacts to Paleontological Resources
(2Q1O),will becontacted toevaluate and treat the find.
3'8 Greenhouse Gas Emissions
The information and analysis presented in this greenhouse gas emissions section for the proposed Project is
based on the Air Quality and GHG Impact Analysis prepared by Hodge & Associates (Appendix A) for the City
of Downey Paramount Boulevard/imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project (Paramount
Boulevard/imperial Highway Intersection Project) Mitigated Negative Declaration (April 2020).
Less Than
Potentially Significant Less Than No
Significant with Significant Impact
Impact Mitigation Impact
Issue Incorporated
a) Generate greenhouse gas emissions, either directly o,
indirectly. that may have e significant impact onthe O '13 O
b) Conflict with anapplicable plan, policy orregulation adopted for O 0 9 O
the purpose o,reducing the emissions ofgreenhouse gases?
Impacts Analysis
a) Less Than Significant Impact. |nSeptember Z81D the SCAQMDCEOASignificance Thresholds GHGWorking
Group recommended an emissions significance threshold of 3,000 metric tons (MT) Carbon Dioxide
equivalent KOM for all land use projects. This 3,000 MT/year recommendation was used as a guideline for
the City of Downey Paramount Boulevard/Imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project (Paramount
Boulevard/imperial Highway Intersection Project) Mitigated Negative Declaration (2020) GHG analysis
(Appendix A).|nthe absence of an adopted numerical threshold of significance, Project -related GHG
emissions in excess of the guideline level were presumed to trigger a requirement for enhanced GHG
reduction at the Project level. The proposed Project utilizes this significance threshold by reference, as used
for the Paramount Boulevard/Imperial Highway Intersection Project.
Lakewood Boulevard/Imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
GAG anaiysis u Ai
generate 102.9 MTCO2e emissions, or approximately 30 times less that the significance threshold
(Appendix A).
Therefore, given that construction of the proposed Project is similar to but smaller in scale than the
Paramount Boulevard/imperial Highway Intersection Project, the proposed Project would not generate
greenhouse gas emissions, either directly or indirectly, that would have a significant impact on the
environment and the proposed Project would result in less than significant impact under this criterion.
b) Less Than Significant Impact. The City has not adopted regulations for the purpose of reducing GHGs
applicable to the proposed Project. The applicable GHG planning document is AB 32. As discussed above,
the proposed Project is not expected to result in a significant increase in GHG emissions. Because the
proposed Project would result in GHG emissions substantially below the recommended SCAQMD 3,000
MT/year threshold, it would not conflict with an applicable plan, policy or regulation adopted for the
purpose of reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases. Therefore, the proposed Project would result in a
less than significant impact under this criterion.
3.9 Hazards and Hazardous Materials
The Hazards and Hazardous Materials section of this document evaluates any
potential impacts from
hazardous substances caused by the proposed Project. The section analyzes any potential impacts from the
use of hazardous substances involved in construction activities such as storage of gasoline or oils related to
construction equipment.
Less Than
Significant Less Than No
with Significant Impact
Mitigation Impact
a) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment
through the routine transport, use, or disposal of hazardous L"
0 0
b) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment
through reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions 0
23 0 Cyr
involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment?
c) Emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or acutely
hazardous materials, substances, or waste within one -quarter
mile of an existing or proposed school
d) Be located on a site which is included on a list of hazardous
materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code 0 0 0 9
Section 65962.5 and, as a result, would it create a significant
hazard to the public or the environment
e) For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where
such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public
airport or public use airport, would the project result in a 1J 0 El
safety hazard for people residing or working in the project
f) Impair implementation of or physically interfere with an
adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation a0
Lakewood Boulevard/Imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
g) Expose people mstructures ma significant risk of loss, injury
mdeath involving wUdlendfies �o�din�w�m�w4��ndaons
' Q 0 0
adjacent Vuurbanized areas orwhere residences are
intermixed with wildlands
Impacts Analysis
a) NoImpact. During construction, the proposed Project contractor would use various fossil -fueled
construction equipment that could result in minor accidental spills or leaks. The proposed Project
construction contractor would be required tocomply with local, state, and federal regulations governing
petroleum spill prevention and mitigation, such as having appropriate spill containment and clean-up kits
aboard vehicles onsite. Therefore, there are no proposed Project -related impacts from routine transport,
use or disposal of hazardous materials that would create a significant hazard to the public the proposed
Project would result innoimpact under this criterion.
b) Less than Significant Impact with Mitigation Incorporated. During construction of the proposed Project,
improper use, storage, transportation and disposal of hazardous materials and wastes could result in
accidental spills or releases, posing health risks to workers, the public, and the environment.; however,
no fuels, oils, or other hazardous materials would be stored on the proposed Project site during
construction. MM HAZ-1 would be implemented to avoid and minimize potential impact due to the
onsite use, and storage if it is it determined to be necessary, of hazardous materials. Therefore, the
proposed Project would not create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through
reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into
the environment and the proposed Project would result in less than significant impact with mitigation
incorporated under this criterion.
Hazards and Hazardous Materials Mitigation Measure
M0&HHAZ'1:Hazardous Materials Use and Storage. During the Project, grading and street improvement
plans will include the following measures: '
� Storage of hazardous materials, chemicals, fuels, and oils shall be located a minimum of 150 feet (45
meters) from any drainage, water supply, urother water feature.
� Fueling of construction equipment shall occur a minimum of 150 feet (45 meters) from any
drainage, water supply, orother water feature.
� Hazardous materials stored onsite shall be stored in a neat, orderly manner in appropriate, labeled
containers, and ifpossible, under aroof orother enclosure.
• When possible, all hazardous material shall hcused before disposal ofcontainer.
w Handling, transport, and disposal of hazardous materials shall be consistent with manufacturer's
methods (as described on Material Safety Data Sheets (KHSDSs) and local, state, and federal
• Spills shall be contained and cleaned up immediately upon discovery following manufacturer's
method asdescribed oneach K8SDSfor the applicable products.
c) No Impact. Two schools are located within one -quarter mile of the proposed Project. E.W. Ward
Elementary School is located to the southwest of the proposed Project at 8851 Adoree Stand St. and
Sussman Middle School is located to the north of the proposed Project at 12500 Birchdale Ave. Because
no fuels, oils, or other hazardous materials would be stored on the proposed Project site during
construction, the proposed Project would not emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or acutely
hazardous materials, substances, or waste within one -quarter mile of an existing or proposed school.
Therefore, the proposed Project would result in no impact under this criterion.
Final Initial Stu'dy/Mitigated Negative Declaration
d) No Impact. An environmental database records search was conducted pursuant to Government Code
Section 65962.5 on April 12, 2021, of 49 state, local, and federal environmental databases, as well as
26 additional environmental database records to determine if there are hazardous materials locations of
concern present within 0.125 miles of the Project limits that could affect or be affected by the proposed
Project (Appendix E, Imperial Highway and Lakewood Boulevard Intersection Improvement Project
Imperial Hwy & Lakewood Blvd., GeoSearch Radius Report, 4/12/2021). Results of the environmental
database records search did not indicate the presence of hazardous or environmental concerns within
the Project limits or adjoining properties that would be anticipated to adversely affect the planned
improvements based on the construction activities associated with the planned Project improvements.
Therefore, the Project would not be located on a site which is included on a list of hazardous materials
sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5, and the proposed Project would result in
no impact under this criterion.
e) No Impact. On the basis of this search, no outstanding enforcement actions, violations, or uncompleted
remediation efforts/orders were identified within 0.125 mile of the proposed Project area. Therefore,
the proposed Project is not located on a site which is included on a list of hazardous materials sites
compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 and, as a result, it would not create a significant
hazard to the public or the environment; therefore, the proposed Project would result in no impact
under this criterion.
f) No Impact. The proposed Project is not located within 2 miles of an airport land use plan or within
2 miles of a public airport or public use airport. The nearest airport to the proposed Project site is the
Compton/Woodley Airport located approximately 4.4 miles to the southwest in the City of Compton.
Therefore, the proposed Project would not resu It in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the
proposed Project area and the proposed Project would result in no impact under this criterion.
g) No Impact. While Imperial Highway and Lakewood Boulevard may experience short-term traffic
disruptions during construction of the proposed Project, they would not be closed to through traffic. The
City Public Works Department and construction contractor would coordinate with the City Fire and Police
Departments to ensure that travel lanes sufficient for emergency vehicle access would IC-1-110-11-1 Open
during construction. In addition, the City's Office of Emergency Management has implemented an
Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) which coordinates effective disaster response and recovery efforts in
the City. Because the EOP is concerned with emergency management during a disaster, the temporary
construction activities of the proposed Project would not impair the implementation of or physically
interfere with the adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan specified in the EOP.
Therefore, the proposed Project would result in no impact under this criterion.
h) No Impact. The proposed Project is not adjacent to wildland areas and is located within a developed and
urbanized area of the City of Downey. The proposed Project would not expose people or structures to a
significant risk of loss, injury or death involving wildland fires. Therefore, the proposed Project would
result in no impact under this criterion.
standards or waste discharge requirements. The section also considers impacts to the drainage of the
property and potential impacts from storm water runoff to streams, rivers, or the Pacific Ocean.
Lakewood onubvard/xmperiu Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
--_ Than
Less Than
Violate any water quality standards or waste
equinementuorotherwise mub�an§aU� surface or
ground water quality?
Substantially decrease groundwater supplies or interfere
substantially with groundwater recharge such that the project
may impede sustainable groundwater management of the
Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern ofthe site
or area, including throughthee|1era�ion of
stream orriver urthrough the addition ofimpervious
yurfacau, in a manner which would:
i) result |nasubstantial erosion orsiltation on- nroff-
ii) substantially increase the rate oramount o[surface
runoff inamanner which would result inflooding on-
or off -site;
iii> create o,contribute runoff water which would exceed
the capacity nfexisting orplanned ehormmmtor
drainage systems o,provide substantial additional
sources ofpolluted runo�or
iv) impede orredirect flood flows?
dV Inflood hazard, tsunami, oeichezones, risk release � O B �
pollutants due uoproject inundation?
e) Conflict with orobstruct implementation ofwater quality
control plan o,sustainable groundwater management 0 0 0 21
Impacts Analysis
a) Less Than Significant impact. The proposed Project area isunder the jurisdiction nfthe California
Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) Los Angeles Region for issues related to water quality.
Construction of the proposed Project, and its associated potential to impact water quality, is considered
to be nonpoint source pollution. The proposed construction activities at the site would implement Best
Management Practices (BMPs) to reduce potential impacts to water quality.
Implementation of the proposed Project would comply with the adopted Basin Plan and City of Downey
water quality requirements (City ufDowney, Ordinance No. 14-133U).Additionally, construction ofthe
proposed Project would disturb more than I acre of land, which would require the preparation of aStorm
Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). Construction of the proposed Project consistent with the Basin
Plan, City of Downey water quality requirements, and implementation of the SWPPP would not violate any
water quality standards or waste discharge requirements or otherwise substantially degrade surface or
ground water quality. Therefore, the prohosed Project would result in less than significant impact under
this criterion.
b) No Impact. The proposed Project's improvements to an existing intersection would not result in changes
to stormwater drainage and the proposed Project would not substantially decrease groundwater
supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater recharge. In addition, the proposed Project would
Lakewood Boulevard/ imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
in • impact under this criterion.
c) Less than Significant. The proposed • intersection improvements would not • alter
the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a
stream • river • • the addition • impervious surfaces that would:
Aoiuk lirl 4 s6bs6niW1 tro�ioq dfsi!(g66 dri:AL4(L�k The existing site is an existing
• within a developed urban setting. No stream • river is located within the
proposed Project site or area. The proposed Project located on a nearly horizontal ground
surface replaces existing pavement and concrete with Portland concrete cement (roadway
surface, ►,r chop island, gutter, curb, sidewalk, ramps, and driveways). A • strip of
additional right-of-way would be acquired as part of the proposed Project along the
southside of Imperial Highway east and west of the intersection, which would the shift
existing pork chop island, sidewalks, ramps, and driveway south into existing minor strips of
ornamental landscaping (east of the intersection along Imperial Boulevard) and paved
Ferrking lots. As suchJ the -,Prorosed Pro-'ect's ,, minor increase in imFer ious surface would
not result in substantial erosion or siltation on- or off -site. Therefore, the proposed Project
would result in a less than significant impact under this criterion.
1) Substantially Increase the rate • • surface runoff in a manner which would result in
floodlnaon-� or ofUsite. The existing area surface water runoff is managed through the City •'.
Downe•y's stormwater runoff system and proposed Project surface water runoff would also
be managed through the City's stormwater system. Existing storm drains would be relocated
as part of the proposed Project and designed to accommodate anticipated • runoff and
• flooding • or • would • Acquisition and construction within a minor strip •
previously unpaved land would occur as part of the proposed Project, which would not result
in a substantial increase in the rate or • • surface •:I in a manner which would
result in flooding on- • • Therefore, the proposed Project • result in less than
significant •. under this criterion.
Ji) CregLe or conlribute, to runoff water which would exceed
,NT-F-FA rS-WTA7CTrFTT-F-r Rue- Ird C,
runoff system and proposed Project surface water runoff would also be managed through
the City's stormwater system. Existing storm drains would be relocated as part of the
on- • off -site would • The proposed Project improves flow through of the existing
intersection and does not .•• any new travel lanes • additional •. Therefore, the
proposed Project would • create or contribute runoff water which would exceed the
capacity of existing or planned stormwater drainable systems • provide substantial
additional • • polluted • and the proposed Project would result in no impact
under this criterion.
iv) jMpg�_ During construction, temporary BMPs would be utilized t
manage and divert stormwaterflood • within the construction footprint to the existi
storm drain system. Therefore, the proposed Project would not impede or permanently
redirect flood flows and no impact would occur under this criterion. I
d) No impact. The proposed Project site is situated within a Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) designated X ':• Flood Zone. The X Flood Zone designation • that the location lies
within an area determined to be outside of the 0.2% annual chance floodplain. The proposed Project
area is not located within a mapped tsunami zone (CGS, 2019). The proposed Project area is not located
adjacent to an enclosed or partially enclosed body or water (e.g., lake, reservoir, swimming pool, bay,
Lakewood Boulevard /lmperal Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
harbmr, orsea) and would not besubject tninundation asaresult ofetemporary disturbanoeur
oscillation of the water level. Therefore, the proposed Project would not result in release of pollutants
due to proposed Project inundation resulting from flood hazard, tsunami, or seiche and no impact would
occur under this criterion.
e) No Impact. The existing area surface water runoff is managed through the City of Downey's stormwater
runoff system and proposed Project surface water runoff would also be managed through the City's
stormw/atersystem. Existing storm drains would herelocated aspart ufthe proposed Project and
designed to accommodate anticipated surface runoff and no flooding on- or off -site would occur. The
proposed Project would not conflict with implementation of the City of Downey Watershed Management
Program, an enforceable element ofthe [ity's NPDE5 MS4 Permit. Therefore, the proposed Project
would not conflict with or obstruct implementation of a water quality control plan or sustainable
groundwater management plan and no impact would occur under this criterion.
3,11 Land Use and Planning
The Land Use and Planning section evaluates any potential conflicts between the proposed Project and the
City's General Plan and Zoning Code, or any habitat conservation plan established by the City of Downey.
Less Than
Potentially Significant Less Than No
Significant with Significant Impact
Impact Mitigation Impact
|nnuw Incorporated
XU.LAND USE AND PLANNING. Would the project:
o) Physically divide onestablished community?
b) Cause esignificant environmental impact due <oaconflict with any
land use p|an, po|ioy, or regulation adopted for the purpose of [] O [] 0
avoiding nrmitigating anenvironmental effect?
Impacts Analysis
a) No Impact. The proposed Project is improvements an existing intersection to enhance traff ic flow through
and operation of the Lakewood Boulevard and Imperial Highway intersection during peak hours through
the year 2035. The proposed Project would not physically divide an established community because the
intersection and the streets already exist, and the proposed Project would not require elimination of any
surrounding uses. Therefore, the proposed Project would result in no impact under this criterion.
b) No Impact. The proposed Project consists of improvements to an existing intersection and is
consistent with the Circulation Element of the adopted General Plan for the City of Downey. In
addition, the proposed Project would not conflict with any conservation plans as there is no Habitat
Conservation Plan orNatural Community Conservation Plan within the Project area.
Variances may be required as part of the right-of-way acquisitions necessary to accommodate
proposed Project improvements. If required, the variances would be obtained through the City of
Downey, in compliance with the applicable policies of the City's Municipal Code, prior to
implementation ofthe proposed Project.
Further, implementation of the proposed Project would benefit circulation within the City of Downey
through the proposed Project improvements to the Lakewood Boulevard and Imperial Highway
intersection. Therefore, the proposed Project would not cause a significant environmental impact
due to a conflict with any land use plan, policy, or regulation adopted for the purpose of avoiding or
mitigating anenvironmental effect and noimpact would occur under this criterion.
Lakewood Boulevard/Imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
The Mineral Resources section analyzes any impacts the proposed Project might have on mineral resources in
the City.
Less Than
Potentially Significant Less Than No
Significant with Significant Impact
Impact Mitigation Impact
Issue Incorporated
X11. MINERAL RESOURCES. Would the project:
a) Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource
that would be of value to the region and the residents of the 0
• Result in the loss of availability of a locally important mineral
resource recovery site delineated on a local general plan, 0 0
specific plan or other land use plan?
Impacts Analysis
a) No Impact. There are no known mineral resources located within the proposed Project footprint or
vicinity. The City of Downey is located entirely within the San Gabriel Valley Prod uction-Consumption
Q Region Mineral Zone 2 (MRZ-2). The MRZ-2 is an area where adequate information indicates that
significant mineral deposits are • or a likelihood of their presence and development should be
controlled. However, given the extent of the San Gabriel Valley P-C resource area coupled with the
limited surficial depth associated with construction at the intersection and the nature of the proposed
Project (improvement of existing intersection), the proposed Project would not result in the loss of
• of a known mineral resource that would be of value to the region and the residents of the
state. :.• no impact would occur under this criterion.
1111 Nn lmnar.t- A rpvipw of City and state mans has indicated no known mineral resources in the oroposed
Project area. Therefore, the proposed Project would not result in the loss of a locally important minera
resource or • site that is delineated on a local general plan, specific plan, or • land use plan
and no impact would occur under this criterion.
3.13 Noise
The noise section evaluates the noise and vibration impacts • the proposed Project and the impact of the
existing •; • on the proposed Project.
The information and analyses presented in this noise section are based on the noise analysis prepared for the
City of Downey Paramount Boulevard/imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project Mitigated Negative
Declaration (2020), which is provided in Appendix F.
The rationale for this approach is the similar nature/scale/location of construction activities and operations of
the previous adjacent Paramount Boulevard/imperial Highway Intersection Project and proposed Project,
which are located within the same area of the City of Downey.
Less Than
Potentially Significant Less Than No
Significant with Significant Impact
Impact Mitigation Impact
Issue Incorporated
. .................. . . .
X11111. NOISE. Would the project:
a) Generation of a substantial temporary or permanent increase 0 :R 0
ii, ai-Fiblef-it noise levels 11-1 'Ll-16 viCillmity ofthe project in cx=GG
Lakewood Boulevard/Imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
of standards established in the local general plan or noise
ordinance, or applicable standards of other agencies?
b) Generation of excessive groundborne vibration or 0
groundborne noise levels?
c) For a project located within the vicinity of a private airstrip
or an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not
been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or
public use airport, would the project expose people
residing or working in the project area to excessive noise
Impacts Analysis
The adjacent City of Downey Paramount Boulevard/Imperial Highway Intersection Project, which lies
approximately 1 mile to the west of the proposed Project, is greater in construction scale/magnitude and
related noise impacts than potential noise impact associated with the proposed Project. For example,
Paramount Boulevard/Imperial Highway Intersection Project would add dual left turn pockets in the
southbound direction along Paramount Boulevard and in the westbound direction along Imperial Highway. All
four legs of the intersection would be widened to provide sufficient road width for vehicular U-turn
movements. In contrast, the proposed Project would provide two lanes of enhanced left turn capabilities
along Lakewood Boulevard with restriping. Left -turn lanes on eastbound and westbound Imperial Highway
would be accommodated by limited demolition of portions of the existing medians. Minor widening along the
southside of Imperial Highway is proposed to accommodate the additional left-hand turn lanes in the
eastbound and westbound direction. Additionally, right turns would be enhanced by minor widening along
Imperial Highway on the east and west side of the intersection and in the southbound right lane of Lakewood
Boulevard, north of the intersection.
a) Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated. The State of California has established guidelines
for acceptable community noise levels that are based upon the Community Noise Equivalent Level
(CNEL) rating scale. The City of Downey has adopted the same exterior noise/land use compatibility
guideline as that used by the State of California. Noise Goal One of the Noise Element states that the
City's exterior noise standard shall be 60 dB CNEL for all sensitive land per Downey General Plan Policy
CNEL-based standards are the land use planning standards that are applied to noise sources for which the
City of Downey is pre-empted from exercising local control. These sources include on road traffic and
train noise. Those noise sources that are amenable to local control are regulated by the City of Downey
Municipal Code (§4606.4). Section 4606.5 of the Municipal code prohibits construction between the
hours of 9:00 p.m. of one day and 7:00 a.m. of the following day. Additionally, Downey Municipal Code
Section 4606.3 Maximum permissible Noise Levels by Sound Sources Across Property Boundaries applies
to any noise source not operating on a public right-of-way.
Two characteristic noise sources are typically identified with roadway improvements such as that
proposed for the development of the Lakewood Boulevard and Imperial Highway Intersection
improvements. Construction activities, especially heavy equipment, would create short-term noise
increases near the proposed Project work area. Such impacts may be important for nearby noise -
sensitive receptors such as any existing residential uses. Estimates for construction noise impacts
associated with construction of the proposed Project are qualitatively estimated based on the noise
analysis conducted for the Paramount Boulevard/Imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
(Appendix F). Operational traffic noise impacts, following completion of the proposed Project, are
evaluated in the same manner.
Sensitive Land Uses
Areas with sensitive receptors proximate to the proposed Project Work Area include the following:
Lakewood Boulevard/imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Proje
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaratio
fee:$ -.6.044
Lakewood Boulevard/Imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
Table 5: Construction Equipment Noise Levels
Paramount Boulevard/Imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
The two closest sensitive receptor locations adjacent to the proposed Project work area are two
mobile homes located within the Sun Trailer Park. Along northbound Lakewood Boulevard, north of
the intersection, the closest corners of two residences are located immediately adjacent to the Sun
Trailer Park block walk, approximately 7 feet (2 meters) from roadway curb. At a construction rate of
it (3 meters) per day, construction efforts would have moved, within approximately 12 days,
from 50 feet (15 meters) north to 50 feet (15 meters) south of the location where the two receptors
(mobile homes) are located. Because other noise -sensitive receptors are located farther from the
proposed Project work area, or equipment would be less noisy, the proposed Project's other
construction -related noise levels at sensitive receptors would be lower.
To limit noise impacts to sensitive uses, implementation of MM N-1 would maintain acceptable noise
g VJW—LTxCaT M-nam W-L
under this criterion.
Traffic is
Analysis of the traffic noise impacts associated with the Paramount/imperial Intersection Improvement
Project showed there would be no impact to the existing noise environment at the intersection after
completion of the proposed Project. Therefore, it can be inferred that there would be no operational
would occur under this criterion. Therefore, the proposed Project impacts would be less than significant
with mitigation incorporated under this criterion.
Noise Mitigation Measure
MM N-1 — Construction is permitted between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on Monday through
Saturday. All construction equipment will use properly operating mufflers.
Lakewood Boulevard/Imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Projec
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaratio
b) Less Than Significant Impact. Proposed Project -related pavement cutting, excavation, and
construction activities has the potential to result in vibration that could disturb nearby residents
and/or cause cosmetic damage to existing adjacent buildings orstructures.
Ground of vibration occurs when heavy equipment travels over unpaved surfaces or when it is
engaged in soil movement. Vibration -related problems generally occur due to resonances in the
structural components of a building because structures amplify ground borne vibration. Ground borne
vibrations from construction activities rarely reach levels that can damage structures. Because vibration
is typically not an issue, very few jurisdictions have adopted vibration significance thresholds. For
example, there are no Caltrans or Federal Highway Administration standards for vibration and the City of
Downey has no ordinance governing construction -related vibration.
lefined as the maximum instantaneous positive or negative peak of the vibration signal, usually
measured in inches per second. The range of such vibration is as follows in Table 7 taken from the
Paramount/Imperial IS/IVIND noise section.
Project Initial Study/ Mitigated Negative Declaration, April 2020
According to Caltrans, the threshold for structural vibration damage for modern structures is 0.5 inche
* 5 inche
per second (in/sec) for intermittent sources, which include impact pile drivers, pogo -stick compactors,
crack -and -seat equipment, vibratory pile drivers, and vibratory compaction equipment. As noted Jinth
buildings. For the purpose of this analysis, the 0.2 in/sec damage threshold for fragile buildings also is
It Wd
is level tf Pre is vi-tuallg g, jli�"42 da"Em"W1 "?"Wi RANWA"i
generated by construction equipment.
Source: Paramount Boulevard/ Imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project Initial Stu
Mitigated Negative Declaration, April 2020 1
Lakewood Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
D=the distance from the equipment tothe receiver.
The closest sensitive receptors potentially subject to vibration effects are:
a Sun|bePreschool (9OZOImperial Hwy)
o Located inachurch building (All Saints Church nfGod inChrist) that has anapproximate
10-fom (3-meters) separation distance from the work limit. A Google Search on April 9, 2021,
shows the former Sunlite Preschool that operated at the church is permanently closed.
* Two mobile homes inSun Trailer Perk(1Z583Laheweod8lvd)
o Located adjacent to the wall along northbound Lakewood Boulevard and approximately 7feet
(2meters) from edge ofcurb, north ofthe Intersection).
A jackhammer is assumed to be used for existing sidewalk removal. The vibration level at this receptor
would be 0.14 in/sec, which is below levels that could create structural damage in fragile buildings (i.e.,
0.2 in/sec). Vibration levels would be below the distinct human perception threshold and far below any
possible cosmetic damage level. Vibration impacts from the proposed Project would beless than
significant under this criterion.
c) No Impact. The proposed Project is not located within an airport land use plan and is not within 2
miles of a public airport or public use airport, The proposed Project would not expose people residing
or working in the proposed Project area to excessive noise levels. Therefore, the proposed Project
would result innoimpact under this criterion.
3.14 Population and Housing
The Population and Housing section considers the impact of the proposed Project on population growth
within the proposed Project area and whether the proposed Project would displace substantial numbers of
people necessitating construction ofnew housing elsewhere.
Less Than
Potentially Significant Less Than No
Significant with Significant Impact
Impact Mitigation Impact
Issue Incorporated
X|V.POpWLmJ|ON AND HOUSING. Would the project:
m) Induce substantial unplanned population growth inenarea, either
directly (for example, by proposingnew homes and businesses) O
prindirectly (for example, through extension ofroads urother
b) Displace substantial people or housing,
necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere?
Impacts Analysis
a) No Impact. As an improvement of an existing intersection, the proposed Project would not induce
substantial unplanned population growth in an area, either directly or indirectly. Therefore, the
proposed Project would result in no impact under this criterion.
b) No Impact. The proposed Project would not displace existing people or housing, necessitating the
construction of replacement housing elsewhere. Therefore, the proposed Project would result in no
impact under this criterion.
Lakewood Boulevard/imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
The Public Services section evaluates the impact of the proposed Project on public services provided by the
City of Downey or other agencies.
Less Than
Potentially Significant Less Than
Significant with Significant No Impact
Impact Mitigation Impact
Issue Incorporated
a) Would the project result in substantial adverse
physical impacts associated with the provision of new
or physically altered governmental facilities, need for
new or physically altered governmental facilities, the
construction of which could cause significant
environmental impacts, in order to maintain
acceptable service ratios, response times or other
performance objectives for any of the public services:
Fire protection?
❑ 0
Police protection?
❑ 0
❑ 0
Other public facilities?
a No Impact. The proposed Project area is surrounded by general commercial, low density residential,
and medium -density residential land uses. The proposed Project construction would i•: designed to
accommodate emergency vehicles through the proposed Project area during construction. The
proposed Project would • • service ratios or response times. The proposed Project also would
• trigger the need to add governmental facilities that could impact the environment.
No Impact - Fire Protection. The Downey Fire Department consists of about 100 employees providi
a variety of comprehensive fire and life -safety services to the community of 113,607 residents. The
City is protected by an Insurance Services Office (ISO) Class 2 rated fire department operating out o
strategically located fire stations. These stations house four Engine Companies, one Truck Company
two Paramedic Squads, two Basic Life Support (BLS) Ambulances, one Urban Search & Rescue (USA
Unit, and one Command Vehicle. Fire Station No. 2 (District 2) at 9556 Imperial Highway, is the
closest station to the proposed Project site. The proposed Project would be designed to
accommodate fire department vehicles through the proposed Project area during construction. The
proposed Project consists of improvements to an existing intersection and no new construction of o
improvements to existing fire facilities would be required to maintain acceptable service ratios,
response times, or other performance objective for fire protection. Therefore, no impact to fire
protection would occur under this criterion.
No Impact - Police Protection. The Downey Police Department provides law enforcement services 7.1
the City of Downey. The Police Department headquarters is located at 10911 Brookshire Avenue. I
tT!Y,Y46exW6r4k,*� A n ge les iou nt�j S h e rif f s D e ica rt me nt, ba se d i n th e CftaDLQ,-, n wood xm-!F-rov �id es �ro I J
services for properties owned by the County in the southwest part of the City.
T iini
patrol fields approximately 70 officers, and a full range of law enforcement services. About 70
percent of the sworn officers work in the Field Operations Division, which focuses on patrolling Cit]
Lakewood Boulevard/Imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
streets, answering calls for service, and identifying potential crime problems. The proposed Project
construction would be designed to accommodate police department vehicles through the proposed
Project area during construction. The proposed Project consists of improvements to an existing
intersection and nmnew construction oforimprovements toexisting police facilities would be
required to maintain acceptable service ratios, response times, or other performance objectives for
police protection. Therefore, no impact to police protection would occur under this criterion.
No Impact - Public Schools. Public educational services within the City of Downey are provided by the
Downey Unified School District. Temporary construction personnel would come from the local labor
force and no additional student enrollment is anticipated. No new construction of or improvements to
existing public school facilities would be required to maintain acceptable performance objectives.
Therefore, no impact to public schools would occur under this criterion.
No Impact - Parks. The proposed Project would not generate additional population and would not
impact parks within the City of Downey. No new construction of or improvements to existing park
facilities would be required to maintain acceptable performance objectives. Therefore, no impact
toparks would occur under this criterion.
No Impact - Other Public Facilities. The proposed Project would not generate additional
population that would impact libraries, community centers, or other community facilities in the
City of Downey. No new construction of or improvements to existing other public facilities would
be required to maintain acceptable performance objectives. Therefore, no impact to other public
facilities would occur under this criterion.
3.16 Recreation
The Recreation section analyzes whether the proposed Project would trigger the need for additional
recreational facilities within the community. The section also evaluates the impact on use of existing
neighborhood o,regional parks.
Less Than
Potentially Significant Less Than
Significant with Significant uun1 Impact~—
Impact Mitigation ImpactMitigation
Issue Incorporated
a) Would the project increase the use of existing neighborhood
and regional parks ~ other recreational facilities such that C] o [x Z
substantial physical deterioration of the facility would occur ur
be accelerated?
u) Does the project include recreational facilities or requirethe
construction o,expansion ufrecreational facilities which might O O O 00.
have an adverse physical effect on the environment?
Impacts Analysis
a> No Impact. Aaanintersection improvement project, the proposed Projectwould not increase the use of
existing neighborhood and regional parks orother recreational facilities such that substantial physical
deterioration of the facility would occur or be accelerated. Therefore, the proposed Project would result
in no impact under this criterion.
6) NoImpact. The proposed Project would not include recreational facilities urrequire the expansion or
construction of recreational facilities which might have an adverse physical effect on the environment.
Therefore, the proposed Project would result in no impact under this criterion.
Lakewood Boulevard/ Imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
...... .... . ....
3.17 Transportation
This section evaluates whether the proposed Project creates conflicts with the effectiveness of the existing
transportation network, any congestion management plan, or creates any design flaws that would
substantially increase transportation hazards.
Less Than
Potentially Significant Less Than No
Significant with Significant Impact
Impact Mitigation Impact
Issue Incorporated
XVII. TRANSPORTATION. Would the project:
a) Conflict with a program, plan, ordinance or policy addressing
the circulation system, including transit, roadway, bicycle and 0 0 0 0
pedestrian facilities?
b) Would the project conflict or be inconsistent with CEQA 0 0 13 0
Guidelines section 15064.3, subdivision (b)?
c) Substantially increase hazards due to a geometric design
feature (e.g., sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or El 0 0 0
incompatible uses (e.g., farm equipment)?
d) Result in inadequate emergency access? L1 0 0 9
b) No Impact. CEQA Guidelines section 15064.3, subdivision (b) describes specc considerations for evaluating
a project's transportation impacts. The proposed Project would improve traffic circulation and reduce
congestion along the Lakewood Boulevard and Imperial Highway corridors, and would not result in land
uses changes that directly generate vehicle trips. Thus, the proposed Project would not result in increases in
the rate of vehicle trips or VIVIT. Therefore, the proposed Project would not conflict or be inconsistent with
CEQA Guidelines section 15064.3, subdivision (b), and the proposed Project would result in no impact under
this criterion.
c) No impact. The proposed Project would result in improvements to traff ic flow through and operation of the
Lakewood Boulevard and Imperial Highway intersection, thereby minimizing congestion. The overall
geometry of the intersection would not change with the acquisition of ROW and inclusion of two additional
left turn lanes along Imperial Highway. The proposed Project would not substantially increase hazards due
to a geometric design feature or incompatible uses. Therefore, the proposed Project would result in no
impact under this criterion.
d) No Impact. While Imperial Highway and Lakewood Boulevard may experience short-term disruptions to
traffic flow during construction of the proposed Project, the travel ways would not be closed to through
traffic. The City Public Works Department and construction contractor would coordinate with the City Fire
and Police Departments to ensure that lanes sufficient for emergency vehicle access would remain open
during construction. As such, the proposed Project would not result in inadequate emergency access and
no impact would orrur under this criterion.
Lakewood Boulevard/Imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
3.18 Tribal Cultural Resources
This section analyzes whether the proposed Project would impact tribal cultura I resources and documents
notification of Native American Tribal representatives and consultation that occurred.
Less Than
Potentially Significant
Significant with
Impact Mitigation
Less Than No
Significant Impact
Would the project cause osubstantial adverse change inthe
significance ofotribal cultural resource, defined in Public
Resources Code section 21O74aaeither osite, feature, place,
cultural landscape that iogeographically defined interms ofthe size
and scope of the landscape, sacred place, nrobject with cultural
value tnmCalifornia Native American tribe, and that is:
m) Listed oreligible for listing inthe California Register ofHistorical
Reouurcmo, or in s local register n[historical resources as
defined inPublic Resources Code §5O2O.1<N.or
b> Aresource determined bythe lead agency, inits discretion
and supported bysubstantial evidence, 0nbasignificant
pursuant tocriteria set forth insubdivision (u)ofPublic
Resources Code §5O24.1.|napplying the criteria set forth O 0 0 0
insubdivision (c)ufPublic Resource Code 05U24.1.the
lead agency shall consider the significance o,the resource
to California Native American tribe.
OnSeptember 25,ZDJ0 the City of Downey initiated Assembly Bill (AB)-52 (2014) consultation by sending Project
notification letters to the tribal representatives of the Gabrieleno Band of Mission Indians — Kitzh Nation, the
Gabrieleno/Tongva San Gabriel Band of Mission Indians, the Gabrielino/Tongva Tribe, the Gabrielino Tongva
Indians ofCalifornia Tribal Council, the Gabrie|ino/TongvaNation, and the 5obobaBand ofLuisenoIndians. No
responses requesting consultation with the City of Downey under AB-52 (2014) were received from the tribal
representatives asmfApril Q,3OJ1.
a) No Impact. AZTEC prepared a Phase I Cultural Resources Technical Report (Appendix D) for the proposed
Project and concluded that no tribal cultural resources have been recorded within the proposed Project
site (Appendix D).Thus, the proposed Project would not cause a substantial adverse change inthe
significance ofatribal cultural resource listed, oreligible for listing in, the California Register ofHistorical
Resources (CRHR) or in a local register. Therefore, the proposed Project would result in no impact under
this criterion.
b) No Impact. AZTEC prepared a Phase 1 Cultural Resources Technical Report (Appendix D) for the proposed
Project and concluded that no tribal cultural resources have been recorded within the proposed Project
site (AppendixQ). Additionally, no California Native American tribal representatives have requested
consultation with the City of Downey under AB-52 (2014). Additionally, no California Native American
tribe representatives has identified a significant tribal resource within the proposed Project area. Thus,
the proposed Project would not cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a tribal resource
determined by the lead agency to be significant and the proposed Project would result'in no impact
under this criterion.
Lakewood Boulevard/Imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
3.19 Utilities and Service Systems
The Utiles and Service Systems section evaluates the proposed Project's impacts on utilities and provision of
municipal waste management services. Specifically, the section analyzes whether the proposed Project would
trigger the need for additional facilities or whether capacity exists to support the proposed Project.
Less Than
Potentially Significant Less Than No
Sigcant with Significant Impact
Impact Mitigation Impact
Issues Incorporated
a) Require or result in the relocation or construction of new or
expanded water, wastewater treatment or storm water
0 0 0 0
drainage, electric power, natural gas, or
telecommunications facilities, the construction or relocation
of which could cause significant environmental effects
Have sufficient water supplies available to serve the project
and reasonably foreseeable future development during
0 13 0 0
normal, dry and multiple dry years?
Result in a determination by the wastewater treatment provider
which serves or may serve the project that it has adequate
0 0 0 0
capacity to serve the project's projected demand in addition to
the provider's existing commitments?
Generate solid waste in excess of State or local standards, or
in excess of the capacity of local infrastructure, or otherwise
0 0 0
impair the attainment of solid waste reduction goals?
Comply with federal, state, and local management and
reduction statutes and regulations related to solid waste?
0 0 9
Impacts Analysis
a) Less than Significant impact. The proposed Project is an intersection improvement that includes
removal and relocation of existing storm water drainage (catch basins and associated local depressions)
where new ROW is acquired along the south side of Imperial Highway. The catch basins and associated
local depressions would meet the City of Downey and other applicable engineering standards. The
proposed Project would not require or result in the relocation or construction of new or expanded
water, wastewater treatment, electric power, natural gas, or telecommunications facilities, the
construction or relocation of which could cause significant environmental effects. Therefore, the
proposed Project would result in less than significant impacts under this criterion.
b) No Impact. The proposed Project is an existing intersection improvement and would not impact or
affect the sufficiency of water supplies available to serve the proposed Project and reasonably
foreseeable future development during normal, dry, and multiple dry years. Therefore, the proposed
Project would result in no impact under this criterion.
C) No Impact. The proposed Project would not generate wastewater and it would generate no demand on
wastewater treatment providers. Implementation of the proposed Project would not result in a
determination by the wastewater treatment provider which serves or may serve the proposed Project
that it has inadequate capacity to serve the proposed Project's projected demand in addition to the
provider's existing commitments. Therefore, the proposed Project would result in no impact under this
d) No Impact. During construction, the proposed Project would generate solid waste from demolition of
portions of the existing ROW and medians, primarily concrete. Disposal of construction -related solid
UVV CAIZIL11 I r� 1U%.d I, :AdLe, d I I U UUtId I Fet;UldLIMIN dnu require me nis. i herelrore, the
Lakewood Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
proposed Project would not generate solid waste in excess of State or local standards, or in excess of
the capacity of local infrastructure, or otherwise impair the attainment of solid waste reduction goals.
Therefore, the proposed Project would result in no impact under this criterion.
e) No Impact. The proposed Project would comply with federal, state, and local management and
reduction statutes and regulations related to solid waste. Therefore, the proposed Project would result
innoimpact under this criterion.
3.20 Wildfire
The Wildlife section evaluates the impact of the proposed Project
on wildlife risk
and effectsof
wildlife nnthe
proposed Project area.
Less Than
Less Than No
Significant Impact
XX. WILDFIRE. If located in or near state responsibility areas or lands
classified as very high fire hazard severity zones, would the project:
e> Substantially impair mnadopted emergency response plan o'
O 00
emergency evacuation plan?
b) Due to slope, prevailing winds, and other factors, exacerbate
wildfire risks, and thereby expose project occupants to, pollutant
concentrations from a wildfire or the uncontrolled spread of e
c) Require the installation mmaintenance ofassociated
infrastructure (such euroads, fuel breaks, emergency
water sources, power lines nrother utilities) that may 0 O 0 0
exacerbate fire risk o,that may result intemporary or
ongoing impacts tothe environment?
d) Expose people orstructures msignificant risks, including
dmwne|npeprdownstream flooding or|ande|idna as ' O 0 |0 0
result nfrunoff, post -fire slope instability, urdrainage
Impacts Analysis --- -
a) No impact. The proposed Project lies within a highly urbanized area which is not located in or near state
responsibility areas or lands classified as very high fire hazard severity zones. Therefore, the proposed
Project would not substantially impair an adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation
plan due to the event of a wildfire. Therefore, the proposed Project would result in no impact under this
b) No Impact. The proposed Project lies within a highly urbanized area which is not located in or near state
responsibility areas or lands classified as very high fire hazard severity zones. The proposed Project site is
on flat ground and there are no prevailing winds or other factors that would exacerbate wildfire risks.
The proposed Project is not a structure and, therefore, while there are travelers using the intersection,
there are no occupants of the proposed Project. Therefore, due to slope, prevailing winds, and other
factors, the proposed Project would not exacerbate wildfire risks, and thereby expose proposed Project
occupants to pollutant concentrations from a wildfire or the uncontrolled spread of a wildfire. Therefore,
the proposed Project would result innuimpact under this criterion.
c) No Impact. The proposed Project is an improvement of an existing intersection, and the proposed Project
would not require the installation ormaintenance ofassociated infrastructure (such as roads, fuel breaks,
emergency water sources, power lines or other utilities) that may exacerbate fire risk or that may result
Lakewood Boulevard/imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
in temporary or ongoing impacts to the environment. Therefore, the proposed Project would result in no
impact under this criterion.
d) No Impact. The proposed Project is an improvement of an existing intersection does not include
construction or operation of structures. The topography is generally flat, and no waterbodies are located
within or immediately adjacent to the proposed Project area. The proposed Project is not located in
areas prone to clownslope or downstream flooding or landslides, as a result of runoff, post -fire slope
instability, or drainage changes and, therefore, would not expose people or structures to significant risks.
Therefore, the proposed Project would result in no impact under this criterion.
3.21 Mandatory Findings of Significance
This section includes questions designed to establish whether the proposed Project has effects significant
enough to impact the environment negatively. It also addresses the issues of short-term versus long-term
environmental goals and cumulative impacts of past, other current, and reasonably foreseeable projects.
Less Than
Potentially Significant Less Than No
Significant with Significant Impact
Impact Mitigation Impact
Issues Incorporated
a) Does the project have the potential to substantially degrade
the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat
of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population
to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a 13 0 0
plant or animal community, substantially reduce the number or
restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or
eliminate important examples of the major periods of California
history or prehistory?
b) Does the project have impacts that are individually limited, but
cumulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable"
means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable Li 1_3 0 D
when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the
effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable
future projects)?
c) Does the project have environmental effects which will
cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either 0 0 0
directly or indirectly?
Impacts Analysis
a) Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated. On the basis of the foregoing analysis and
commitments, the proposed Project would not have the potential to reduce the habitat of a fish or
wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to
eliminate a plant or animal community, or substantially reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare
or endangered plant or animal. However, the coastal California gnatcatcher (Federal status: Threatened),
with a breeding season of February 15 through August 30 (USFWS, 1997), and thirteen migratory birds
identified in the IPaC search have the potential to nest in the proposed Project area between January 1
and October 31. Thus, MM BIO-1 would be implemented to schedule tree removal outside of nesting bird
(breeding) season for bird species known to occur within the proposed Project area (November through
December). if tree removal activities are proposed between January and October, nesting bird surveys
would be conducted prior to tree removal activities, and no tree removal would occur if an active nest is
Lakvwnodn Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
In addition, the proposed Project would not have the potential to eliminate important examples of major
periods ofCalifornia history orprehistory. However, the unanticipated discovery ofarchaeological
resources is always a possibility. Thus, Mitigation Measure CUL-1 has been included to prevent impacts to
unanticipated archaeological discoveries. In addition, MM CUL-2 has been included to prevent impacts
due to the inadvertent discovery of human remains. Implementation of MM CUL-1 and MM CUL-2 would
reduce potential impacts to important examples of California prehistory to a less than significant level.
Therefore, impacts would be less than significant with mitigation under this criterion.
b) No Impact. No cumulatively considerable impacts are anticipated in connection with the proposed
Project and other past, current, and reasonably foreseeable projects, including the Lakewood Boulevard
at Florence Intersection Improvement Project and the Paramount Blvd/Imperial Hwy Intersection
Improvement Project.
The analysis in this IS/MND determined that the proposed Project would result in no impacts to
aesthetics, agriculture and forestry resourmes, ener#y, mineral resources, population and housing, public
services, recreation, tribal cultural neyuunss^ and wildfire thresholds. The analysis inthis |S/R8NDa|so
determined that less than significant impacts would occur related to greenhouse gas emissions,
hydrology and water quality, land use and planning, transportation, and utilities and service systems.
Impacts related to air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, geology and soils, hazards and
hazardous materials, and noise were determined to be potentially significant and would require
mitigation to reduce impacts to a less than significant level. Therefore, the proposed Project could
contribute considerably to significant cumulative impacts inthese environmental issue areas. In addition,
the proposed Project may beconstructed concurrently with the two intersection improvement projects
noted above, which could result in additional cumulative impacts. However, these impacts would be
temporary, as they are caused by construction activities, and would not contribute to long-term
cumulative impacts inthe region.
In addition, the proposed Project is consistent with the City's transportation strategies, and would
comply with the goals and policies of the City's General Plan, the City's Municipal Code, as well as State
and Federal laws and regulations, Overall, recommended mitigation measures, the proposed Project's
design, as well as the City's goals and policies would reduce potential impacts to a less than significant
level. Therefore, itisnot anticipated that the proposed Project would result incumulatively considerable
impacts and noimpact would occur under this criterion.
c) No Impact. There are no known substantial adverse effects on human beings that would be caused by
the proposed Project. The proposed Project is consistent with the land uses in the proposed Project area
and the environmental evaluation has concluded that no adverse significant environmental impacts
would result from the proposed Project. Therefore, no impact would occur under this criterion.
California Department ofConservation, Division ofMines and Geology. 2000Index ofEarthquake
Fault Zones Affecting Los Angeles County. March l. h1ups://www]ib.berke|ey.edu/
E4Rl/UCOMLY/[DK8G/south/so:ai]ndex.pdf—accessed October 9'ZQ2U.
State of California, Department of Conservation, California Geologic Survey (CGS). 2019. Los Angeles
County Tsunami Inundation Maps. https://www.conservation.ca.gov/cgs/tsunami/maps/los-
angeles - accessed October 1, 2020.
California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW). 2020. California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB)
South Gate Quadrangle. Search Date: October 9.
City of Downey. 2020. Paramount Boulevard/ Imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
|nitia|6tu6y/ Mitigated Negative Declaration, including Appendixes. April.
Lakewood Boulevard/mmperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project
Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
.2012b. CommunityDevelopment Department, Division.
Planning + Use Map. October
2012a. CommunityDevelopment Department, Division. r
r October
.2005. City of Downey General Plan Vision1
NationalPark Service. 1983. Archaeology and Historic Preservation:
Standardsr Guidelines.Available online,+ + ,r, r r
r ' r Septemberi
Office of Historic Preservation. N.D. Built Environment Resource Directory. Available online,
US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2020. Information, Planning, and Consultation (lPaC) System -
Lakewood Boulevard/Imperial Highway Intersection Improvement Project Vicinity. Search
i• October '
Absence Survey Guidelines. February 28. https://www.fws.gov/ventura/docs/species/
r r r r,sta I-gnatcatcher—survey-gu ide lines. +t . October 1 i+
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