HomeMy WebLinkAbout1708-W Notice Region 2 Supply Expense Offset RequestiM, # •
Advice Letter Cover S.Yeet
utility iV ame: GOLDEN STATE, Wrcl x;x
uafe ivi-iir-U to Sear ace List: W2117
- District: KtMON 2 u851 RIC
Crui_ uLil:ty IF: 133 rr
Protest Deadline 120th Day): ,/,3/,017
Advice Letter #: i7os_W
Review Deadline (301h Day): 9/25/2017
Tier IM s 15z 15.5 M romps ance
Requested Effective Date: 7j1W2m,
Authorization Standard Practice U-27
irate impace 52,4m,
Description: Advice lever requests to increase base rates
t® ott.,oct tnC aaeCa Ce+aC iae ae au Fpiy Cni..Ce eoC tur
purchased water & purchase power.
The rrotest or reSFonse deadline for this advice letter is 20 days from the date that this advice letter was mailed to the service
lista Please see the "Response or Protest" section in the advice lever for more information.
Utility Contact: Gladys Estrada
Utility Contact: Jenny Darney-Lane
rhone: (909) 394-i13M x aLs
rnone: (909) s94-3500 „ 4z3
Email: L
Email: jadameylane@gswaLer.com
L.rvva C® .tw.[: iariff uniE
Phone: (415) 703-1133
Email: ter, i . °ision@cvuc.ca.Lrov
Signature: Comments:
oe Golden State
wV atef- Cu M P any
June 26, 2017
Advice Letter Nu.17US-
(U 133
Gnaeix State MdEi kxmFzmy ("G iVVC") hereby tra:mmita ot'e ori
al arta three contoruted
CoFiea of the tollown, ig taritt atieeta applicable to 'its Kegiun 2 cusEumer
service area:
CPUC S eex No Title of Sheet
t -Put- 5neZt N;-..
Revised No. 7776-W Schedµle iv -w. mr,-1-K
Kc V i3ea u. 7,-)81-w
etr;,Fw;t Cu3ti,ircc rvi« Acca
Kez,i&,Aim MEteiEEI .service, Vage 1
Keviaea No. /'/'/i -w Schedule iia. ME -1-X
Revised No. 7711-
euopoliran Customer Service Area
Residential Mutzzzd dery icu, Page 4
1<cv;ye3 N-. /i,$ -w 5cheaule 1Vv. Mt-1-N1K
IKE v 60 No. 7b134 -VV
etruFolit Cu3tomer tie, vice Area
Non-Keslaenttal Metered Service Page I
Revised No. 7779-W Schedule No. ME -1 -NR
K'cvi3ca NU. ®r1z-w
1vlCtruFmi t.. uatt,i cci 5eL V „e Ar ca
Mi a-Ke32cc ttial Metei ea 5ervke, rage 4
Kev;�,ea Nu. 7780 -vv 5cheaule No. ME -3
Revised No. 7587-W
MerropolItan Customer Service Area
Reclaimed Water Service, etz�cd
—.,,ce, Page 1
Kevi3ea u. 7781-w 5c eauleNo. M> -3
KeviaeElNo. 7713-W
Metropolitan Custouter Service Area
Reclaimed Water Service Metered
Service, Page 4
AQvlac Letter Ni,. 17-uS--W -2- Julie 26, 2017
lKevibra No. 2-W `fable of C®rLteiiis Kevi5ed No. 776$-W
Pale 2 of 4
Revised No. 7783-W l ablz of ,-u.tu.t5 ltevi5e7a Ivo. `'/'/5-
1—az. 1 ut 4
G5WC 15 seeku►g authuiization from the C alltoicua Public Uuluies Cununissiun
(Cunwilssion) tU increase the water races in its Region 2 Customer service area (CSA) by
$2,434 ' 0 779 yr 1.9% in offset purveyor rate changes for purchased luctric,ty, r -nasea
water, ater and pumr tux w3tu.
rLucnascd Electricity for the 1?.eFJ1U1L L UbA is ubtaiiLEa "llL SouthenL California hMhUrl (SCE)
and the (.,:ity of Lob An6eles UejJai tl1eUtL of Water and 1 -lower (LADW11). 5CE had an energy
ra[Rchange oil June 1 2017 and LADWP increased their energy rates on July 1 2017.
resulted in an increase in GSWC's annual purchased elzctricity uxrc a or $117,25/ anivE tnE
amount currcntlx rcflzutcQ in GU5VYL."S Iaatca.
U5VVk- FLurnmE5 watcl from various Fuxveyuu, within Kegiol1 2.011 July l_ 2017 CeitEral basin
U, West tiaain MWU, City of Slout UaLe_ City of Lakewood_ and Suburban Water Sysierns
incruabeEl iheirwater rates This resulted in an increase in GS C's annual purchased water
expense of $1,168,539.
uzs )vvt- maac3 watE.L a;gnt3 rru,l, variuua 5uuar.e5 to ia,EEt A5 uver-1✓u1LaLF11Lg obligation. As of July
1, 2017, the,.atea to 1Ga50 water a'ghts Mi. the CelLtrai and West baSULs have decreased. This
lesultea ire a decoeased in G5wu'b armual leased water expense of ($219,799) below rhe arnouni
Curl-EILLly retleCced ill GSWC.:'s rates.
GSWC pays a replenishment u33us31r,c"t to tnc water xeFieLU*3nMeL,t Ui3trkt ut 5outhel„
lsaIiful-VU'a (VVKU) r"1- -all WlltEL FUJULLF0. un July 1, 101'/, WltU in` Eube7a their Cates f®1 FULJ.L ,
taxes. Mia 1FCsultecl itL utLlease uL L SWC's ual p mN tax expeme of $1331.626 above the
CIMOUILt CLULEILtly idle[ted hL UtiVVC's ratca.
Kevenues [u cover the supply expense rate changes would also zrn.rUV3Z the uL.-uIluct me a�`a
franchise fees expenses by $8,145 cu,d $zv,ull, ,care`tivvy, anvve the a�.LLvunt5 Lu,ies by
.UfluctEa in u5vvt---3 rrxte3.
A5 shuwta J' -1L the Z) upporting wvrkpaEer', an uticreabe of $2.434:779 or 1.90% is needed ro
ottaet the ovei-ail Supply expeilse increase in Region 2.
Copies of detailed workpapers S"FFC;rting tlr rr-ru3ea rate'' L%-aEaa3c and.Late calculutiolLa
hovZ bZun I,.—M v iQcQ to tnZ l...uir u a33iLr [ 5t t L LZCU1 Q l.e w i`h 5 t Mu El L actiCU U -:Z/- W..
Aav;`e Letter No. 1708-W -3- Ju `e 26, 2017
Rate T__ !g
I nC IIMILtIlly bill lata residClttlal LLL7t18111C1 uit 5chedulr_ NQ. h-1-x with a 5/8" x 3/4'" me[er
u3i1`g 11 cat, WOURI ir`clea5e by $1.13 or 1.94% from $58.48 ro $59.61.
The monthly bill of a non-residential customer on Schedule mu. loin-1-IVIS rvitn a 575-- x 374-'
meter using 18 Ccfs would i.c,Za3e qy $1.75 yr 1.94 /® trrum syu.36 to $vz.e3.
Effective liate
Ihis Ovice liattei is subuuitted wi`h a Tier 1 de5ignaiiun- USWC_: is requesting this filing
become effective July 1U, 7-017.
INC; znQiv,Qul7a yr .Aiiitic3 navE resluc3tcQ IR0tctIUTtIU.L t,f filing vt ftflitt3. Ui5ti ibutlun of
tn.:, z0-,;Lc 1[tteA 6 mhgg tiar& to the attMEMEi 5E.MCe list IIi a[[Qi ata[I with Gelteial
Urder No. 9b-b.
GSWC will notify its cu5torners of this rate increase by placing a message un thu
customer's water bills that are generated after the i.Cr_Z7VUU Evc3 Ir.tu effect.
Re-p'vnsz wr Prvtgst
Anyone may submit a response or Protest f;-,r thi3 Aav;c` Liter (AL). When 3un.ittilLg a
response or proiesr, please incluse the utility name and advi4G lcttcr number in the sunl7.`t
A respunae buppurts the filing and may curttain information that pToVeS useful to the
Commission inevaluadng the advice letter. A pruirest objects to the AL in whule'or in part and
must aet ful th the bFecitic grounda on which iL i5 based. These grounds are:
1. Ise utility did nut paupeay 5EI ve or give notice of the AL,
2. me relief re4ue5te7I „I the AL would violate atatute ut Commission order, oI i5 Ieut
authuriz U Dy 3tatutc or Commi.,Mut, Mle, 'vie which the utility xelizb;
3. inc ev" aly-56, calculation, -$ dOta ut the AL contain mateslar eiiyr or 0mi35iolt5;
4. The relief reyucatc4 m mu AL'S Fending Wf-rc tnc CUILLmisslon in a to,mal
proceeding: or
5. The relief requested in the AL requires consideration in a fur ai iluaring, or 6
otherwise inappropriate fur the AL process; or
6. The reliet requested in the AL is unju5[ unreasonable, or discriminatory, provided that
such a piatebt ntay not be made where it would require re-litigating a prior order of the
k. ouuni5sion.
A rrute3t may not Ie[y a,, puli[y objections to an AL whe,e the relief Ietluested in the AL
follows r.n5 5 v, (ru`c`tions establi5neU by Statute or Comm155iuIt mae, apYlicable to the udlity.
A Prutcat 3nall Frovide [ltativi`3 v, F.uot3 where available to allow staff to FjLa E,ly conSIdCr
the protest.
Advice Letter No. 1708-W
DWA must receive a re, Fon3c ur Frvt-st v is email (or costal mail) witnL, 20 aays of the date
the AL is filed. When submitting a re3F=uu C,r Fret-afi FI -s30 include the utility name and
advice letter number in the subject line.
The addresses for submitting a respUttse Or protest are:
Email Address: Mailing Address:
Water.ivis onn c xi .ca. ov CA Public Utilities Cotttmission
Watei Division
505 van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102
On the same day the resFonse or Fr -,teat i3 3 W nrnitte7a tv DWA, the rG3Fuu,75-.,t u, Frute3tant
shall send a copy of the prorest to Golden State WatertomFany ut:
Email Address: ivi ailing address:
re ulatotyaftairs®t�swdLer.com Golden Scare Water Company
Gladys Escada
630 Eabt Foothill Blvd.
San Dinta5, CA 91773
Citie5 and .U,-ntic3 flint nauE Board of SuFErvi3u.3 m Bun.a of C0mmi551unua;a nFp,Uvai to
protest should inform DWA, within tnZ 20 auy Protest Feriod, 3U that a late bled Frotest can
be enierrained. The informing document should include un c3tirnatc yr the date the FJLoFo3E3
protest might be voted on.___
e lies
the utility shall reFly to each protie5t and inay reply to any respanbe. Any reply must be
received by DWA within five busntess days atter the ella of the protest period_ and Shall be
Served uta the Same Clay on each Fer5on who tiled the prutest or response Lo the AL.
t-;tie3 died Counties that need BvaL ZI of SuFEY visors or Board Of iAiiuiiissiuners approval to
F.ut-at 3nuuia inform the Water Divi3u_ua, �,ithin the 20 day NavtEst Ferlua, so that a late filed
Protest can be 4ntcrtn. "Z 1. inC inrvrming ducumz"t 3nVuia aatriude an e5timatr of the date the
proposed protest might be voted on.
The actions requested in this advice lever are not now the subject of any- furui r#Iing3 .. itn trio
California Public Udlides Commission. including a formal complainr, nor action in any court of
a Ri5 S RR
Ruguiatmy Arrair3 DEFUAMEILt
c: Jim 000the, Cru%-vvaier u-.vis:o .
Hani Moubtia, CPUC- Water Branch_ ORA
Li3a Bilir, CPUC- Water Branch, ORA