HomeMy WebLinkAbout1695-W Notice PU Code 790 Transaction Request - County of Los AngelesCALIFORNIA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION DIVISION Ok VVA'I'tl,(ANL) AUDITS Uxiliry Name: GOLDEN STATE WATER L.UMPAN Y vate Mailed to Service List: /30/207 Distrirt: REgim, 2 CPUC Utility fF: 133 W Froiest ea lute (Wh Day): 4/19/2017 Advice Letter #: 1695-w Re,,ievv Deadline (30n, Day): 4/29/2017 Tier E31 E12 E13 M Requested affective vate: TBD Autho, Lation Pu cuouzgo WMSMB�-� Description: Request by Golden Stutz Wat,-. Co ... Fany tu. Authurity tu Sell'l'wu Very Small Portions of Unnecesso.y La.d (5) S%juare Feet and 42 SLjuare Feet) Under Public Utilities t-uaz Szrtiu. 7W, Fur Fe..ding OREL anil Agmenient tu Cunvey and Claim for P"znt, With thu o—uu.ty uf Lu, Angeleb Deparument of Public Works, i nz—by Avuicting Unnecrs�,aiy Eminent Dumain Litigation The protest or response deadline for uhis advice leve, is 20 dzryD f, oin the Ziatu: tnut tnis advice letter was mailed to the z5e, vicu IL'z,r. Plezrz5e aee the "teapu,,:5e u, rxvte,3t-�ectivit 1H the advice letter for more informario., Utility Cuiataut: Ruitald Mume Phone: (909) 394-3ouu x 632 Email: Mrn DWA (,:ontct: I aritt Unit Phone: (415)/U3-1133 Exitail: WaFei.D1v1'3j'0j DAff STAFF APPROVED r I VVI I HL)RAWN Signature: Comments: nate: Utility Contact: Nguyea tQuzuk Phniae: (909) 394-3ouu x w4 tmail: 0 94 Gulden State Water Co M P a rly March 30, 201Y It a MIMM Golden State Water Company (GSWC) herr-by transmits une original and three con-torme7l copies of this advice letter, which is applicable to the Region 2n�rvicr- territory. KIWFOI HVIIJ W- IntoWFAMICs r j r rPF"I I "IMM Uri Voinain Litigation I WWJNIZJ7�1 GSWC respectfully informs and requt-sts authority to sell two very small portions (5 �iquare Feet anJ 42 Square Fcer) of parcels land it owns in the unincurporated area in the Uounty of LOS Angeles ((-�ounty), known as Athens, on the terms and conditions specified in the pending Offer and PurchaSe Agreement to (--onvey an7j (--laim for payment (Agrcemcia), bcrvvc!(-n GSWC and the County, under the authority of Ualifornia Vublic utilities (LoFle Section/90 (IIU Codc �'/90). F U C.Zc qY90 , ecids, (t) Wlicnet,er a zoater corporation sells any real property Old'anis at any tinie, but i . s no longer llVr'['SSr7ry o, Ili Hit- perjornialicc of the 7i7ater corporatifflis !pities to the public, the water Corporation sliall invest the liet pr0ifffris, lfdhy, , I nciadME init-reit tit tli(- rat(- that the coininissioll prescribusfior nienivrandion anfounts, fru-ni the stile tit u,ritrr systelli ipifrastrtirturc, plant, fixili . tits, allif propi-rhes I'liat are necessary or useful in the performance of its 1111ties to the Public. t -or purposes Of trackiiLy dit, to- t pru-ccc-&5 raid tliel r invCstillen t, the coliter corporation shall Illaititain records necessary to riorutnent tile inve5tnient of t/,( - Litt procttds pursuant to this article. The 1711101,111t of the net proceeds S111711 tae a 7oater corporr7tion's pri . lildry S0111 -CC of cripitaijor iior,r,t,ueitt Ir, utility infrastructure, plant, fiicllltl'(,s, anil propci-tics tliat are Tlt'('(',5S(7ry or us(ful in tilt, perfor, I lrllW[I Of ti I[' (VOC r Cof Porlitio I I'S I Ili tiCS I I I I, l'O??I'(Ii I 1X 71,at(T utility sero I ce to the publif'. (b) All u7ater utility illj'TrWritctire, pirait, jra'11;iies, antl propt-rh(-s coiistructeil or acquiteil by, antl use and useful to, 11 71'r7ter corporation by Investilirlit pursilrolt to subriit,I'sioiL (a) ,Iioll bt- Incluiled 17111011� the 'a,ater corporati011'S otlier utility Aavice Letter 15 5- -2- March 30, 2017 property upon 7ohicn the commission authorizes the zoater corporation the opportunity to earn a reasonable return, (c) J his article shall apply to the 1n,,e!;tmen t of the net proceeds referred to in subdivision (a) for a period of S years from the end of the calendar year in n1hich the ?eater corporation receives the net proceeds. The balance of any net proceeds and interest thereon that is not invested after the eight-year period shall be allocated solely to ratepayers. (d) Upon application by a zt,ater corporation 7t,ith iOF7uu or fewer seruiLT connections, the commission may, after a hearing, by rule or order exempt the v,ater corporation from the requirements of this article. (e) i he commission retains continuing authority to 77etermine the used, useful, or itucessary status of any and all infrastructure improvements and investments, The two very small land portions (5 SLluare Feet and 42 Square Feet), that are the subject in this a3vice letter, are a very small paj- i of a to.L,Ltej- tal Lk site parcels that are not used for operation purposes and are unnecessary. I lie release of these two very small parcel portions will not impact GSWCs operations, and it will avoid any eminent domain litigation and reEuce liability to USWC based upon the County's intended use of the portions of the parcels consisting of a bike Vath ant associated public works improvements. the C-ou nty intends to use the portions of the parcels as part of a bike path development project, as designated by the County. 1. he County has offered to purchase the two portions for $1,550, per av vi- alsa and our review. The amount covers the transfer of u5vv(.-'s interest in the poi,uio, L of the paicels descs Ibed above. GSvvC and the County have agreed to enter into the pending Agree int for the County to ac,4uire the two very small portions of the parcels for a combined total of $-1,550. the pending Agreement is subject to the Crimmission's approval of this Advice Letter request. UnEer the terms of the Agreement, the County will pay all rash to, the portions of the parcels. The purchase will nut be completecl unless anti until the Commission aFFroves the transaction. by acceptance 4 this Advice Letter. i he accounting treatment for financial proceeds from the sale of the Fortions of the parcels will be custributed in accordance witi-i the Commission's adoptect Gain an Sate allocation process. ENVIRUNMLid TFAL ltd kUKMA I IUN This transaction will allow the County to develop a bike path. ['lie two portions of the parcels have t-iu Fotenticil foo causing a direct or indirect physical change in the envirunment, the Commission's approval of the property antis.icuo,, md the A-reernentwould not be a 0 Advice Lt Ater 1695vv -3® March 30, 2017 project pursuant to thu California tnviromnental Quality Act (t_hQA) 14 U.U. K 153/8. UJHLK1NFUKMA"1"1(JN 1c entity anct aU71resses of all parties to the proposed TransaLtion: Golden State WaTer Company U30 Last t-oothill 1310. San Dimas, California 91773 1 e1pplione: (909) 394-J6OO Facsimile: (909) 394-/42/ rkmoore(o-)gs wa ter. co.. County of Los Angeles Uepartment of Public VVarks Attn: Mark Takeichl 900 5outh t-remont Avenue Alhambra, CA 9t 03 I eleplione* (626) 458-/61EE 2. A c0l"Flere duscciption of the FroFerty, including its present location, conilition, anct use: V V Assessor's i u No. 609-011-800 (b squarefeet, portion only) and Assessor's ID 6089-006-801 (42 squarefeet, portion only). ). ilie portions of tuan e parcels are located witinn unincorporated arm, Ufrhe County of Los Angeles knozon as Athens, at budlong Ave. and Street, SOO VV 122nd Street (at Budlong Ave.) nad 807 W 122iid Street (at BudlonN Ave.). 3. Transferee's intended use of the property: �_ountV of Lus Angeles proposect use The County intends to use the ta,o portions of the parcels for its IJ i ke Pain 7evelopmen t p, oJect. 4. A complete description of the financial terms of the proposed transoctioll: Tli(- purchase price for the two portions oi-the parcels is $`1,7557 t -air ruarket value was 77eternurzei7 by appraisal, i'E771'e7u4ttid transfer negotiation ?wth the County Of LOS Angeles, Uepartmeiit of PuRic vvo,k,,, Piritsu se(- ArtrLdimeW A. A71vice Letter 1695 -VV -4- March 30, 2017 5. A aescriprion of how the financial Frcjc,::ed!; of the transaction will be distributed: b5VV(- request that the Conimission allocate the financial pf urerds in accordance 7vi th the Coninfission decision (0.06-12-04J), u7hich deternanes GSWC's proms3for allocatinx gains (arid losses) on the sale of curtain utility assets. 6. A statement of the imFact of the transaction on ratebase, (I. his requirement dues not apply to telecommunications provider!; subject to URF or is are i tot subject to rate of return., egularlon), abed any effect on the ability off the utility to serve customers ani the public: C;SVVC request that the Coninfission allocutu thu financial proceeds in accordance 714th the Coninussion 7ecision (U, 06-12-04J), it7hich deternii,,us GSWC's process for allocatinN gains (and losses) on the sale of certain utility assets, In addition, the ptopry,�rd rr,,nsacrion ?iill not have an aduerse effect on the public interest ecause it Will not interfere in any Way 7144, GSWC's facilities, or prODiSions to serve custoniers. T For sales of real property and depreciable assets, the original cclst, Fresent book value, and ,resent fair market value, and a detailect description of how the tali maickei value vvas determined (e.g., appraisal): 'i lie original cost oTthe parcels i's $4.E-10.63 I -air n'larket value uses deterinined by app, al',Pal aial 116NONITtion zoith the County of Los ,kngeles, See Attacurnent A Por leases or real property, the tair mask rental value, a detailed description of how the tair market rental value was determined, and any additional information necessary to sho6v compi lzrare , I th Rule 3 (g) above: This transaction does not invoh,e a lease. 9, for easements or rights-of-way, the fair market V.11UC 01 [hr ease vent or right-of-way and a cletaileci description of now the f.,ir market value was determined: Advice Letter JLb95-VV -5- March 30 ZU17 10. A complete description of any recent past (within the prior t years) or anticipated future transactions that may appear to be related to the Fresent transaction, such as sales or leases of real property that are located near the property at issue or that are being transferred) to the same transferee; or for depreciable assets, sales of similar assets or sales to the same transteree: it Sufficient information and documentation (including e, L v 1ro, mental documentation) to shuw that all oft e eligibility criteria stated in Secrion 1. A. above have been met: I lie Uounty 01 Los Angeles, Oepartnient of Public I/Vorks is thE7 Livid Agencyfor the Bike Path development project, CLOA reuiea, is not requireil by the Comnussion. 12. 1 1 he tiling ut'LlIty a,,ay submit additional information to assist in the review of the advice letter, including receac phutugraphs, scaled maps, drawings: vlease see A ttaciliven t 13 13. hnvironmenu-if Information: a. if the -Coul review Linder CEQi-�. if the applicant believes that the rx'an.sacrioi, is exempt fru, m environmental review under a statutory or categorica [ exempnon from CEQA, LhE! applicant shall provide the following intormation: (1) Has the proposed transaction been found exempt from UhQA by oaothnc gove!, itmeitL agency? M (a) if yes, the applicant shall attach rhe Notice of Exemption to the advice letter and snail state the name of tl.-ie applicable public agency, the date of the Notice of EAemFLIOx"L cm El State Clearinghouse ;L (b) It ,c,, the applicant shall state the specific CEQA exemption or exempriotis that the applicant claims apply to tfie trai-i,,-,action, inclucling citations to the applicable State CEQA Guideline(s) and/or s ia u LA re -s, A, id an explanation of why the applicant Advice Letter 1695 -vv -6- march 3u, zur/ believes that each exemption applies. The applicant shall confirm that no exceptions to the claimed CtQA exemption(s) apply, b° if the Ap-P licai it believes I hat the 'transaction Is of a Er!,Ju�t-tunder . If the applicant believes that the transaction is not a project under CEQA, the applicants all incluUe an explanation cit its position, I his transaction is not subject to CEQA. Ovemll project is under the Jurisdiction of the County OI LOS Angeles, Uepartment of PuElir We, ks, ii,hich is the Lead Agency. Environ ental Review of the Project and the Applicant believes that the Co .. .LL1ssioL is a Responsible Agency under C.LQA. if another public agency, acting as the Lead Age, Lcy under CEQA, has completed an environmental review of the project and has aFF.Loved the final CEQA documents, and. the cornmissiun is a lKesponsible Agency .nde, CEQA, the applicants all submit the following in-tormation to the Commission L, Le, gy Div i3iun CEQA Team: i lie county Of Los Angeles, Uepartnient of Public Works T", ME Le,,d Agency. (1) '1 he name, aFiFlress, and phone number of Elic! Lead Agency, the type of CEQA document that was prepare -,I (Env I.onmental Impact Report, Negative Ueclaration, Mitigated Negative Ueclarario.,,), the date on which the Lead Agency approved the (-LQA doruiiient, the date on which a Nutice of Determination mz� (2) A copy of all c-tQlk 00CUrnents prepared by or for the Lead Agency regarding the project and the Lead Agency's resolution, or other dOCUmem approving the U, -QA clocuments: (3) A list of section and page number,, for the environmental impacts, rniui0-.iEio,, measures, and findings in the prior �-hQA documents that relaFz! to the approval sought from the Commissiun: AZ!vice Letter 1595 -VV -7- March 30, 2017 (4) An explanation. of any aspect of the project or its environentalsetting which has changed since the issuance ofthe prior CEQA documint: (5) A statumunt of whethtr t project will require approval by additional public agencies uther thant e Commission and the LeaEl Agency, and, it so, the name and address of mach age, icy and the type of approval required. Not applicable, Hie Conimission ;s ,or a Responsible AKencl A true ai,Z1 co-Lrect coFy of the Fending Agreement is being provided to the �_ommissiun as supporting workpapers Uocuments art.rhed to this advice letter. ..I .1 VESIUNATION This advice letter does not have a tier designation, u5VVC requests disposition by the Director of the Division of Water and Audits. 1't IL I I V L UA I L U5VVC is _cequcsri.Iig that this filing become effective upon regular statutory notice. R I mse 0—illrutest Anyone may submit a response or protest for this Advice Letter (AL.). When submiuring a response or protest, please incluile the aatil.uyas naau aiad ady ik:Ll lettLr number in the subjL'U Kiae. A response supports the tiling and ay conEaln Hdoemariuu thou Moves aseful to the III ffie advice letter. A Frotest objects to the AL, in whole or in part and must set forth the specific grounds on which it is based'. these grounds ace: 1. The Utility did ca piopedy serve or wive notice of the AL. 2. the relief reliLtested in the AL would violate statute or commission ofaer, oa is tint authorized by sEatuEe or Commission niJe, oat vvhlr-h the utility relies; 3. Lite uicily313, r—dr-ulation,,, or data in the AL contain material error oro 4. 'j he relief reLluested, in the AL is pending before itie comm-nissioa iII i fn,annul proceerfing; or 5. 'The cellet i-etjaestea in the AL reLiuires consideration in a formal hearing, or is otherwise inappropriate for the AL process; or 6. the relief reqriesEed in Ehz7 AL 13 LujL13t, LlAtieasonablr_, or discriminatory, provided that such ca. protest may not be matte where it would require re -litigating a prior order of the uornmission. TV protest may not rely on policy objections to an AL where the relief requested in the AL follows rules or directions established by sraEuEE or Conn uLasa nu ojxlec applicable to the AZIvice Letter Ib95-VV -8- March 30,2017 utility. A protest shall provide citations or proofs where available to allow staff to FIMFe!LIY consider the protest. U VV A must receive a response or protest via email (2r postal mail) within 20 Elays ot fla date the AL is tileEl. When subuLit-dixg a eSFnnse or FroteSt Flease include the utilityl name and advice letter number in the subject line. The addresses for submitting a response 01 F -t otest are: Email Address: mailing Adarens: CA Vublic Utilities Commission Wztre.t Divisimt 505 Van Ness Avenue San Prancisco, CA 941W Un the same day the , eSFOI LOLT or F, otest is submitted to DWA, the respondent or protestant shall send a copy of the protest to Golden State Water Uompany at: Email AZlilreas: Mailing Address: rey-ulato, Yaffzirs@Y,Z5WaLeI.COIn Golden State water �-ompany Konala Moorr- 630 Ea,,t Fc,othill 131vd. San Dimas, CA 91773 (.-ities and counties t—hat need board of Supervisors -,)r board r)f Cumixilsatnitr,,, aFF, oval to protest shoula inform DWA, withu, thr 20 aziy piOLrSt Feriod, so that a late filed protest �-ZIII be (:ItLr!i tainc-d. The informing document should include an estimate of the date the proposed protest might be voted on. R-4res The utility shall reply to each protest and may reply to any response. Any reply must be received by UWA within five business days atL-,. the eixt ®;f the protest period, and shall be se, v kni Chi sant r! duty r),, c.id, person who filed the protestor response to the AL. Cities and counties that need tioard of Supervisors or board of Commissioners approvhl to protest should inform the Water I)ivision, ft ii` the 20 flay Fiotr!.;t period, so that a late filed Fiviesi cai, be The informing document should include an estimate of the date the proposed protest might be voted on. The CIC6011S rL-LiLleStUd in this advice letter are not now the subject of any formal filings with the c-alifornia Public utilities (-ommission, including a formal complaint, ii0j: aCtiVit iii city court of law. It YOLI have 1101 ATCiVC-d vi CeFly to your protest within 10 business clays, contact this person at No individuals or utilities have requested notification of filing of taritts. Uistriburion of this advice lerrec is NJ, g i,tade to the attached service list in accordance with general Advice Letter 1695-W -9- ch 30, 2017 Urder. No. 96-1:3. /Xunald RM Uff rg M7*7 ell Jim Boothe, C-ruC - Uivision ot Water and Aud" Lisa 13ilir, CPUC- Watur Bran,.�h, UIKA Hani Moussa, CFUC- Water Bran, -h, ORA Mail Takcichi, County ot Los Angeles I LAY= jz4g-M Uity uT Belfflower Water Department gig City of Duvyney 11111 BrooRshire Avenu Duvvney, CA 9UZ41-/Ull Ulty uT Flantinytun Parl? Water Department 655u miles titreet Huntington Park, CA guz55 .iqumt�zCa).5untinqtonpark.or City of Lakewoua vvatt-r Department P.U. SUA ZZU EaRewood. GA 90714-0220 l9unurar)le Mayor Erit; (3arcetti City at Los Angeles zuu N. Spriny Street, Room 303 Los Angeles, CA Oiz uity ut l9orwall? Water Depari tment 121UU norwalk Blvd. MurwalR, uA 9Ub5U ww'z Uity ut �ianta Fe bprings Donald K. Jensen — Direutur ut Pur)lic VVorRs 11 13(i t-ast I elegraph Road Santa Fe Sprinys, uA w67u City UT i urranue Water Department 3u31 i orrance Blvd. Torrance, CA 9u5O3 City uf Cerritus Water Department P.O. BUX 313U Uerritos, CA 907 ,),yerritys.us City UT inylewwa Une Manchester Blvd. — Saite guu F'.U. Bux (j5UU Inglewood, CA 9u3ui Long Beach vvait::r DepaFtment Ul'iris (3arner, General Manager 1 6uu E. vvaraluvv Kuad Long Beach, CA 90807-qu�)4 [AUvw, F.U. Box 515407 105 Anyeles, UA 90051-5707 Uity ut Paramuiant Water Department 16420 Colorado Street Paramuont, UA 9ut23 Uity ot Souttl (3ate Water Depaffment bb5U Ualiturnia 3treei SuUtM Uate, UA gu28u dtorres(cDso.q ate. com uity Manager City of Vernun 43u5 Santa Fe—& LTA -71 111011 EM�U Wiwi �11111K! City Managur City ot Whittier 13230 Penn z5treet Whittier, CA 90602 iuullier•cit utw5ittier.urq, Liberty Wilftiv5 w5u VVas5l5urn Road Duvvnr,y, CA vUz4i Diawa-Eeuoli•IiWY--tL [itilitip-snom Mayvvuua mutual vvatt:�r Nu.2 • 3o2i E. zjlautiun Street Playwood, CA 9027U (justavurivi lla(o)_va5oo. cum Orchard Dalc Cuunty water District Whittier, CA 90604 Et.,c3stant:daccy-odvva.urq lVllisReV(@.odwd.org l7silvett(a_)udwg.urg Pico County Water Distri,-t P. U. Box lbs Pico Rivera, CA ijumu-ut] Robert Kelly, vP ut Reyulatury Attai bubur5an Water Systems urana Avenue, Suite 1 UO Covina, CA 91724-7044 1 General Managzr 4U4U Paramount Blvd. LaRcwuud, UA uu71z-4ut Rw5itaker(•wrd.ora vvest Basin MwD Richard Nagel, General Managt-,r i 04u S. Avalon Blvd. Suite 210 Carson, CA %74u-12�16 richardn gVwugl5asin.orq *to J2jjgjLC majul M. Mayvvuua Mutual water Mu.3 6151 Heliotrope Avenue Maywood, UA guziu-3418 Park Waier Curnpany 97bu VVas5l5urn Road P. 0. BuA tuuz Downey, CA 90241-7002 P --"'Lr-' �—Li�` �-7 Ua--n--U—anr-eI 'T'alley vvatt:r i i 142 (3arVey Ave. El Monte, CA 544 E. Florence Av"-. Uuaany, UA 9U2UI T r a ci 1 tm a •l. u o�m ut:�ntral Basin MVVD General Mlanayer 6252 1 elegraph Road uvmmerue, UA gUu4u-2512 Uluria Rlolina - Vt Districi I A County board oT 6upurvisois 85(i Funneffi Rahn Hall of Aamini5tration 500 Wust i emple Street Los Angeles, CA 900-1 z Los Angeles, CA 90012 ONE= City at Aftesia UTIM MOYTMIIYZI�� City Manager Uity at bell (3ardens 7100 S. GarTkvia Avtv"u Bell (3ardens, CA 9021 City Atturntvy & uity L;lt:-rR City at Cerritos P.U. 130A 313U Cerritos, CA 90tO3 yEEat�� City Manager & City u6n Uity at Uuda5y 5250 Santa A"a Street Uuda5y7 CA 90201 City at Downey P. u. Bux 13u Downey, CA 902,q -i Uity at (3ardena 1700 West 16z"u ,jtrtvet (3ardena, CA 90247 City at Hawthorne 446u vvest 1z6t5 St. Hawthorne, CA 9uz5u 1%. 141VI-IlLy 0UdI,,V 111 01 Room 8uu, _Mir Administration 500 West i emple Street Los Angeiea, CA 90012 Mark rid lev-thumn(a) bos. lagou nty.gov City of Bell 6330 Pine Avenue Bell, CA 90201 •=!NJ E LIA U# I ONM♦-♦ City of Carsuri IU1 East Carson Stre Carsun, uA vut45 I City uT Uurnytun, City UlurR City of Culver uity 9(fU Culver Blvd. Cuivt�r uity, UA 9UZ3U City of El Segumau 35U Main 6treet El Segumau, uA VU245 City at Hawaiian Gardens 2118io Pioneer Blvd. Hawaiian Gardens, uA VU(16 5unciepyuucj@5g(;Lity.org City of Humtinyton ParR, uity Cie 655U Miles Avenue Humimytun ParR, UA w255 Uity at IaRewuud, City Clerk 5050 No. ClarR Avv. EaRuwuud. CA 90714 ,CityClerR Uity at Eawndale 14 t i t Scirin Avenue Lawndale, CA 90260 Administrative Services Director City of Los Allamitv5 3191 Fatella Avenue Los Alarnitus, UA gu7zu VVUUiWtaTa Uity at Paramouni it)4uu S. uoluradu Avenue Paramouni. CA 90723 - OO • City of South Gate County Clerk uunnty cjt uranye 12 Givic Center Plaza Santa Ana, (;A 927f-ILJ -3 LRM Malir)u, uA wztj5 Attn: Mark Carney Megan Somogyi Goodin, MacBride, Squeri & Day; C 505 Sansorne Street, Suite 900 SanFrancisco,CA 94111 Y I I'kni Z Uity ut La Miraaa 431041f '1" we7- IEno Uty Clerk City uf r -ung Bt:�aul`i 333 West Ocean Blvd. lung BtL-at;5, (;A 9U602 cityclerk(@ donglbuaul.• Uity at 19urwalk 12700 Nui—vva!R Blvd. - Ruum 5 l9urwalk, CA 90650 City at Santa Fe Springs i 17 1 u East I elegra ph Road Santa Fe Sprinys, uA uutjt U 4-baUQ6W-A qkgffi- . - County ClerR Gounty at Eos Angeles 1Z4uu Imperial Hwy Norwalk, CA 90650 Attn: Rat;Hel Matthews, Room #520( County Counsel LJty ot urange 333 W. Santa Ana blvd., 4 tn Floor Santa Ana, CA 927u -i Frt-a u. Yanney Yanney Eaw Offi,,t,- 174OU Marquardt AUnit C --q Cerritos, CA wtu3 FrtdYanney(q-).qmail.cor-,, � v �iS t �° �� f � � } � � s� i fit y{ k � 3'� s�" tt{ ?. �. ,��� �`,u� � ��,u' ,ta � 4 1Y�. IIsi ,„� � Y t PROJECT: BUDLONG AVENUE -MANCHESTER AVENUE/EL SEGUNDO BOULEVARD-SRzS PROGK�AM PARCtLS: 7-23RF:.l AND 7-45RE PROJECT ID NC.: RDC0015824 FEuERAL ID NO.: SR2SL05953(663) VVRI r -I -EN SUMMARY uF jUS i UUMPENSATION [Ea5t-,mentj A. Date at Value: Fel5ruary 23, 20.1 u. B. Hiynest and Best Use: Residential ase. U. Zoniny: Los Angeles uounty, R-1 1). Compensation for property to en: ParL,td /-;e3 .1 - Easement Land: 5 5T A $25/St = $125 bubtatal Paruu,l 1-45RE - Easement Land: 42 st A $25/st = 1.u5U So5total Urand Total Parcels 7-23RE.1 and 1-45RE ,� � �� <� ,� : s � Paragon Partmer, Ltd APN: 6089-011-800 (Parcel 7-zzjfKE.1) BUDLONG AvE — Manchester Av/El Segundo BI Date of Value: February 23, 20 16 Highest and Best Use is defi,,eM as the reasonably probable and /ever use of vacant land or a,, improved property, which is legally permissible, physically possible, fhm,icially feasible, and that results in the highest value. Highest and best use analysis is use7i m Mentify comparable properries anM, vyhere applicable, to Metermine whether the existing improvements zhould be retained, renovated, Dr Memolished. The NvMest and best use of a proper7y is analy/-el7l in two parts: as if vacant and az, improved. It is recngn;/_ed that when a site has existing improvements on it, the highest and best mcm az, if vacant may weli be different from the existing use. The eAotimg use will continue until the lann valne in its highest onn DeDt use exceeds the total value of the propeffy in its existing use. In analyzing Me Hiyhezt and Best Use of the subject propelTy, vve have considered those usumn that are 1) legally permissible, e) pnjysically possible, 3) economically fL-ciz5iote, and which would result in a 4) positive return to rhe land, vvu also considered the surroundiny land uses and the supply amO demand for property in the lorai real estate market. i he subject property is located within the vvest Athens -Westmont zoned dist, is[, and is zoned R-1 Single Family Residence Zone. This zone permits residential -type uses. The existing uses in the immeMiate area are residential, with some commercial along the freeway and bo"ie, streets along the borMe,o or ine neighborhood. The range of user in ille subject area supports the legally permissible uses as prcocrilleM by the local zoning standards. i Me subject property is noted azi leval, non- conforming. The subject site is apprOAMUTEly 0,96 acres and generally providing good development potential for all of the permiooilll� noes identified above. /Among the legally permissible and phyoirally possible uses, those whi7-h are liKely to cater to the largnz�t market segment and capture the stronvest demand constitute the site's rua,,�Zie uses. Given illr7 physical characteristics and permiire�! uses, all of the legally and pnyoically possible rez,Oentiol uses allowed are considered financially rn-asible. After comoiMerimg such factors as the physical c1laracteiistics of the land, its location, I-oning, surrounding lamO ores, and supply and demand for properties in the area, it is our opinion iMat tMe Highest and Boot Uzz or tMe subject property is for residential ocm. The proposed acquisition will impact 57- square feet or 0.01% or iMe total site of 41,977 square feet and is situated at the norihvve�t coiner of the parcel. The site in Me "after" condition will have similar design and utility. Therefore, Me highest and best use in the "before" ani "after" conditions remain the same: t-tjt,.j.m5.i uOM & ASSOCIATES Page 20 Paragon Partners, Ltd APN: 6089-011-800 (Parcel ' '--,3RE.1) BURLG AVE — Manchester Av/El Segundo BI Date of Value: February _/z3, 416 "Before" Condition: As if vacant: Residential use As improved: "After" Condition: AS if vacant: Residential use Az5 improved: There are three iraZlitionally recognized approaches to the valuation of real property; the Cost Approach, Sales Comparison Approach, and Income Capitalization Approo7n. The Cost Appproposition that the informed pmr,-,Maser would pay no more for property than the cost of prmarming a substitute property with the same nti0ty as the subject properTy, is particularly applicable when ihz� property being appraised involves nevv improve,, ents which represe 3' the highest and best use of the land or when relatively unique or specialized improvements are locat on the site for which there are no comporaMm properties on the market, I I Me 5ates Comparison Approach produces am eziimate of value by comparing the :ur)ject property vviih ,imilor properties of the same type which ham recently sold or are currently offered for ,ale in the same or rrimpeiiny market areas. The reliability of this mcnmiyue is dependent upon the avaiio3ility of comparable z5orez5 M,,_,to and the degree of comparability. The Income Capiral;zar;o,, pro ch is based on an estimate of tMe present value of the future potential income stream generate M 15y tree subject property. The income opproach is widely applied in appraising income-producing properde,,, Ire use of all three approaches to value, vvMile desirable, is not always appropriae Tor all apprais pronjerns. After considering the approaches otili4un, the appraiser critically examine,, ond weighs th value im7irotimm, in the reconciliation before reachimy amZ1 presenting a final conclusion of value. I Iniroducdon an Mevio0ology The intended use of tMi-, appraisal is to develop an opinion of to market value to supporT an offer of just compensation for ci permanent road easement acquisition of Me -,ubject property. For this appraisal assignmrmi, the valuation is based on the Icima cio it vacant for the following reasons: (1) none of the prinuipai improvements located on the snbjem property are going to be affected by the proposed paRial edzmmemt for road purposes accordim�j to [Me Project documents; (2) the majority of the area to be acquireM iz, concrete sidewalk area that is ersmmtiolly a portion of a right- ot-way area,- and (3) the proposed area to 5e acquired represents only 0.0 1 % MT Me total site area. In our analysis, we have considered the appliroDility of each of the approaches in value including the Coot, Sales Comparison, and Income Capiiali,-oiinn approaches. The Cost and Income approaches are not rnn-,iflerel!] appropriate in the valuation of varom land, thus the only valuation meiMod utilized in this assignment io Me 5ales Comparison Approach. t71JLLMsTR0M & ASSOCIATES Page 21 Paragon PaRnera, U0 BUDLONG AVE ® Manchester Av/El Segundo BI APN: 6089-011-800 (Parcel -7-23RE.1) Date of Value: February /-3, 2016 HjhLMSTROM & ASSOCIATES Page 23 COMI'ARAGEt: EAND SALES SUMMARY Location Location tion bale Uate She ApN APN Doc No. V (A C) Zoning 5ale p, ice Price PEE Er i �ce :PS Fj rSALE P Parcel 5030 vv U 10 vv , ,nU r. 5EIEBJECT an _ -0 I 89_011 AHn: 6089-011-800 M/A 4.96- — R --i N/A N . hA L I I 1243 vv 12V Street //Z:3/Z0-14 P 9 F APN: 6089-Fj j B-UFj;3 J10 130 61 U. I IT N-1 $160,000 $21.32 Seller: St. Goren, 1mr, Buyer: Rraarr Investment.. EEC; SALE z 1252 VV 1241" Street I/zj1z014 APN: 603x -u -i 5-00z f60557 0.11± R-1 $X60,000 $zi.32 Seller: St. Corer, inc Buyer: Rraarr lnve3imemi.- EEC SALE 3 8220 S Normandie Ave q/q/z013 APM: 5(J33-005-014 1307097 0.l 1:t LAC2 $ j4u,000 $29'(9 Seller: Cesar villapuZlua Buyer: Samana lm�mzirurzi, EEC HjhLMSTROM & ASSOCIATES Page 23 Paragon Partners, Lid Comparable Land Sale i 1248 W 124 1h Streex, ArN 6089-018-003 This 0.17:t acre (7,506 SF) land sale sold in Joiy 2014 tor $160,000. This reciangolur shaped parcel is locama on the north side of 124 1h Strevi, two parcels east of Raymond Avenue in the Gounty of Loz, Angeles. The topograpMy is generally level with the elevaiinn at or above street level. The Dayers were Rraarr Investments, LLC and the sellero were St. Goran, Inc. This sale recorded on a Grant Deed (Doc #/60561). This was an acqa;o;tion and development along w;ih -.,c;me construction mon;ez.. According to a neighbor-, the property alomy with the neighboring property had an old dwelling vvhich was removed prior to tne sale. The buyer mipr-oved the property wRh a mew, two-story, frame amr! olucco, dwelling. The new home sold on May -15, 2015 for T525,000. APN: 6089-011-000 (Parcel -1�23RE. Date of value: February 23, 20-1 This 0.1 t± aure (7,504 SF) land site soid in July 2014 T160,000. Tnl,,, rectangular shaped parceN K, located on th north side of izzr' 3treet, three parcels inuot of Raymon Avenue in the County or r -os Angeles. This propeFFy is locate next door to Comparable Land Sale 1. The topography i ,,imilar to Comp 1, level with ine elevation at or above -,tvee level. The buyers were Rraavr Investments, LLC amM th,1. cmller,-, were St. Goran, Inc. Trliz- -,ale recorded on a Gr -on de,mlicipment transaction where the l7nmer obtained funds !NW, 3qM1RW*r monieo. According to a neighbor, thz! property along with the neiyMr)oring property had an old dwelling which ,vazi re:1moved prior to the sale. The Dayer improved the prmpeFFY with a new, two-sir'Fy-.. rrame and stucco dwelling. i Me new home also sold on May 15, 2015 for $52S.FJOU, Comparable Land Sale 3 z013 for $149,000 via a Grant Deed (Doc #130701it). This property is located on the east side of S Normandlin-, one parcel north of W 83 Id Street. The parcel is recram�jnlar in z.nape and appears to be levin-I and at or above street yvade. TnE7 buyer was Santana Ine�mv,-,, LLC and the selle, vva,-, Cmzia, vljlapudua. This transaction appears to be an all cazirl sale. Trie property is zoned LAC2 wnich allows either sinylu- Paragon Paffners, Ltd APN: 6089-011-800 (Parcel `i -2'_R .1) BUDLONG Fav E — Manchester Av/El Segundo BI Date of Value: February 23, 2016 this panes, inic owner constructed a new dupleA. irle duplex sold on September -17, 2014 for $525.000. It is noted that ihe comparables; used for this valuation are much smaller than the subjeci parcel. As it is determined thai ihE; hignest and best use of the subject property is to develop into a leyal and conforming product, ihai l5cing a detached residential dwelling on a conforming lot as in the neighborhood and the regulated zoning requirements- This will bring the highest return to the land. Factoring on the highest return to the land, the decision was made to use sales of conforminv lot sizes. Arter viewing all of the comparable prnpuffies, the following properly characteristics or elements of comparability have been considered relevai it vynen analyzing land values: Location ® Site size and shape Zoning 0 Tupoyraphy Access a Availability of utilities Frontage 0 Development potentia! For thiz5 az)slynmient, a Relative Comparison Amalysis (RCA) has been conancted between the individual comparable properties and the subject property. RCA is a qualitative technique for analyzing compara5le ,dles, and is a valuable tool empinyed to illustrate whether the rnaracteristics of a comparable properly are Inferior, superior, or similar to ihrj,,e ot the subject properly. The primary objective is to bracket the subject property be —n ine comparable properliez, vvitri respect to overall similarity, snpnrlurity, and inferiority. Superior rharacteristics of a comparaMe properly suggest a downward adjustment to the value indication. Converoely, inferior elements zmyyest an upward adjustment. It 6 important to note that the above elemento of comparability were not az5wynnd equal weight. All the comparableo are located in the same or competing neighborhoods with zlmilar availability of wilitiez. 5pi5i7ifiC location, development potential, an proximity to commercial services were considered ac. impoFTant tactors; in the subject case. Marketability is the prarifical aspect of selling a properly anM includes the transactional nimminnis such as rights conveyed, conaitionz, of sale, financing terms, arIZI McijKTt conditions. All of the iranoactions were market transactionz5, mirl one being a cash sale. AdJoziments for conditions of ziale usually reflect the motivations of Me buyer and seller. None of ihe zales were reported to be RED or under distress conditions: all of ine sales are considered standarZI, Lirms-length transactions. Comparable Sale I is located wiihim inm oame neighborhood as the z5object, within the County of Los Angeles and has a similar zone. ThIz5 ziuln has a mid -block location anM io omaller than the subject, The �n5ject has a corner location but is vimvvr!d as having more traffic. Trim impography is also noted as ziimilar. This property is presently developen vvith a new, two-story dwelling. 1-1j]--LMSTROM & ASSOCIA'm Page 25 Paragon Partners, Lid BUDLONG AVE — MancMeste, Av/El Segundo Bl Comparable Sale 2 is al.. -.,o located within the same neigMnoihood as the subject, within ine County of Los Angeles and has a zimiiar zone. This sale has a mid -block location and is smaller than tne subject, The subject has a comer lunation but is viewed as having more traffic. The topography is aloo noted as similar. This property is prezounfly developed with a new. iwo-,-.tory dwelling. COmparable 3 is located within rhe City of Los Angeles, on the miat -,15e of Normandie Avenm;, one porcel north of vv 83rd Street. Arme,,,-, and parking for this properTy are noted as inferior to ihol OT the snoJect as Normandie is a major arterial street and street parkinu R, limited. This property was developed with a duplex dwelling, which jszaipehor to that of the subject's zh gle family residence, Comparable oates that occurred under differe,a market conditions than rhooin on the date of value require adjuziment if it has an impact on value. vvhile the market is improv ' I ig, we were unable to substantiate n ,�;iiable indicator of market condir;u, Rz, for vacant land in the Immediate area, Given the insufficient claia in oupport an adjustment, no adjuarment has been made for mark,�;i conditions. /All of the comparable properTim-2 were considered helpful i„ irlo valuation analysis of iMe on5ject . proyerty. The indicated values reflect a market range for the snMject land. The adjusted rm,uln- in mnicated land values is from $21-3,e to $29.79 per square foot ni land area. The followirig criort prop; Mez, a summary of the overall cuumpaiobility relative to the subject poperty: FIJEL,w5 i KOm & ASSOCIA:rES Page 26 COMPARABU i Y AMAEY51� 5avim-'t S1 52 53 Addoezb I'dicel 800 W 122"U20 Sheet 1248 W 124ttatrcut 1252 VV 124im Stiee, S Narmandie Ave 6089-011-600 6080-015-003 6089-018-00z 6033 -005 -i -h4 Sale Price '0 lbu,ouu $ 160,uuO 5 149.000 Price PSF --- $21.32 $ Z1.32 $29.79 Ri9Mt5 umlveynd Fee Fee Fee ------- -- ----- - -- - -- Fee E.onnitiumz; or sale ­­ ----- ­­­­ ---------- N/APrivate ­­ Canv Financing i eFrms N/A -atu ---- - ------ Private ------------ I .... ------ MarRet Date at Sale NiA ------------------------------------------------------------------ July 2u14 Joly 2014 sept Z013 Adju5ied Price PSF $ z7,32 $ 2132 5 29,19 Gaiieral Location LA Coonty Similar Similar CA City Spedlic Mu_ard Similar Similac IMI'erior Zo.ing R-1 R-1 R-1 LACz Site 317c (AC) 0.96± U.17z 4.17-±- 0.11 x Fruniaye Feet 440± 50± 50± Auuebb Goad Inferior Interim lopograpMy Ce.el Similar similar Similar Development Potential 7vera9c Similar similar Sita lnTO,icir SIL SaPUFIUF /All of the comparable properTim-2 were considered helpful i„ irlo valuation analysis of iMe on5ject . proyerty. The indicated values reflect a market range for the snMject land. The adjusted rm,uln- in mnicated land values is from $21-3,e to $29.79 per square foot ni land area. The followirig criort prop; Mez, a summary of the overall cuumpaiobility relative to the subject poperty: FIJEL,w5 i KOm & ASSOCIA:rES Page 26 Paragon Partners, Ltd BUDLONG AvE — Manchester Av/EI Segundo BI SuppoRing Mix, kat Data The followi,,� active listings provide additional insiyMi into me value of vacant land in tMe area. All are located within similar or competing market areas. 1. 6211 S Vermont A,,e, CA u0044 - APN 6003-030-013 This commercial zoned parcel is listed and is located near the intersection of two very busy ,t, cots, This property is listed for $3u9,000 and is reported as have 0.13 acres or 5,605 square feet. As such, the unit price for thi,, property is placed at 71.19 per, square foot. This property has approximately 42 feet of fro„ tai along the west side of S Vermo,it. The properties fronting 5 vermont are primarily commercial min re,-,idential located behind the rommercial use properties. 2. -izzoi vv 57'n SL, LA 90037 - APN 5002-0-i4-u1u This N, a C-34 zoned pending sale. The Im la 0.34 acres (14,821 SF) and na" a listed priced of $400:000 or $zr3,uu per square foot. As per the li3ift iv broker, multi -family project will De allowed. The property I,, !orated on the south side of W 57"', a Tevv parcels west of S Budlong Avenue. In conclusion, -einot the most probable unit value for trie subject site would fall between $21.00 and $30.00 of the adjmteZ range indicated by the comparable transaction data reported. Considering the definition of marKet value, the highest price is yiven emphasis. Based on ine preceding investigation and analysis, me Tee simple fair market value of Me oubject parcel, as vacant a-, or February 23, 2016 is concluded to rie $z5.00 per square foot- whirn 1z, udIculated as follows: 41.977 SF ,& $zb/SF = $ 1,049,425 RonnneZl to$ 1,049,000 i Me proposed acquisition is a triangrilor 5± square foot area situated at ine northwest corner of the zlte. The proposed acquisition is to be rised as a permanent road easement a, ld represents 0,01 % of n total site which is primarily public sidnYvalk. The proposed acquisition area was not staked. The insportinn estimates were made by memsnrintj me distance from the existing property lines. The Salr!z, 7,omparison approach has been employed to estimate the underly1mv land value of the propoc)eM aaAnioltion. The fee simple land valne was estimated at $2r'-.00 per sAnare loot. Thus, the value of the land to Do acquired is calculated as fall m-,: HJEi_,MSTR0M & ASSOCIATE5 Page 27 Overall Price PSF Comparable Property par ilii Unadjusted Adjusted S5 APN 6033-005-014 Sir Soperior -------------------------------------------- $29.79 $29.79 -------------------- SUBJECT ---------- ­ -------------- $25.00 --- — ------------------------- S2 APN 60894018-Duz _ ------------------------------ Sit. Inferior --------- ------ $ z -i 32 $2132 51 APN 6189-018-003 Sit. Inferior $ 2132 $21,32 SuppoRing Mix, kat Data The followi,,� active listings provide additional insiyMi into me value of vacant land in tMe area. All are located within similar or competing market areas. 1. 6211 S Vermont A,,e, CA u0044 - APN 6003-030-013 This commercial zoned parcel is listed and is located near the intersection of two very busy ,t, cots, This property is listed for $3u9,000 and is reported as have 0.13 acres or 5,605 square feet. As such, the unit price for thi,, property is placed at 71.19 per, square foot. This property has approximately 42 feet of fro„ tai along the west side of S Vermo,it. The properties fronting 5 vermont are primarily commercial min re,-,idential located behind the rommercial use properties. 2. -izzoi vv 57'n SL, LA 90037 - APN 5002-0-i4-u1u This N, a C-34 zoned pending sale. The Im la 0.34 acres (14,821 SF) and na" a listed priced of $400:000 or $zr3,uu per square foot. As per the li3ift iv broker, multi -family project will De allowed. The property I,, !orated on the south side of W 57"', a Tevv parcels west of S Budlong Avenue. In conclusion, -einot the most probable unit value for trie subject site would fall between $21.00 and $30.00 of the adjmteZ range indicated by the comparable transaction data reported. Considering the definition of marKet value, the highest price is yiven emphasis. Based on ine preceding investigation and analysis, me Tee simple fair market value of Me oubject parcel, as vacant a-, or February 23, 2016 is concluded to rie $z5.00 per square foot- whirn 1z, udIculated as follows: 41.977 SF ,& $zb/SF = $ 1,049,425 RonnneZl to$ 1,049,000 i Me proposed acquisition is a triangrilor 5± square foot area situated at ine northwest corner of the zlte. The proposed acquisition is to be rised as a permanent road easement a, ld represents 0,01 % of n total site which is primarily public sidnYvalk. The proposed acquisition area was not staked. The insportinn estimates were made by memsnrintj me distance from the existing property lines. The Salr!z, 7,omparison approach has been employed to estimate the underly1mv land value of the propoc)eM aaAnioltion. The fee simple land valne was estimated at $2r'-.00 per sAnare loot. Thus, the value of the land to Do acquired is calculated as fall m-,: HJEi_,MSTR0M & ASSOCIATE5 Page 27 Paragon Partner;5- cia APN: 6039-011-800 (Parcel 7 -Z3RE. 1) BUDLONG AVE ® ivianchester Av/EI Segundo BI Dote of Value: February 23, 2016 Land to be Acquired 5 S X $25/SF 125 Sfte Improvements on Part Acquired The proposen arqoisition area is located on the northwest cormer of the site and consists primarily of public ;5ic1e,,valX, Any improvemenio affemed by an acquisition must be reimbursed or relocated or replaced in like and kind. Based on discnsziinn,3 with the Client, we have assumed that none of the property owner improvements will be imparron 5y this acquisition. As such, no reimbur;5emurtt is required for the ,emoval of any site improvement). VALUE OF THE REMAINDER, BEFORE ACuUISITION The value of the remaining portion of Me -,u5ject larger land parcel, after acyni;5itlom, before consideration of severance damages and project benefits, is estimated as follows: Value of larger land parcel, before am4nizition (41,977 SF X $25/SF) $-i u49,425 Less land value Or part acquired (5 SF X $25/SF) -125 Value of remainder, after acuinisition $1,049,300 VALUE OF REMAINDER, AF i ER ACQUISITION In the after condition, Me lani!j area of the larger parcel will be 41:9iz square feet. Existing land features such as the accez);5 Tor vehicles, safety, general land configuration, present or intended use. and highest and best use will re in amchanged. (41,977 SF ® 5 SF = 41,97z 5F) Market Value of the remnlm5er (41,972 SF X $25/SF) $1,049,300 SEVERANCE DAMAGE5 Based on the field imnpertlon, the configuration of the part to be acqriiren, the small size of the par? to be acquired relative to the vvle, and a review of the plans of the part t® 5e acquired, we are of the opinion that no severance clalmlaye,3 would accrue to the remaining portion of t larger land parcel by the development proposed for the pa5lic project. Value of land parcel remc5inMer $1,049,300 l7oz,z. value of land parcel remainder, after I , n�tu; 300 Wlirare?jzmverance damages $ 0 PR0Jt:U i BENEFITS rN-u direct benefits to the subject propel7y art-- aritimpated as a result of the Project, HJ1--tM51 KUNI & ASSOCIATES Faye z3 Paragon Parine,,,, r -td BLIDLONG AvE - Manchester Av/EI Segundo SUMMARY OF ziuS i COMPENSATION Based on the aforementioned data, the total just compen.-,ation that would apply to the partial acquisition of the subject larger parcel is estimated as follows: Value of the Part Acquired Land value (5+- SF x $25.00 PSF) $125 Site Improvements on Part Acquired 0 Total Value of Part Acquired $125 Severance Damages 0 Project Benefits 0 Total Just Compensation $12n RunnZI63 to: $500 (Nominal) Nominal value is defimeM a,. a value to the acquisition that is $2,500 of 6 -ss, If the amount of all propury rights or interests is $2,500 OT less, value of the required properTy shall 1515 Zhown as"Nominal" in the total valuation amount column. However- caiculations shall be shown in the vaiciation report to illustrate the basis for the $0 to $2,500 conclusion. IT tMe valuation amount is between $0 ariM $z)00, show $500 (nominal) in Me mmourit column. If the vairiation amount is between $501 and $2,5uu, zMnvv tMe actual amount rounded to the mma,est $50 with the wo, M (nominal) after the arriount.' Gal rano RiOit of Way Manual, Seerion 7.02-13 —14(iev, 8,2015) HJELMSTROM & ASSOCIATES Page 29 Paragon Partners, Ltd APN: 6089-006-aU1 (Parcel 7-45RE) BU LONG AVE ® Manchester Av/EI Segundo BI Date of Value: February 23, 2016 Highest and Best Use is defined as rhe reasoiiaoly probable and legal use of vacanr icitiff or an 68,p vu property, which is legally permissible, phyzicully possible, financially feasible, n;O that I vzyrdr� i,, the highest value, Aighest a,,d Dust use analysis is used to identify comparable properties and, where applicable, to determine whether Me existing improvements should be rezained, renovated, or demolished. TMe highest and beza m�e nT a property is analyzed in two pproved. 11 is recognized that when a zJRn Mas existing improvements on it, the hignest and best use as if vacant may well be different from il'in existing use. The existing use will crincinue until the land value in its highest and best use excee7h-, tein total value of the property in its exisdr-qj nze. In analyzing the Highest and Best Ozie MT the subject property, we have com,,Mevea those uses that are 1) legally permissible, 2) physically pozzi;o/e, i) economically feasible- and whicM woulM result in a 4) positive return to the land. We also conwMereli the surrounding land uses ami!] Me zrlpply and Zlemand for property in the local real estate morRei, The subject property is located within the West Arhenz,-vveimont zoned district, and is zoned ECA1, Single Family reed erre Zone. This zone permits residential -type uses. The existing uses Inte immediate area are reo'Oerltial, with some commercial along to Treeway and busier streets along to borders of the neighborhooM. i ne range of uses in the subject cirea z3opyorts the legally permissible uses as prescribed by the local -oning standards. The subject propeny is noted as legal, non- conforming. The subject site is approximately 0.95 or-rez, and generally level- providing VOOM development potential for all of the permissible uses ideniffieZI a5ave, Amony [Mn Inyolly permissible and physically possible! nznz,, those which are likely to 7,nier to iMe largest market zmyrneni and capture the strongest demariZI ennstitute the site's feasible uses. F71vTM the site's phyzical rMdraeteristics and permitted uses. all OT inn legally and physically residential usnz, cdlevvu-M ave considered financially feasible. After considering such focior. as the physical characteristics of ine land, its location, zoning, surrounding land uses, an soppiy and demand for properties in the area, it is our opinion that the Highest and Best Use of the subject property is for residential use. The proposed acquisition will impact 42± �„Iaare feet or 01% of the total site of 4z,005 square feet and is situated on the southwest corner of to parcel. The site in the "after” condition vvill have similar design and utility, Therefore, the highest anZi dent use in the "before" and "after" coriMitions remain the z,ame: I-IJEI,MSTROM & ASSOCIATE5 R'CrC 20 Paragon Partners, Lid BUDLONG AVE — Manchester AvZ Segundo BI "Before" Condition-. A� IT vacant: Residential use As improved: "After" Condition: As if vacant: Rezidential use As improved: APN: 6089-006-80-1 (Parcel 7-45RE) Date of Value: February 23, 2016 Sales Comparison Approach. and Income Capitalization Approach, The Cost Approach is based on the proposition iMai the informed purchaser would pay no more Tor a property than the cost of producing a substitute property vvith the same utility as the subject propeffy, it iz. !,:grficularl�,, aFplicable when the �tm�L To*,. the migneza llezt use of the land or when relatively unique u, specialized improvements are locaie7l on the site for vvMicn tMere are no comparable properties on the mcir!77t. The Sales Comparlsoi, Appiciach produces an estimate of value by ,;omparing the subject property with similar properties of the z5ame type which have recently sold or are currently orrered for sale in the same or competing market areas. The reliability of this technique is dependent upon the availability of comparable sales data and the degree or comparability. The Income Capitalization Approach is bazeM m, aii estimate of the present value of the Tutum pore, itial Income stream generated by the subject property. i he income approach is widely appl iuZ1 in appraloiny inrome-proclocing properties. The use of all inren approaches to value, while desirable, is nor alvvayzappropriate for all appraisal problems. After ,or izJMerii y the approaches utilized, the appraiser cridually examines and weighs their value indications in the rc,,m uiliation 5efore reaching and presenting a final ,m iclusion or value. Introduction and Methodology The intended use of this appraisal is in neveInp an opinion of the market value to C)UpPOFT an offer of just compensation for a permanent read nazement acquisition of the subject property, I I e n1lo, For this appraisal assignment, the valuaiinn ia bazu-O on the land as if vacant for h f reaz,ons: (1) none of the principal improvemeniz, lnucirn-5 on the subject property are gnin�; in Me armuteO My the proposed partial easement for road porpnzez, according to the Project documeniz,- (z) the maJurity ot the area to be acquired is concrete sidevvc3lK area Mat is essentially a pof7ion of a rigMi- of-way area,- cmZl (,3) tMe proposed area to be acquired reprez5eiao u,ily 0.10% of the total site area. In our analysis, vvr! Move considered the applicability of each of the approaches to value including the Cost, Sales Compariz5om, Income Capitalization approaches, The Cost and Income approaches are not considered appropriate in t valuation of vacant land, thus the only valuation method utilized in this assignment is the Sales Compar6og, Approach. 1?,gr Z I Paragon Partners, Ltd BUDLONG AAE — Manchester Av/El Sayanao B1 APM: 6089-006-801 (Parcel i-45RE) uate of Value: February zZ3, 2016 COMPARABLE SALES LUt;ATION MAP da 1WAZT1 I.- ri r HJELivi5 i KDm & ASSOCIATES rage 23 Paragon Partners, Ltd BUDLOMG AVE - Manchester Av/EI Segonno Comparable Land Sale 1 1248 W lZ4' Street, APN 6089-018-003 This 0. 1 / ± acre (7,506 SF) land sale soiO in July 2014 Tor $160,000. Tnin rectangular shaped parcel is iocated on the north side of 1Z4" Street, two parcels east UT Raymond Avenue in the Connty of Los Angeles. The topography is generally level ,,,iih tne elevation at or above street level. The buyers were Rrca,r investments, LLC and the sellers were St. Goran, Inc. Thic, ,afe recorded on a Grant Dena (Doc #760561). This was an acquisition and developmei-it transaction where the h -Luer v*i_ along with some construction monies. According to a neighbor, the property alon�j with the meignboring property had an old avveiling which was removed prior to the sale. The buyer i, ,proved the property with a new, two-story, frame and stucco dwelling. The new home sold on May -15, 2015 for $525,000, APN: 603�j-Uu6-801 (Parcel 7-45RE) Date of value: February 23, 20-16 -n�. L.01[U 00 Z 1252 W 124" Streei, APN 60v-0118-002 I his 0. 1 TM acre (7,504 SF) iamM ,Ite soldin July 2014 fo $1(30,000. This rectangular shaveM parcel is located on th mur[M side of 124 Street- three parumls east of Raymo Ju )c ly a f te Avenne in tMe County of Los Angeles. Thi,, property is locate 2 d a0 y s 10 0 1 4 n m ca0 f n teh 0 next doo, in uomparable Land Sale 1. TMe topography i I similar to Comp -i , level with the elevation at or aMove stree d th level. The buyerz, were Rraarr Investments, LLC and th sellers were St. G;-jram- inc. This salM a r e recorded on a Gran Deed (Doc #760557). 1 Mis was an ac =wa _,O_ development transaction wrierm the buyer obtained funds for the purchase along with ,orrim construction monies. According to a neighMor, the property along with the neighboring property had an old dwelling which was removed prior to Me .,ale. The buyer improved the property with a new- two-smr-y, trame and zaacco dwelling. The new homeakn ,old on May 15, 2015 for $5zz),000. Comparable Land Sale 3 8220 S lqormandie Avenue, APN 6033-005-014 This 0. 1 i± acre (b,002 SF) vacant land site znld in September 2013 for $149,00 via a Grant Deed (Doc #-i,30t097). It is located on the ea,,t ,ide of S Normandie, one parcel north of W 830 Street. i Me parcel is rectangula, in sMape and appears to be level and at or above street grc0e. i he buyer was Santana Invezrorz,, LLC and the seller vvcizCesar Villapudua. This transaction appears to be an all ca�n zale, The property is zoned LAows eiiher sim�jle or multi -family residential development. After the purcnaz5e of HjELMSTKFjivi & ASSOCIATES 11agr- '214 Paragon PafTners, Ltd APN: 6089-006-801 (Parcel 7-45RE) BUDLONG AVE — Manchester Av/El Segundo E31 Date of value: February 23, 20x6 this parcel, ine owner constructed a new duplex. The duplex sold ov, September 17, 2014 Tor $525,000. It is noted that the comparables used for this valuation are much smaller than the subject parcel. As it is determined that the highest and best use of the ,ubject property is to develop into a legal and conforming product, that being a detached residential dwelling on a conforming lot as to the neighborhood and the reyalated zoning requirements, i niz, will bring the highest retort, to the land. Factoring on the highest reinin to the land, the decision was made to use sales of conforming lot sizes. Afte, viewing all of the comparable pioperties, the following prnpint-ty characteristics or elements of compuromlity have been considered relevant when analyzing land values: Location a Sliezo/_e and shape Zoning 0 Topography Access 0 Availability of aillil;ms Frontage . Developme, it potential For this a,,zJynment, a Relative Compudz5on Analysis (RCA) has l3eeii conducted betwee, Me individual rompara5le properties and the z5n3ject property. RCA is a Llualitative technique TOF analyzing comparal3lum zales, and is a valuable lool employed to illustrate ,,hetner the characteristicz, of a comparable property are inferior, superior- or simila, in those of the subject property. The primary objective is in musket the subject props 5etween the comparable properties with respect to overall similarity, 5operiority, and inferiority. Superior characteristics of a comparable pinpef7y suggest a downward aMJnziment to the value indiratimi. Conversely, interior elements snuyooi an upward adjustment. It is Impoilunt to note that the above elements of comparability were not assigned equal vve'ynt. All the comparal!llo5 are located in the same or competing neighborhintunz, with similar availability of utilities. SperITIC: location, development potential, and proximity in commercial services vveio considered as impuffant factors in the subject case, Marketability is the prartical aspect of selling a property and includes the tran;,actional elements such as rights conveyed, 715n7litions of sale, financing term,.,, ond market conditiori,, /All of the transactions were market transactions, with one being a cash Sule. Adjustments for cor,7111inns of sale usually reflect the motivations of tMe buyer and seller. None ot tMe sales were reporTed to be REO or under distress conditions-, all or the sales are considereM 3icii0ard, arms -length iranzjcimions. Computable Sale 1 is located minin the same neighborhood o5 ine subject, within the Coarity of Los Amyelez, and has a similar zone. 1116 zale has a mid -block location and is smaller than z 5object. The su5j'ert as a corner location but iz, viewed as having more rrarric. The topography is also noted as similm-, i pies property is presently developed with a new, two-story dwelling, HJELMSTROxvi;R AaSOCIATES r'lgc 23 Pairaxymn Partners, Ltd BUDLONG AVE — Manchester Av/El Segundo BI Compaiable Sale 2 is also located within the same neighborhood ins ine subject, within the County of Loz, /Angeles and has a similar zone. This sale has a mid -block location c2nd is smaller than the subject, The snbjem rla-n, a corner location but is viewed as having more traffic. I ne topography is also noted as similar. i MN, property is presently developed with a new, rwo-story dwv-llll 19. Comparable 3 is locaren w0in tMe City of Los Angeles, on the east side of Normandie AvenuO ' one parcel north of W 831d Sri uet. Arcess and parking for this property are noted uz, inre, ior to that of the subject as Normandie is a nialicir arterial street and street parking is limited. Thlo property was developed with a duplex dwelling, vvhlrn is superior to that of the subject's single family reoirlence. Comparable sales that occurred under dWere, it market conditions than those on the date of veilue require adjustment if it has an impact so value. vvnile the market is improving, we were unable -4 substantiate a reliable indicator of market conclitin, Pa TOP vacant land in the immediate area. Gvu,, the ,nsufficient data to support an adjustment; no adjustment haz, 5een made for market conditions. COMPARABILi I T AlqAiLY5]5 SuBject S1 5Z S3 ANirou. Parcel 5u1 vy 1z2" 1248 W 1241" Street -125z vy iz4" Street 822U 5 M7,rma, �cflw Street Ave AP N 6059-Uu6-907 6089-07g-003 6089-018-u02 5033-005-014 Sale Price a I 6u,U00 $ 160,000 $ 174%OU0 Price PSF $21.32 2132 $29.79 Rights Conveyed Fee Fee Fee Fee Conditiom, of Sale M7APrivate — — -------- - — - --- Cc'm Financing I armz, --- N/A ------ - -- - ---- - - — ------ — - - - - -- -------- Private --------- MarRet Date or Sole n/A -------- July 2u 14 — ----------- Joly 2014 Sept 2013 Ariju;5 ] Price PSF --- $ 21.32 5 27.32 $ 29.19 General Eocatim, [A Comity Similar LA City SpeciTir rocntton Floward Similar Similar Interior Zoning 17-11 R-1 R-1 LACE Site Sil-a (AC) O.zj6± 0.17± 0.17 ¢ 01 -1 Frm,tayis Feet 440± 50± 50± 5U± Armezo (300a Inferior haerior Inferior Topograpny CCvel Similar Similar Similar Potential Aeuraye Similar similar Similar Overall Comparal3ility 51t. InTerio, 5 ft. Inferior Sit. 5UPG,i-_r All of the rompararlin properties were considered helpful in the valuation analysis of the subject property. The indicated values reflect a market range for the subject ianO. I no adjusted range in indicated land values is from $21.32 to $29.79 per square foot of laiM area. The following chart provides a summary of the u�eraill comparability relative to the subject property: HjhLM� I KO M & ASSOCIATES P,,gc 26 Paragon Partners, Ltd APN: 6089-006-80-1 (Parcel 7-45RE) 17L AVE AVE — Manchester Av/E1 Segundo BI Date of Val e: February 23, 2016 Supponinu MaMet Data The following active listings provide additional insitil'it into the value of vacant land in the area. All are located within ,filar or competing market areas. 6211 S Vermo,a Ave, LA 90044 - APN 6003-030-ri-i 3 This commercial _onun parcel is listed and is located near the intersection of two wer—y Dosy streets, This property is listed Ter $399,000 and is reporTed az, nave 0.13 acres or 5,605 sAciare feet. As such, the unit price for mi-, property is placed at 71.-iu per square foot. This property has approximately 42 feet of frontage along the west side of S vermont. The properties fromung S vermont are primarily commercial vvith residential located behind me commercial use properllTz,.. 2. 12zUW57"'St.,LA90037-APN 500z-Di4-019 ThIz, 6 a C-34 zoned pending sale. The Int is 0.34 acres (14,821 SF) Zinn has a listed priced of $400.000 or $26.99 per square foot. As per to Hating broker, multi -family project will be allowed. The property 6 located on the south side of W 5t", a few parcels west of S Bunlring Avenue. In conclusion, we estimate inat the most probable unit valne for the subject site WMITIld TdlI between $21-00 and $30.00 of the aMjusted range indicated by inum comparable transaction date, reported. Considering the definition of marRet value, the highest price I-, given emphasis. BasmM n; , the preceding investigation and analyz,1z,, tMe fee simple fair market alne of the subject parcel, as vacant ao OT February 23, 2016 is conclnde7l to be $25.00 per square foot, wMich is calculated as followz5: 42.005 5F X $25/SF = $ 1,050,125 MHMBZH�1� I Me proposed acquisition is a rriangolar 421: square foot area zitnared at the southwest corner OT the -,ite. The proposed acquisition iz, to Me used as a permanent roan easement and represenu, 0. -1% Or Me total site which is primarily pnblir, ,Rlewalk. The proposed aryni,.ition area was not stakeM. i ne iriz,poction estimates were made by meauring the distance from the nAi,.ting property lines. The 5alez, Comparison approach has been employed to estimate the nrinerlying land value of the proynz,en acquisition. The fee simple lano value was estimated at $25.00 per square foot. Thus. the value of the la mZl to be acquired is calculaieM a. follows: HJEEfvi5 j. Kum & ASSOCIATES Pae -17 1� Overall Price PSF Comparable Property Comparability unadjusted Adjusted S3 APN 6033-005-014 -------------- Sit Superior ---------- ---------- ------------------------------------- $29.79 $29079 SUBJECT ------------------- ----------------------- ­­ ------- $25.00 S2 APN 6089 -013 -OW ------------------- ---------------- Sit. Inferior -------------------- ------- $ 21.32 $21,32 51 APN 6189-018-003 Sit. Inferior $21.32 $21.32 Supponinu MaMet Data The following active listings provide additional insitil'it into the value of vacant land in the area. All are located within ,filar or competing market areas. 6211 S Vermo,a Ave, LA 90044 - APN 6003-030-ri-i 3 This commercial _onun parcel is listed and is located near the intersection of two wer—y Dosy streets, This property is listed Ter $399,000 and is reporTed az, nave 0.13 acres or 5,605 sAciare feet. As such, the unit price for mi-, property is placed at 71.-iu per square foot. This property has approximately 42 feet of frontage along the west side of S vermont. The properties fromung S vermont are primarily commercial vvith residential located behind me commercial use properllTz,.. 2. 12zUW57"'St.,LA90037-APN 500z-Di4-019 ThIz, 6 a C-34 zoned pending sale. The Int is 0.34 acres (14,821 SF) Zinn has a listed priced of $400.000 or $26.99 per square foot. As per to Hating broker, multi -family project will be allowed. The property 6 located on the south side of W 5t", a few parcels west of S Bunlring Avenue. In conclusion, we estimate inat the most probable unit valne for the subject site WMITIld TdlI between $21-00 and $30.00 of the aMjusted range indicated by inum comparable transaction date, reported. Considering the definition of marRet value, the highest price I-, given emphasis. BasmM n; , the preceding investigation and analyz,1z,, tMe fee simple fair market alne of the subject parcel, as vacant ao OT February 23, 2016 is conclnde7l to be $25.00 per square foot, wMich is calculated as followz5: 42.005 5F X $25/SF = $ 1,050,125 MHMBZH�1� I Me proposed acquisition is a rriangolar 421: square foot area zitnared at the southwest corner OT the -,ite. The proposed acquisition iz, to Me used as a permanent roan easement and represenu, 0. -1% Or Me total site which is primarily pnblir, ,Rlewalk. The proposed aryni,.ition area was not stakeM. i ne iriz,poction estimates were made by meauring the distance from the nAi,.ting property lines. The 5alez, Comparison approach has been employed to estimate the nrinerlying land value of the proynz,en acquisition. The fee simple lano value was estimated at $25.00 per square foot. Thus. the value of the la mZl to be acquired is calculaieM a. follows: HJEEfvi5 j. Kum & ASSOCIATES Pae -17 1� Paragon Partners, Ltd BUDLONG AVE — Manchester Av/tI Segundo BI VALUE OF THE AREA TO BE ACuUIRED Land to be Acquired 4z SF X $25/SF $1,050.00 Site Improvements on PaIT ACquired The proposed acquisition area is located at the southwest corner or the site and consists primarily of public sidewalk. Any improvements affected by an arynizition must be reimbursed or relocamM or replaced in like ani, M. Based on discussions with the Cllun,t, ne have assumed that none of Me property owner improvements will be impacted by this acqnlwrion. As such, no reimbursement is required for the removal of any site improvements. 11ALTE OF THE RtMAINDER, BEFORE ACQUISITIOrm The value UT Me remaining portion of the subject larger land parcel, after acquisill'oji, before consideration of z5evurcince damages and project benefiiz,, 1z, ez-timated as follows: Value of larger land parcel, before acquisition (4z,00b SF X $25/ F) $1;055--1Z5 Less land value of pa rT acquireZI (4z SF X $25/SF) -11050 value of remainder, after acquisition $1,049;075 VALTE OF REMAINDER, AFTER ACQUIzo i ION In e. condition, the land area of the loryer parcel will be 41,963 gross Zik4mare teet. Existing land featam�,, such as the access for vehicles, safety, general land configuration: prezerit or intended use, and h1yMeA and best use will remain unchanged. (4z,005 SF — 42 SF = 41:963 SF) Market Value of the remainder (41,963 5F A $25/SF) $1,049,075 5EVERANCE DAMAGES Based on the field inspection. the confiyoration of the part to be acquired, the zmall size of the part to 5e acquired relative to the whole- and a review of the plans of the pan to be arynired, we are of the opinion that no severance damages would ar-r-roe to the remaining porTion of then laryer land parcel by the Oevelopment proposed for the public project. value of land parcel remainder $1,049,075 Less value of lanZ] parcel remainder, after acquisiti 4 1-041J.O(tj Indicated severance Zlamages $ U PROJECT BEnEFi 15 No direct be Tito to the subject property are amicipainM az- a result of the ProjecL. HJELMSTROM & ASSOCIATE5 mm 11."C! Z8 Paragon Partners, Ltd APN: 1-0089-006-801 (Parcel 7-45RE) BUDLONG AVE - Manchester Av/EI Segun BI Date of Value: February 23, 2016 SUMMARY OF JUST COMPENSATIOM Based on the aforementioned data, the total just compensation inert would apply to the partial ar'quisition of the subject larger parcel is eatimated as follows: Value of the Part Acquired Land Value (42± SF x $25.00 FF) Site Improvements on Pan! Acquired Total Value of Part Acquired '.-rojecz Benefits $1,050 0 1.050 0 0 $-I :050 $11050 (Nominal) nomimcil value is defined as a value in the acquisition that is $2,500 or le3z,. if the amount of all propery rigFltz, or interests is $2,500 of less, value of Me required property shall be sMovvm as "Nominal" in the totai valuation cimnant column. However, calculatinnu znail be shown in the valuniinvi report to illustrate tht basis for the $0 to $z,500 conclusion. If the valuation a ... onmi i,, between $0 and $500. On,, $000 (nominal) in the amount column. If the valuation amount is between $bOi and $2,500, show the actual amount rounded to the neareza $bO with the word (nominal) after thea sant.' -.:izrP-5 Hichr of z, -e c t 7. 0 2, . -13 14 t r a;`;'=.3 1-1jh LMSI'ROM & ASSOCIATf�s N6c 29 I r 6 z Z z TI CD 77 AV o CD PrVj'vF,i narnt-: SUDIUMU AVL-MA19UHES (ER AV/ EL SEuuM0u L- 2S PK(J(3RAM BUDLONYG AvEMut t -45R A.I.N, 6089-Oufo-80i 1 (3. 734 (A1 j I M. U84-197 Secund District XMzzuuu599 LEGAI UESL;RIP i to PARuEE l9ua i -45R (Ft -e tur puDlic road and highway purpuse5)- Fhat portion of Loi zu, BlucR E, i uvvnsitu or 19uward (tormerly Townsite of Nu5ecrans), as shown on map retic, riled in BouR zz, pages 59 through 62, of Plisct-dianuous Reuorcis, in the uttice of the Reg istrn r--Rmorder/uounty ulurF of the uFjunty uT LUS Aq yelus, wit5in the Tollowing described boundaries: Beginning at the sucahvvemeny uurritr tit said lot; tPence easterly, along The suat5erly line cat said lot, to the beginning of a Fu cunLzve nurtMeasturly, having a raaius ut 14.00 reet, tangent to said southerly line, and Tangent to the westurly line at saia iFit; tnenue norl5westerly, along said curve, to said westerly line; tnenue sucitHerly, along said vvestedy line, to tMe puint uT l5eyinniny. 1 a de Rnown as SUDEUNG AVENUE. Uantaining: 42:t square feet C, ? —c XP NCO. 15-5 99 APPKUVf:D AS TO ?E CRT i i0r� By Ei(-LnbED LAND SURVEYOR/ r?1" �' Lm, Ange�L�, C+ un' y Depar'�ment of PUWL 'u, o7ks M a t L. Cj LA NOMMMM Pruj'ek;t name: SUDWNU AV-MANCHES I ER AW El SEGUNDU BE-SR2S PROGRAM SUDEURU AVENUE 7-23R.1 A.I.N. ouSu-Lai i-duu T G. 734 (A -i) 1,17, 069-197 Second District AM221JOU599 LEUAB 13ESCRIPTIC) N PARUtE nu. Y-z3i (Fee for public road and highway purpust-s): That purtion of F-ot i, blOCK FI: I uvvnsite or Howard (formerly i ownsite of Hoseurans), as shown on map recorclea in Souk 22- . pages 59 through 62, of Miscellaneous Records, in the office of the Registrar--Keuoider/uounty Clerk of the uounty OT Los Angeles- within t hallowing described ocjundaries: Beginning ai the nortl1westerly corner oat said lot; thence easterly, along tMe northerly line of said lot, to the beyinniny of a curve umicave southeasterly, having a radius at 5,UU feet, tangent to said northerly line, and tangent to tMe westerly line of said lot; mence 5oatMvvtjsterIy, along said curve, to said westerly line', tMence noff5erly, along said vvesTerly line, to tMe puint of 5eyinniny. I as be Known as BUDLONG AVS MOE. Containing: 5� square feet APPF,'OVED A , 1-0 DESURIP I IUN aENSED LAME) 5U- /P) Lm, Angeles County Deparrttrnrmt- r -,F Pnw, Vvnf""S OoLed IJI-E, -- j