HomeMy WebLinkAbout3. PLN-15-00179 SCE Eastment General Plan ConsistencyClltyo Downe.1 DATE: September 2, 2015 xel��O 7$7kTmk 1 fW1 i R V11 M-) requested easement conforms with the General Plan. According to Section 65402(a) of the state's Planning and Zoning Laws, Agency, i.e., Planning Commission, as to conformity with the General Plan. ���MIHFN M 11111M 11 111 Policy 2.7.1. —Provide adeguate utility and communications infrastructure As noted above, the purpose • the easement is accommodate an electrical system that will provide power to the Promenade. That the Planning Commission adopt a Minute Action making the determination that granting the easement to Southern California Edison conforms to General Plan. Attachment: 0 - RF'OORDING REQUL-STF-D BY WHEN Rl--GORDF-'D MAIL TO R(*Wlwnd, CA 91770 Amci}i^obo/KWrRK3 MIAMI-. ABOVE T1 11S IJNI-�'FOR RECORDER'S USE Q&\MT0r IQ%SCxRkPT IMMIX Roll propomlip" S 1, S41 1 06/2 112015 lllY0[ UnW/N|�YU/,wim/ocrrremd`(ox"^8,noo/').h,uhy:nm|,w SpunlUl(N r0.|H3uN|Aign8oN CVhi| PAN Y. 8 mupomHbx, its smzcsovs and nssiQos (hewim8e,oknmd to as 14=1 an cosumro| mw rw8o[ony k) oougmu.0m\m:hUuiu.uyomx\nkri, add m,u9oikreplace, rccoxmnm/.inxpec|nxd"mxorummwhmem'J Rom /imr*time xndcvm'mdO|rokioo| mpp|y oyxrms and cwomuximhox vs|uxs U'meioo8ur mrencd to as "yorommi Nmimiag n[winn. mx|uInood rmAxi|u' oob|cn nm|\, omohn|rs, hnndho|cn nmi iododi/qg above-ground mm|omxe` /onrkom m/duoocm| |mdy and vUhrr opponmumx Sxwrcx and cqo|pmo* x000sm,y or moW| for diuHhxhng e|wrico| mnmgy ond kn |nxuok|ing iuMUjoxcr hydcc\hu6 mmxos, in, m`, n,cq omJcq ouua,mnJ o|o//g |ht wain no| ympnry in we county o[ |/n A/ge|c`. SumohCo|ifomio'8rxcrihcdoo follows: VARIOUS Sl RIPS 0F LAND _LYING \Y[[|||N SEC 1 ION l0{[(�vNGU|Vp]K(K/T\uANQ�|2\VxS r,|Nl|l|." RANCHO 3AMl7\ (i|U[[KU0T./\8|qPER MN` RECORDED IN BOOK 34 OF N|%(MU^ANIV\/S KCC0KDS AND |N BOOK }`/`AG11 5O7 (IF M|SCkLLANCOVS RECORDS, 1Nll|[O\'HCE0y]l|ECOUNTY KCC00DOKOFSND COUNTY, DESCRIBED ASFOLLOWS: YlUUn0(910[B]rY/0{) DUE sou H|kKi A,UNED|'SA|DS[K|P|SDrvCK|OTJ) AS`FO|AL()V8` C0MNUNC/N( AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER <]PiJJ[4Or TRACT NO. 7i54'|^/\S PER MAP OWED |N BOOK 1376, iY\G.[D 5 TUK0(/0| |ZO;MAPS, IN THE OFFICE oF SAUDC0UN [Y K|M|<DEK|THENOH' ALONG THE EASllAK|,Y L\NE(n'SAID |z)T/I SOUTH VU^\3`OD~ WEST 44.0O FB`,T;l}|6NCC iJCAY|NG SAW 1A8TEKLY |.|NEU[|lT 4' FAST 5|Bct FEET l0TU11Tl0UO POINT 0FAF(PIMNlNC|THENCE. CONTINUING EAST 8]]' FIAT! ll) THE Ut0NN|H0 OF A '|Y\N(TNT CURYI-' C0NCAYC TO ll{/� SOUT}|VYSm AND HAVING /\ KA0US OF =00 FIAT; THENCE CASTB{LY AND SOUll|CX8[[KLY NDING SAID CUKV|,T|0OqK|lACHN lFK/0,ANGLE O[28"j317'AM ARC U|S|)\MCEOF94A2 FEET lDT||C0E()UNN]NGOF A REVERSE CUKYF. CONCAVE 1Y) THE NUKT{|F.AS[AN|) HAVING ARADIUS OF5U914 FEET; ]V|CNCT.8OUTUCAJTIAZCY ALONG SAID CURVE, lBROV0lv\.CCNIyKAL/\N(j[|� OF O62|`26"AN /ARC DISTANCE UF26.6Vl'EEFll A Pow HD<�/NAFlrEQKDF|AKEnl\)ASPV|Nl/Y' ``' —, llU�NCS CONTINUING SOUTHEASTERLY /dDNQ 3A|nCUKVF.. THROUGH COMTKA|.ANGLb0F |Y\ZTZ"&N ARC 0S[ANCCOF 13I29 |'E|3ll)A POINT HEREINAFTER |UBW|(ED1Y)A9P0|Nl'"& TUCNCF. COM[|NU|NGi 50UT||l".hSTEK|.Y ANP EASTERLY ALONG SAID CUKVF\ T||KOL]GH A CENTRAL ANG|.00F07"24`|K"&N ARC DISTANCE O|'65.9\ FEET; THENCE. NORTH 80,5`54~EAST 219/47 [EFT` &JO|<6 QK L|TS. TO A |'0<NTU|" |.M|1|NG IN llUi \YF,ST�KI,Y |JNC OF 8[11,l/Dx/[K U0V/.CYAR[\4100 MOOT1|N.[Y/10TU,AS}TNOY/CX|s[S. TIM NORTHERLY S/DE>JmE0pS&|0 STRIP IS TO BE OR S�-^(TI-`,N�D TO T1',RK4|NAllB FASTBK|.Y|Nll[F. WESTERLY |,|NEO�SA|I)g0.L|'LD\Y0(DQULFYAKD. S I RIP 19 (6.00 FEE] =*,) 'I HK ('I N IT:RI.INF OT SAM S1 Rill I ' DESCRO31:1) AS FOI:LOWS` BIWINNIN'C1 XI SAID POIN1 "13 "; T IP.NCT NORTJ1 06 "5300 "1it1S'I 85.()0 FI;I:, I 10 A P01Nf OF FNIANCI. I;,ACf;PTING "i 1il',Ri PRONd THAT I'ORI ION LYINO SOU I iIERLY OF "II11? NORI'IYRIN TINW,INL' OF STRIP III D13SCRE311"D 111:R1':INARONI - •1'111; C ENI'INI,INH Oi' SAH) ,STRll'JS I)I; CRHIM) As PO1.1SAVS: l EGINNING A I SAID POINi "A' ; THENC`F NORi'11 211214- EAST 12,Qt1 i'I?l:�l' "f0 �� POINT° O1' I?NI)INC;: F,X(T,P 11N(m "fl II;ItIsI RC)iti7 'I I IA I POR HON LYING SOU 1111IRLY OF 111H N'OR fi llITLY- SIDIAAN1•; O SI RIi' 111 DLSCRi III `,D I1GRI INA130VF,. STRIP IN (20.00 FFFT 4Vil)1:) H IF, CIiNl I:ItIJNI'.OI SAID SFRIP IS DI,SCRI III J) AS I'Ni;l.O1VS °; ('0JW11F,NCINCI AT SAID NORTI111AST CO RNI °.It OF ixyr d OF I RAM NO, 7154 1; 'I °IIiiNCAI AI,ONG 11 W, LAS ERLY LINE OF SAID IA I' GI, SW11 I 00°13'08" "Wr5710 i "EET' 11111011-111 P(31N'T OFT E(1INNING; `THENCE WAVING SAID EASI'h.RLY I,INE OF LOT 4, EAST 25,11 FE[A' TO 'fill? 1313OINNING OF' A i'ANOENT CHRVF, CONCAVE TO THE NOR'f1IWES'i' AND l lAVWG A RAi)It1S 01' 37.25 l lull TH NCF, FASl'IAMY AND NOR°I I IVAS 4MLY ALONG "SAID CIJRVIi, THROCJGII A CLN`FRAL AN61,I' 01� 33 °15' 19°` AN ARC INSTANCI OF 2142 IL 1 11 TI H NCII NC)RTH 50°44011" FAST 14.22 FFFT TO A POINT OF L?NDING 151 '1'111: S(MJ"1I IHItLY SIDEIAAJE C)F sAll) s,rRH' N I . I'IIIL SIDI'.IJNIiS (71'' SAID STRIP -ARF TO 131, PROLONG1?D OR SIIORTI ?NFD TO THRMMA'fI WET ALY IN I HE EASTERLY LINT; (A' SAID LOT 4 AND NOR "I "III:AS`i IatI;Y IN "I III-, SOU I "HERLY SIDELINk Of' SAID sTmv P I . It Is undeistood and agreed Owl We above dwer0ion is approximate only, it being the intention of Ole Grantr» (s) to grajm an t:asenitm Rt "said systems as conslructed. The centerline of the enscmern shall be coincidental aAT the cenwone of said systcnis as constructed ii, on 0vcr, under, across, and alm , the Granto Q) property, This legal dcscril)Gon was pwpmvd pwsunni to Sec. 8730(c) ufihe Business & Pro16sskma Code. (lraWor agfces Im himself, his Inchs and lrssigns, not tb v=q pWm or n almad, nm to prern,it Kc cr<ctim; placeincm or maintenance of any building!, planter boxes, ewth fill or other siruchwes except walls and fences on To above deseNbcd real property. The Clraince, and its con1mctors, agents and employees, shall We the right to Win or cart a °caro0ls us ma)1 cnd<urgcr or interlcre with said systems and shall have Am access to said systerns and every part thereof, at all times; for the purpose of cumising the ri W herein grmrtcd;_proddc$ however,, that in making any excnva&n an said property of We Gmutar, the (;lranice shall n)akc the same in such a nianner as will cause the Ram injury to the stn Iicc of the ground around such cxcnvivOon, MW shall replace the earth sa removed by h and restore the surf' m of (lie ground to ns near the smme condition as it was prior to such exenWon ns is practicable. 0 , FUCI-i FFID this (kiyof—_ 20- -. GRANTOR CI I Y OF DOWNIN Print Name Tillc A notmy I)LIbliC or other officer completing this cei tificate verifies only the identity of the inclMOILIRI WhO SigIlOd the (10CLIMOnt tO Which this CQI dflcMe Is MtaChed, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document. State ol'Calilbrnia Signimure (This area for notary Many) 3 DSE80122,1506 I'D757018 GRANITE, WHJIIHTN CA LIFORNIA 1AASONCOMPANY, 0 cot por allmi Print Norms 1111c A n6my palic or rather ollir amVietWo his certlfka - te vadfles only I the 1 dend ty of the in - dividu - 11 who sWnecl Me docurner" to which this cer tifkoe N MtuhW, Me! nol dw truthfulness, aocumq' or validity of that docurnen Sint, W"my of itn be for 0 Inc, not, my public, personally (here insert minis offlic. splicer} who pnoved to me un Me bads or makfaudy cmetwe w be ow persmKo "ime tummy) in mmd u, we tPimin. hMMIUMH MW adnowledged to rue that helshchhey executed Me mme in WahMir ruHlh➢dud aywHARA nrnHhat by hissammit slumiumb) on 11W insnummu the pasorthl or We croky upon bdmW of which the jwrson(s) nued, execmul the hunummm. I cer HQ under PENALTY OF PERHJRY under the laws or we sime of canfon, im, Me wage) ng pwAgnW, N tme am, con met. %V['I'Nl-',SS my hrind and officittl scat, (Ilk arva Rm notary swmp) DSE801224506 I D757018 .1J a a rri L* 1 I jp- .- m ` 0 , urn Tbull T alp t t[,',, t'B�a _ F1 01 co F- D C)' 6°7 c•i ISM �. .a <(� M ns l'J co U) � _ F1 01 co F