HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN-10-08161, 12130 Paramount Blvd. STAFF REPORT DATE: MARCH 2, 2010 TO: PLANNINGCOMMISSION FROM: BRIAN SAEKI, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR WILLIAM E. DAVIS, CITY PLANNER SUBJECT:PLN CASE NO. 10-08161 - AREQUEST TO MODIFY THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF CONDITIONALUSE PERMIT NO. 08-62, THEREBY INCREASINGTHE NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS AT AN ADULT DAY CARE FACILITY FROM 127 TO 160,ONPROPERTYAT12130 PARAMOUNT BOULEVARD, ZONED C2(GENERAL COMMERCIAL) CEQA Staffhas reviewedtheproposeduse incompliance with the California Environmental QualityAct (CEQA) Guidelines and determined that it is categoricallyexemptfrom CEQA, pursuant to Guideline Section No.15301 (Class 1, Existing Facilities). Categorical Exemptions areprojects whichhave been determined notto havea significanteffectonthe environmentand have beenexempted from the requirementsoftheCalifornia EnvironmentalQuality Act.Exempt activities underClass 1 consistof theoperation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing,orminor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities,mechanical equipment, ortopographical features, involving negligible orno expansion ofuse beyondthat existing at the timeof thelead agency’s determination. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the following titled resolution: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OFTHE CITY OF DOWNEY, APPROVINGPLN CASE NO- 10-08161 TO MODIFY THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO.08-62, THEREBY INCREASING THENUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS AT AN ADULT DAY CARE FACILITY FROM 127 TO200, ON PROPERTY AT12130 PARAMOUNT BOULEVARD, ZONED C2 (GENERAL COMMERCIAL) CODE AUTHORIZATION: Table9.3.5 of Section9314.04 of the Downey Municipal Codeidentifies Day Care Center (Adult) as ause permitted in theC-2(GeneralCommercial) zones that requiresa conditional use permit. Section9802 of the Code setsforth the Planning Commission’s authority to considerconditionaluse permit applications. PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF DOWNEY, CALIFORNIA SITE LOCATION 12130 ParamountBoulevard SITE DESCRIPTION A.Subject Property: 1.PropertyInformation: Site Location: 12130 Paramount Boulevard APN 6259-006-023 Applicant Information: 2. Stanley Diller P.O. Box 36679 Property Owner: Los Angeles, Ca 90036 Castulo de la Rocha Representative: Alta Med Health Services Corporation 500 Citadel Drive, Suite 490 Los Angeles, CA 90040 3.CEQA Determination: Categorically Exempt, Class 1 (Existing Facilities) 4.Noticing Information: Applicant Notification:January 24, 2011 PLN-10-08161 12130 Paramount Boulevard March 2, 2011 - Page2 B.Surrounding Properties: ZoneUseGeneral Plan North C2(General Commercial)Child CareOffice South C2 (GeneralCommercial)RetailOffice R1-5,000 (Single-Family East ResidentialLowDensityResidential Residential) West C2 (GeneralCommercial)RetailOffice BACKGROUND On May 21, 2008,the Downey Planning Commissionadopted Resolution No. 08-2534, thereby approving Conditional Use Permit No. 08-62 toestablish an adultdaycare facility. AltaMed Health ServicesCorporationoperates thecenterat 12130 Paramount Boulevard. Thesubject property, whichiszoned C-2 (General Commercial),is located at thesoutheast cornerofAlbiaStreet and ParamountBoulevard. It covers approximately34,875 square feet ofland area, with 163feet of street frontage along Paramount Boulevardand with a lot depth of 225 feet.Aone-story, 17,986 square foot buildingand 47off-streetparking spaces existon the site. The subjectproperty has two driveway approaches, one alongAlbia Streetprovides ingress andanother alongParamount Boulevard provides egress.The 47parking spaces includefourteen(14) diagonalparkingspaces along the easterly side of theproperty, sixteen (13)adjacent to thesouth side ofthe building andtwenty(20)parkingspaces along thesouthernproperty line. A drop-off/pick-upareaislocated at thesouth of the building. Thisdoor functionsasa drop off/pick up area. On-site vehicular movementsfunction well withoneentrance and one exit reducingany backup/traffic impactonAlbiaStreet or Paramount Boulevard. The AltaMedfacility providesa number ofservicesfor adults,including nursingcare, occupationaltherapy,consulting and support groupservices, physical therapy, speech therapy, daily nutrition (breakfast, lunchand dinner), health education courses, recreation, and transportation to and fromthe facility. Socialserviceworkers on-site assess the needs ofthe clients, develop treatment plans anddeliverservices.In-home care is coordinated at the facility anddeliveredoff-site.Thefacility operatesfrom 7:30 am to4:30 pm.AltaMed also provides pickupand dropoff transportation services for adultsthrough the facility’s van serviceprogram.Transportation servicesdeliver and pick-up participantsformedical and other appointments,meal delivery, and otherdelivery servicesassociatedwith the day- care facility. DISCUSSION When AltaMed submitteditsproposal to the Planning Commission,theyplanned for nine (9) employeesduringthe firstfewmonthsof its operation and anticipatedgrowth to approximately twenty (20) employees.They also expected to carefor107patients.With thosenumbers inmind, thePlanningCommission stipulated in Condition 1ofthe PLN-10-08161 12130 Paramount Boulevard March 2, 2011 - Page3 Conditionsof Approvalfor ConditionalUse Permit No. 08-62that the maximum number of adultsoccupyingthebuilding at one time (employeesandclients combined) shall not exceed127 persons. That amount ofparticipants requires26 off-streetparkingspaces, based ontheparking ratio of onespaceforevery fivepersons at the facilityas stated in Table9.7.3 (Nonresidential Parking Requirements)of the Downey Municipal Codefor “Assembly Uses.” AltaMedseeks toexpand its operation byincreasing the number ofparticipantsallowedat the facility to 160. They submitted a LandUsePermitApplication(PLN10-08161) requestingthatthePlanning Commission modifyCondition1 of Conditional Use Permit No. 08-62 toachieve the desired amount.The applicationlists the number of anticipated employeesas40, which suggests that AltaMed would have200persons atthesiteat a giventime.Using theaforementioned ratioas the criterion,the subject property can support the increase becausean adultday care facility with 200 adults(employeesand clients combined) requires 40 on-siteparking spaces,whereasthe subject has47parking spaces.The Applicant alsoproposesto modify the building’sinteriorspaces by demolishing walls andconstructing new ones toincreaseparticipant capacityand to provideadministrative space fortheadditional employees. Staff’sotherconcernsabout the proposal hingeupon the potential impacts associatedwith increased trafficon Albia, and theeffects thisusemay have on the adjacentresidential property owners. AlbiaStreet is a smallcul-de-sac that providesaccessto fifteen (15) single-family residencesand an infant care facility.An increase in traffic volumes could disruptthe peace and comfort of these homeowners;however,AltaMedutilizes avan service to transport its clients toandfrom thefacility.Theadditionalnumber of employees willresult inmore cars on the premises,buttheamountof available parkingspaces should compensate for theincrease. Staffhasnot receivedany noise or vehicle-relatedcomplaints about theinfant day care centeracross the streetfromthe subject site, butoneyear ago the neighbor to the east raised issues abouttheAltaMedsite.He complainedthat AltaMed parkedvansadjacent to his property.He also complainedabout his loss ofprivacy dueto thevisual intrusion into his rearyard, thesize ofthevehicles used by AltaMed to transport patients to the property,andthat thebuses are aneyesore. In response totheneighbor’s complaints AltaMed agreedto park thevans adjacent totheir rear (south)property linenear the entrance to the buildingandasfar fromthe complainants property as possible. FINDINGS Staff reviewed Section9824.05 of the Codeand findsthatthe followingconditions existin reference to thesubjectproperty: 1.Therequestedconditional use permit will notadversely affectthe purpose andintent of the Downey Municipal CodeortheDowney GeneralPlan orthe publicconvenience orgeneral welfare ofpersonsresiding or working inthe neighborhood. Theintentand purpose of the Downey MunicipalCode are toprovidea comprehensive Zoning Ordinanceto regulate the useofbuildingsand landinthe City.The regulations are necessary toencouragethe most appropriateuse of land andto protectthepublic health, safetyand welfare, in accordancewiththe City’s GeneralPlan.TheGeneral Plan servesasa guide tothe long term physical PLN-10-08161 12130 Paramount Boulevard March 2, 2011 - Page4 developmentand growth of the City.Itestablishes policiesfordetermining where certain landuses aremost desirable. Thesubject propertyiszoned C-2(General Commercial) andits General Plan designationis O (Office). The GeneralCommercialzone permitsthe establishment of anadult daycare facility with the approval ofa conditional use permitandthe Planning Commissionapproved Conditional Use Permit No.08-62forthisuse on May 21, 2008. The requested modificationsto Conditional Use Permit No.08-62 to increase the number of employees and clientsallowedat the facility from 127 to 200 willnot adverselyaffect the purposeand intent ofthe Downey MunicipalCode because theproject site contains47parking spaces,which can accommodate the greater number ofparticipantsproposed. 2.The proposeduse willnot adverselyaffect the adjoining land usesandthe growthanddevelopmentof the area in which it is proposed to be located. TheC-2(General Commercial) zonepermits adult day care centers, subject tothe approval ofa conditional use permit.TheDowney PlanningCommission approved Conditional Use Permit No. 08-62 on May 21,2008andthe AltaMed adult daycare center hasoperated onthesubjectproperty since2008. The proposed revision to Conditional Use Permit 94-40 would increase ofthe number ofparticipantsallowed at the facility(employees andclients combined)from127 to200; however,the proposedchanges will not adversely affect the adjoining land uses because the subject propertyhas enough off-street parking spacesavailable toaccommodate the increase, AltaMed provides a vanservice to transport themajority of clientsto thesite,and the vans will be stored alongthe south property lineof the subject site and awayfrom residencethatexistsalong the easterly side of theproperty. The adultday care facilitywillcontinue to abidebythe conditions ofapproval established for Conditional Use Permit No. 08-62.The useisconsistent withthe Officedesignation ofthe DowneyGeneral Plan,which provides for child day care centers. 3.The size and shape ofthesite proposedfor the useis adequateto allow the full development of the proposeduse inamanner not detrimentalto the particular area. The sizeand shape ofthe site is adequate to allowtheproject in a manner not detrimental to the particulararea because the site is fully developed. It contains approximately34,875squarefeet of land area, witha 17,933 square footbuilding and47 parking spaces. Therequested revisionto Conditional UsePermit No. 08- 62proposes to increaseofthenumberof participants allowed at the facility (employeesand clientscombined) from 127to 200.TheApplicant also proposesto modify the building’s interiorspacestoincrease participantcapacity and toprovide administrative space for theadditional employees. 4.The traffic generated by the proposed use will not impose an undue burden upon the streets and highways in the area. The traffic generated by the proposeduse will not imposeanundue burden upon the streets andhighways in thearea.Vision 2025, theDowneyGeneral Plan, identifies Paramount Boulevardasa major arterial. Majorarterials provide access PLN-10-08161 12130 Paramount Boulevard March 2, 2011 - Page5 to the freewaysystem and serveasthrough routesfor trafficcrossing the City when freewaysarenot available. They are designedto accommodate traffic generated by commercial uses. The General Plan designates AlbiaStreet as a localstreet. Local streetsare designedtoprovide access to properties thatfrontuponthe street and for access to theadjacent neighborhood. They are not intended tobe used as through routes fromoneneighborhood toanother, and soaretypically designed withnarrowwidths intended to slowtraffic speeds.Albiaisalso a cul-de sac street that providesaccess tofifteen (15)single-familyresidences. Theadult care facility has adequate on-siteparking toaccommodatethe greater numberofparticipants at thefacilityand AltaMed provides a van servicetotransportthe majority of clientsto thesite.Therefore, Paramount Boulevard and Albia Street wouldbeabletoabsorb anyadditional traffic the requestedrevision to Conditional Use Permit94-40 may create. CORRESPONDENCE Asofthe date that this reportwas printed, staffhasnotreceived any correspondence regarding thismatter. CONCLUSION Staff recommends that the Planning Commissionapprove PLN-10-08161,AltaMed’s request to modify theconditionsof approvalfor Conditional Use Permit No.08-62 to increase the numberof employees andclients allowed atthe adultcare facility from127 persons to 200. éçúò÷ùè ìêíì÷êèã ZONING MAP PLN-10-08161 12130 Paramount Boulevard March 2, 2011 - Page6 éçúò÷ùè ìêíì÷êèã AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH SITE PHOTOGRAPH (WEST ELEVATION) PLN-10-08161 12130 Paramount Boulevard March 2, 2011 - Page7 SITE PHOTOGRAPH (SOUTH ELEVATION) SITE PHOTOGRAPH (SOUTH ELEVATION) PLN-10-08161 12130 Paramount Boulevard March 2, 2011 - Page8 SITE PHOTOGRAPH – PARTIAL EASTELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION H:\PLANNING\DAVIS\cases\cup\PLN-10-08161 (12130 Paramount)\Staff Report.doc PLN-10-08161 12130 Paramount Boulevard March 2, 2011 - Page9