HomeMy WebLinkAbout02. 10924 Paramount Blvd.-6 month review STAFF REPORT DATE: JANUARY 19, 2011 TO: PLANNINGCOMMISSION FROM: BRIAN SAEKI, DIRECTOROF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WILLIAM E. DAVIS, CITY PLANNER SUBJECT:CONDITIONALUSEPERMITNO.08-29–ASIX (6) MONTH REVIEW OF THE OPERATION AND COMPLIANCE WITH THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR AN EXISTING RESTAURANT(DOWNEY BREWING COMPANY) WITH ALCOHOL SALES (TYPE 75, ON-SALE GENERAL, BREW/ PUB) AND LIVE ENTERTAINMENT, AT 10924 PARAMOUNT BOULEVARD,ZONED C-3 (CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT) . BACKGROUND On November 17, 2010, the PlanningCommissionopened a public hearingtoconduct a six-month review ofDowney Brewing Company Restaurant todetermine whether the owner/operatorof the business, Mr. Walter Vazquez, complied withtheconditionsof approvalfor Conditional Use Permit No. 08-29, Revision“A”. Theconditionaluse permit allows Downey Brewing Companytooperate with an ABC Type 75(On-Sale General, Brew Pub) license anditallowsliveentertainmenton the premises. Thesix-month reviewcame aboutbecause Mr. Vasquezdid notcomplete certain tasksrequired by the conditions of approval within specific times.Those tasks involved landscaping, providing a trash enclosure,legalizing a structure above andenclosing the patioarea, resurfacingthe parking lot,andcleaning debrisfromstormdrains. The Planning Commission approved Conditional Use Permit No. 08-29, Revision “A” on September 2,2009; then granteda90-day extensionon January 20, 2010,followed by a six (6) months extension on April21, 2010. After receiving a staffreport and testimonyfrom Mr.Vasquezduring the November 17,2010public hearing, thePlanningCommission determined that hedid not completeall of the conditionsas required.Mr. Vasquez failedto legalize the patio cover, failedto install gates with self-latching panic hardwareat theoutdoordining area,failedto modify the gates toswing outward, andfailed toinstall theemergencyexit signas required by Condition 25.Mr. Vasquez has not constructed the trashenclosure, as Condition 42requires. Nevertheless, after Mr.Vasquezpromisedtopursue completion of thesetasks diligentlytheCommissiongrantedan additionalsixty (60)days for him to comply with Conditional Use Permit No. 08-29 Revision“A,” andcontinuedthepublic hearingto January 19, 2011. Please refer to the attached Staff Reportfromthe November 17, 2010Planning Commission meeting forfurther analysis. PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF DOWNEY, CALIFORNIA DISCUSSION During the past few months, staffhas spokenwith Mr.Sergio Vasquez,the applicant’s brother and theauthorized representative for Downey Brewing Company, to tracktheir efforts tocompletethe outstandingconditions.Mr. Vasquez submittedplans forthepatio coverand for the trash enclosure buthas not obtainedapermit for either structure. The DowneyBuilding and Safety Departmenthas not approved the patio coverbecauseMr. Vasquez failed toprovide a welding certificatefromthe companythat manufactured it .The manufacturer of the patiocover disputesthe needfor a welding certificate;however,the City and Mr. Vasquez areexploring other waysto determine thestructural integrity ofthe patiocover. The PlanningandPublic Works approved thetrashenclosure plans recently, andMr.Vasquez promises to obtain a building permit and begin construction of the trash enclosureimmediatelyafter the Building and SafetyDepartmentapproves the plans. Heaskedfor an additionalsixty (60) daystosatisfy Condition25and Condition 42. In addition to the unresolved conditions, the PlanningCommission did not address Mr. Vasquez’ requestfor another modification to theconditionsof approvalforthe Downey Brewing Company: he askedthata discjockeyor “DJ” belistedamong thedescription of “live entertainment”permitted at the restaurant. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommendsthatthePlanning Commission grant an additional sixty (60) daysforDowney Brewing Company to legalize the patio cover, install gateswith self-latching panic hardware at the outdoordiningarea, tomodifythe gates to swing outward, andto install theemergencyexit signas required byCondition 25; and to construct thetrash enclosure, as Condition 42 requires. Staff also recommends that the Planning Commission continue the public hearingon Conditional Use Permit No. 08-29, Revision “A”, to April 6,2011.ThePlanning Commission shouldnot consider Mr. Vasquez’request to list “DJ” among the descriptionof “live entertainment” permitted at the restaurant until he satisfiesConditions 25 and 42. H:\PLANNING\DAVIS\cases\cup\CUP 08-29 (Downey Brewing Company)\Staff Report (1-19-11).doc CUPNo. 08-29 10924 Paramount Blvd. January19, 2011 - Page2 STAFF REPORT DATE: NOVEMBER 17,2010 TO: PLANNINGCOMMISSION FROM: BRIAN SAEKI, DIRECTOROF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WILLIAM E. DAVIS, CITY PLANNER SUBJECT:CONDITIONALUSEPERMITNO.08-29–ASIX (6) MONTH REVIEW OF THE OPERATION AND COMPLIANCE WITH THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR AN EXISTING RESTAURANT(DOWNEY BREWING COMPANY) WITH ALCOHOL SALES (TYPE 75, ON-SALE GENERAL, BREW/ PUB) AND LIVE ENTERTAINMENT, AT 10924 PARAMOUNT BOULEVARD,ZONED C-3 (CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT) . CEQA Staffhas reviewedtheproposeduse incompliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelinesand been determinedthatit is categoricallyexempt from CEQA, pursuantto GuidelineSection No. 15304(e) (Class1, Existing Facilities). Categorical Exemptions are projects which havebeendeterminednot tohave asignificant effect on the environmentandhave been exemptedfrom therequirements ofthe CaliforniaEnvironmental Quality Act. Exempt activities under Class 1 consist ofthe operation, repair, maintenance, or minor alteration of existingstructures or facilities not expanding existinguses.Liveentertainment andkaraokeactivities at the restaurant will nothaveapermanenteffect ontheenvironment; thereby qualifying for the Class 1 exemption. CODE AUTHORIZATION: Section 9314.04 of theDowneyMunicipalCode requires a conditional use permit for restaurants, cafes, and coffeeestablishments with alcoholsalesand withliveentertainment.The Planning Commission’s authority to consider conditional use permit applications is set forthinSection9802of the Code . RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the following titled resolution: A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DOWNEYFINDING DOWNEY BREWING COMPANY TO BE IN NONCOMPLIANCEWITH THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FORCONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 08-29, REVISION A, ANDDIRECTING STAFF TO INITIATE A REVOCATIONPROCESS REGARDINGTHE RESTAURANT’S ALCOHOL SALES (TYPE75,ON-SALE GENERAL, BREW/PUB) AND LIVE ENTERTAINMENT, AT 10924 PARAMOUNT BOULEVARD, ZONED C-3(CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT) PLANNING DIVISION CITY OF DOWNEY, CALIFORNIA SITE LOCATION 10924 Paramount Boulevard SITE DESCRIPTION 1.Property Information Site Location:10924 Paramount Boulevard AIN No. 6251-038-013 2.Applicant Information Ricardo M. Vazquez Property Owners: Carico Investments, LLC 2266 Davie Avenue Commerce, CA 90040 Representative: Walter Vazquez Downey BrewingCompany 890 North Vail Avenue Montebello, CA 90640 3.CEQA Determination: Categorical Exemption (Class 1, Existing Facilities) 4. SurroundingProperties: Zone*Use Creative Beginnings North C-1 (NeighborhoodCommercial) Infant and Toddlers Day Care Center EastC-2(General Commercial)Creative Beginnings Pre-School C-2(General Commercial) andRives Mansion and West C-P (Professional Office)Retail Developments South C-3 (Central BusinessDistrict)VacantRestaurantBuilding * Zoning priorto November11, 2010. Currently, all propertiesare zoned DDSP (DowntownDowneySpecific Plan) CUPNo. 08-29 10924 Paramount Blvd. November17, 2010 - Page 2 BACKGROUND Walter Vazquezownsandoperatesthe Downey Brewing Company Co, locatedat 10924 Paramount Boulevard. Other restaurantssuch as Foxy’sandthe Nordic Fox occupied thesite before thecurrent useand received entitlements from the Cityoverthe years. The Planning Commission approvedthe sale of alcoholicbeverages atFoxy’sRestaurant onApril 3,2002, through Resolution No. 2188andon April16, 2008, the Planning Commissionapproved Conditional Use Permit No. 08-29 (Resolution No.2526), whichallowedliveentertainmentand karaoke onthe premises. Mr. Vazquez received a business licenseonSeptember17, 2008to operate theDowney Brewing Companyasa fullsit-downrestaurant. Healso assumed the previous owner’s Type 41alcohol license(on-sitesale ofbeer and wine, eatingestablishment). One yearlater, Mr.Vazquezsought the PlanningCommission’s approval of the following:to expandthehours he is permitted tohave live entertainment;to increase the numbersof live performersallowed at anygiventime;andto change thealcohol beveragecontrollicense froma Type 41(on-sale beerandwine, eating place) to a Type 75(on-sale general,brewpub). On September 2,2009, the Planning Commissiongranted Mr. Vazquez’request by approving Conditional Use Permit 08-29, RevisionA, through ResolutionNo.2596, subjecttoconditionsof approval; however, on December 11,2009, Mr. Vazquez,submittedaletter requesting that the Commissiongrant anadditional 90-day extensiontocomplete four ofthe conditionsregarding landscaping,a trashenclosure, resurfacing theparking lotand cleaning debris from stormdrains. OnJanuary 20,2010, the Planning Commissionadopted Resolution No.10-2624approving Conditional Use Permit No. 08-29, RevisionB, thereby modifyingthe conditions ofapprovalto allow Mr. Vazquez 90 additional daystocomply withthoseconditionsof approval.The resolution statedthat the Planning Commissionshall conductareview of CUP-08-29Revision A, six (6) months after theadoption ofResolutionNo. 2596. OnApril 21,2010, the DowneyPlanningCommission heldapublichearing to conduct a six-month reviewofDowney Brewing Company and to determine whether Mr. Vazquezcomplied withthe conditions of approval for Conditional Use Permit No. 08-29. The Planning Commission determined that hefailedto complete thefollowingconditions: 22.Theowner/applicant shall remove the existingwheel stopsalong the landscaped planter areas facingalong Paramount in frontofthe building andalongthe eastside ofthe building.Additionally,the owner/applicantshallremovethe cinder blocks installed inthe planterareaaround themonument sign. Theowner/applicant shall pour and place 6”high permanentconcrete around the landscape planters. In addition, the owner/applicant is required to landscape the planterareas with liveplantmaterials.The owner/applicant shall berequiredto completethis condition within 90 days ofthis adopted resolution. 23.Theowner/applicant shall repaint the existingmonument and freestanding signtrims and baseto matchtheexistingbuilding within30 days of this adopted resolution. 25.Theowner/applicant shall be required to legalize the new patio coverlocatedonthe south sideof thebuilding. Furthermore, the owner/applicant shall fullyenclose the perimeters of theoutdoor patio/dining area by installing gates with self-latchingpanic hardware on the west and east endsof the outdoor patio/dining area. The gates shall swing outward towards theparking lot. The east gate shall have a posted sign on the fence indicating that CUPNo. 08-29 10924 Paramount Blvd. November17, 2010 - Page 3 it is anemergency exitonly.The applicant shall complywith condition25within 90 daysof this adoptedresolution. 42.The owner/applicant shall provide a trashenclosurewithroof coverwithin 90 daysand is subjectto the City Planner’sapproval. However, after considering positive reviews of the business operation fromotherCity Departments, thePlanningCommissiongrantedMr. Vazquez a final six (6)months extensionto complete Conditions 22,23,25, and 42. On October7,2010, Mr. SergioVazquez, the applicant’s brother,submitteda letter torequest another modificationto theconditionsof approval forthe DowneyBrewing Company. Heasked that a DJbe listed amongthe description of“liveentertainment” permitted at therestaurant. DISCUSSION Staff inspectedthe subject site and determinedthatMr.Vazquez compliedwithCondition 22by removing the wheel stops from the landscaped planter areas, byremovingthe cinder blocks installed in theplanter areaaround themonument sign, andby installing six-inchhighcontinuous concretecurbs around thelandscape planters. He alsoinstalledplant materials within theplanter areas. Mr. Vazquez complied withCondition23byrepainting the trims around the freestandingsign and themonument sign. However, he failed to legalizethe patio cover; hefailed to install gates with self-latching panic hardware; the gateswere not modified to swingoutward; andtheemergency exit signwas not installed.Mr. Vazquez hasnot constructed the trashenclosure. Therefore,Mr. Vazquezfailedto comply withCondition25 and Condition 42. CUPNo. 08-29 10924 Paramount Blvd. November17, 2010 - Page 4 Sergio Vazquezhasdiscussed these issues withstaff. He expressed frustration about the requirements forbuilding a trash enclosure,which includeinstalling a grease trap.He broughta contractorinto City Hall todiscuss thespecificationsand location requirements for a trash enclosurebuthas notsubmittedplans forit. Mr. Vazquez was awareof thesix month deadline for completing theoutstandingconditions,yet he failedto completeConditions 25 and 42. ANALYSIS Section9824.04of theDowneyMunicipalCode provides thatany condition required by the Commission shallbe compliedwithand if such conditions are notmet,the Commission shall holda public hearingto determine if theconditional use permitshouldbe revoked. The Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 10-2635 with a Conditionstating that Conditions22, 23, 25,and42shall becompleted prior to October 20, 2010. It alsostipulatesthatif the conditions are not satisfied, thePlanningCommissionshall commencea revocationprocess for Conditional Use Permit No. 08-29, RevisionA. The Applicantfailed to meet this requirement,; therefore,the conditional use permit is subjectto revocation. CONCLUSION Pursuant with Section 9828 ofthe Code,staff findsthatthere arereasonablegrounds to revoke Conditional Use Permit No. 08-29, RevisionA, because the Applicant has had morethan one year to completeConditions 22,23,25, and 42. Therefore,staff recommends thePlanningCommission schedule a publichearingtoconsider revoking Conditional Use Permit No.08-29, Revision A. Staff also suggestsMr.Vazquez’ failureto complymakes it inappropriate to consider his brother’s requesttomodifythe conditions to include “DJ”among the descriptionof “live entertainment” permitted at Downey Brewing Company. Attachments: ZoningMap Aerial Photograph Resolution10-2691 Vazquez Letter (October 7, 2010) PreviousPlanning Commission Resolutions: 10-2635,09-2596, and2526 H:\PLANNING\DAVIS\cases\cup\CUP 08-29 (Downey Brewing Company)\Staff Report (6-monthReview).doc CUPNo. 08-29 10924 Paramount Blvd. November17, 2010 - Page 5 éçúò÷ùèìêíì÷êèã  çîèúð ZONING MAP (Pre- November11, 2010) éçúò÷ùè ìêíì÷êèã . THIRD ST AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH CUPNo. 08-29 10924 Paramount Blvd. November17, 2010 - Page 6 CUP No. 08-29 10924 Paramount Blvd. November 17, 2010 - Page 7